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The document ceased to be valid since July 30, 2024 according to Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2024 No. 643


of August 21, 2012 No. 1203

About approval of the Regulations on Presidential Directorate for Supporting Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 18-07-2018)

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on Presidential Directorate for Supporting Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

2. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2012 No. 1203

Regulations on Presidential Directorate for Supporting Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation

1. Presidential Directorate for Supporting Activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation (further - Management) is independent division of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

2. Management in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Regulations on Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, administrative decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, and also this Provision.

3. The regulations on Management affirm the President of the Russian Federation on representation of the Head of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

4. The main objectives of Management are:

a) information and analytical and organizational support of realization by the President of the Russian Federation of its constitutional powers in the field of the approved functioning and interaction of public authorities;

and. 1) the organization and ensuring interaction of the President of the Russian Federation with the expert organizations, monitoring and the analysis of social processes;

b) preparation within the competence, generalization and representation to the President of the Russian Federation and to the Head of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation of materials on development of state policy in the sphere of social and economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, on differentiation of powers in objects of joint maintaining between federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies;

c) preparation of offers on determination of the priority directions of state policy in the field of physical culture and sport and measures for its realization, for increase in role of physical culture and sport in human development, on creation of the conditions providing opportunity for citizens of Russia to lead healthy lifestyle;

century 1) preparation of offers on determination of the priority directions of state policy in the field of aircraft of general purpose, and also on development of strategy and development programs of aircraft of general purpose;

century 2) preparation of offers on determination of the priority directions of spatial development of the Russian Federation, increase in level of coherence of the territory of the Russian Federation and elimination of logistic and transport restrictions when moving goods and transporting passengers;

d) preparation of offers to the President of the Russian Federation and the Head of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation concerning political planning;

e) ensuring activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the advisory commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the working group on monitoring of accomplishment of decisions of the State Council of the Russian Federation and its presidium, activities of Council in case of the President of the Russian Federation for development of physical culture and sport (further - Council for sport), the Commissions in case of the President of the Russian Federation concerning development of aircraft of general purpose and navigation and information technologies on the basis of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system;

e) information and analytical providing working trips of the President of the Russian Federation to subjects of the Russian Federation, and also providing within the competence of actions with participation of the President of the Russian Federation.

5. The main management functions are:

a) ensuring preparation of drafts of work plans of the State Council of the Russian Federation, presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, Council for sport, the Commission in case of the President of the Russian Federation concerning development of aircraft of general purpose and navigation and information technologies on the basis of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system;

and. 1) collection and generalization of information on tendencies of development of social processes;

and. 2) participation in preparation of meetings of the President of the Russian Federation and management of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation with representatives of expert community and the expert organizations;

b) information and analytical and organizational support of activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation, presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the advisory commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the working group on monitoring of accomplishment of decisions of the State Council of the Russian Federation and its presidium, activities of Council for sport, the Commission in case of the President of the Russian Federation concerning development of aircraft of general purpose and navigation and information technologies on the basis of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system, their working bodies, and also providing within the competence of actions with participation of the President of the Russian Federation;

c) participation in preparation, carrying out and information and analytical providing working trips of the President of the Russian Federation to subjects of the Russian Federation, meetings of the State Council of the Russian Federation, presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the advisory commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation, Council for sport, the Commission in case of the President of the Russian Federation concerning development of aircraft of general purpose and navigation and information technologies on the basis of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system, meetings and events held by the President of the Russian Federation including concerning defense, protection of public order and ensuring public safety, spatial development of the Russian Federation, increase in level of coherence of the territory of the Russian Federation and elimination of logistic and transport restrictions when moving goods and transporting passengers;


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