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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On July 31, 2012 No. 2383


of July 24, 2012 No. 2012-13

About approval of Rules of provision and the publication of information in the security market

(as amended on 06-07-2023)

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the security market", the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 13, 2021 No. UP-6207 "About Measures for Further Market Development of the Capital", I order:

1. Approve Rules of provision and the publication of information in the security market according to appendix.

2. This order becomes effective after ten days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

V.i.o. CEO

A. Obidov


to the Order of the CEO of the Center for coordination and control of functioning of the security market under the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 24, 2012 No. 2012-13

Rules of provision and the publication of information in the security market

These rules establish procedure for provision and the publication of information in the security market.

Chapter I. General provisions

1. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:

disclosure of information - ensuring availability of information in the security market to interested persons irrespective of the purposes of receipt of this information in the forms guaranteeing its stay and obtaining;

essential fact - the changes which happened in financial and economic activities or corporate actions of the issuer capable to affect the price of securities or the size of the income on them;

members of the security market are issuers of securities, owners of securities, investors, professional participants of the security market, exchange and Central Securities Depository;

affiliates of society are persons interested in making of the transaction by society;

the professional participant of the security market - the legal entity who performs professional activity in the security market;

the owner of securities - legal entity or physical person to which securities belong on the property right or other corporeal right;

the issuer - the legal entity issuing issued securities and incurring obligations on them to their owners;

the investor - the legal entity or physical person acquiring securities on its own behalf and at own expense;

authorized state body on regulation of the security market - the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2. Requirements of these rules do not extend to issuers

government securities.

3. Disclosure of information is performed in the way:

in mass media, on the Single portal of corporate information of authorized state body on regulation of the security market (further - the Single portal of corporate information) and on the official website of the issuer;

provisions of reports, data and other information.

4. The professional participant of the security market, the issuer, stock exchange for provision to investors and owners of securities of the Republic of Uzbekistan provided by the Law "About the security market" information on paper can levy payment in the amount of, not exceeding costs for its copying.

5. If the termination of term of disclosure of information according to these rules falls on non-working day, the first working day following it is considered day of the termination of term of disclosure of information.

6. The member of the security market in connection with disclosure of unreliable information shall within five working days from the date of its identification take measures for correction of these data, by repeated disclosure of information by the same method, having specified the reason of corrections.

6-1. In the security market issue of securities without disclosure of information relating to the issuer or to securities and also use of insider information is forbidden.

Chapter II. Disclosure of information by the issuer

7. The issuer opens information:

in the prospectus of the issue of securities;

in the quarterly and annual statement of the issuer;

in messages on essential facts in activities of the issuer;

Also, the issuer opens information specified in these rules on the Single portal of corporate information and on the official website.

8. The issuer shall:

provide the prospectus of the issue of securities and the annual statement of the issuer for acquaintance to all interested persons;

opens by placement on the Single portal of corporate information and on the official website:

data on the place and procedure for acquaintance with the text of the prospectus of the issue of securities, and also information specified in paragraphs the second, the fourth, fifth and twelfth to part two of article 44 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the security market", at least in two weeks prior to securities placement except for of private placement of securities;

the annual statement, within two weeks after holding the annual general shareholder meeting or other supreme body of management of the issuer;

the report of the issuer following the results of the first quarter, the first half of the year and nine months within a month following reporting;

information on the bargain concluded between the issuer and the affiliate - within 72 hours from the moment of its conclusion;

the Material Fact Statement in activities of the issuer within two working days from the date of its approach except for messages on the conclusion of the transaction with affiliates.

The issuer - joint-stock company:

since January 1, 2015 shall open on the official website information specified in paragraphs five, the sixth and seventh this Item and also other information specified in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About joint-stock companies and protection of shareholder rights" and the Regulations on requirements to corporate websites of joint-stock companies approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 2, 2014 No. 176;

which shares are included in listing of stock exchange, shall open on the official website of stock exchange the text of the charter of society, including changes and amendments to it, and also other information which is subject to obligatory disclosure, according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

9. The issuer, except information, stipulated in Item 8 these rules, can provide to investors and other information according to the legislation.

10. The report of the issuer is provided in the corresponding form, according to appendices No. No. 1 and 2 to these rules.

10-1. The issuer opens information taking place as a result of activities within two working days from the date of their origin on the Single portal of corporate information and on the official website, in shape according to appendices 2-1 - 2-8.

11. The issuer opens information on the essential facts in the activities provided by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the security market" according to the list given in appendix No. 3 in the corresponding form according to appendices No. No. 3-1 - 3-37 to these rules

12. The authorized body of management of the issuer which made the decision owing to which in activities of the issuer there was essential fact shall after execution of this decision in accordance with the established procedure without delay present to its executive body the issuer and provide disclosure of information on him according to requirements of these rules.

13. Disclosure of information in electronic form is performed without collection of payment from the issuer.

14. Assurance by the issuer of information opened in electronic form is performed by the digital signature according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

Chapter III. Disclosure of information by the professional participant of the security market, organizer of the biddings by securities, owner of securities and investor

15. Upon the demand of investors the professional participant of the security market provides information provided in article 45 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the security market" and shall notify investors on the right to this information.

16. The professional participant of the security market within two working days in writing informs authorized state body on regulation of the security market on making:

within one quarter of transactions only with securities of one issuer;

one-time transaction with securities of one issuer if the number of securities on this transaction made at least 15 percent from total quantity of the specified securities.

Information opened according to this Item shall contain the name of the issuer, type, quantity, type of securities, and also percent from total quantity of these securities.

Investment funds open information according to the procedure, the stipulated in Article 44 Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the security market".

17. The professional participant of the security market represents to authorized state body on regulation of the security market of the data, according to the license agreement.

18. The professional participant of the security market no later than thirty days after the termination of every quarter provides to authorized state body on regulation of the security market:

the copy of the balance sheet (except banks and insurers) certified by the signature of the head of executive body;

the report on own means and annual average cost of investment assets, in form, according to appendix No. 4 to these rules (for trustees investment assets).

19. Organizers of the biddings by securities open:

rules of transactions at the biddings;

the list of the securities admitted to trading;

other information according to the legislation.

20. The organizer of the biddings by securities upon the demand of authorized state body on regulation of the security market provides information on results of consideration of the applications, offers and claims of investors.

21. The owner of securities within five days from the date of transaction as a result of which he entered ownership of 35 or more percent of any kind of securities of the issuer shall open this information to the issuer with indication of date of the conclusion of the transaction, the number of securities and the acquired share (percentage of total quantity of securities), and also the location (postal address).

The issuer shall open this information on the Single portal of corporate information and on the official website within two working days from the date of receipt.

22. The shareholder shall open information to the issuer within five days about acquisition independently or together with affiliates as a result of one or several transactions of the block of shares of the joint-stock company constituting in total 20 and more percent from the authorized capital of this joint-stock company in form according to appendix No. 5 to these rules.

The issuer shall open this information on the Single portal of corporate information and on the official website within two working days from the date of receipt.

Person who became owner 50 and more percent of shares of society within thirty days shall announce in mass media the offer to owners of other shares to sell to it shares on market value, and also to notify on it the issuer by the notification.

The issuer shall open this information on the Single portal of corporate information and on the official website within two working days from the date of receipt.

23. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 29.07.2022 No. 26

Chapter III-1. Disclosure of information by affiliates of joint-stock company

23-1. Society about the affiliation with detailed specifying of the data established in these rules no later than three working days shall notify the affiliate of joint-stock company in writing from the moment of emergence of the bases of affiliation according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About joint-stock companies and protection of shareholder rights".

23-2. The notification on the legal entities who are affiliates of joint-stock company shall contain the following information about affiliates:

full name;

form of business;

location and postal address, and also in the presence e-mail address and website;

identification taxpayer number (ITN);

the basis on which they are affiliates of this joint-stock company;

date with which they are affiliates of this joint-stock company;

the quantity belonging to them, type and percent of voting shares of joint-stock company;

copy of the constituent document.

23-3. The notification on the physical persons which are affiliates of joint-stock company shall contain the following information about affiliates:

surname, name, middle name;

residence, and also in the presence e-mail address;

personal identification number of physical person (PINPP);

the basis on which they are affiliates of this joint-stock company;

date with which they are affiliates of this society;

the quantity belonging to them, type and percent of voting shares;

copy of the identity document.

Chapter IV. Final provisions

24. If the termination of term of disclosure of information by the issuer falls on day of emergence of technical malfunctions in work of the website of authorized state body on regulation of the security market and (or) stock exchange, day of the termination of term of disclosure of information the next first working day after day of elimination of technical malfunctions in work of the website is considered.

25. The member of the security market bears responsibility for completeness and reliability of information opened by it.

25-1. If as a result of non-presentation because of the affiliate of information provided by Items 23-2 and 23-3 of these rules, or its untimely representation to the issuer property damage is caused, the affiliate bears before the issuer responsibility in the amount of the caused damage.

26. Persons guilty of violation of requirements of these rules bear responsibility according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

Appendix No. 1

to Rules of provision and the publication of information in the security market

The quarterly statement of the issuer following the results of the first quarter / the first half-year / nine months ____ years





Name of exchange ticker: *




Postal address:

E-mail address: *

Official website: *



The name of the serving bank:

Number of the settlement account:




registering body:

body of the State Tax Service (INN):

Numbers assigned by bodies of the state statistics:






(one thousand bags.)

Name of indicator

P. code.

For the beginning of the accounting period

By the end of the reporting period



Name of indicator

P. code.

For the corresponding period of last year

For the accounting period

income (profit)

expenses (losses)

income (profit)

expenses (losses)


(one thousand bags.)

Name of indicator

P. code.

For the beginning of the accounting period

By the end of the reporting period



Name of indicator

P. code.

For the corresponding period of last year

For the accounting period

income (profit)

expenses (losses)

income (profit)

expenses (losses)


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