Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 23, 2012 No. 667

About some questions of work with addresses of citizens and legal entities

(as amended on 22-12-2023)

Based on part two of article 35 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2008 "About Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" and for the purpose of streamlining in state bodies and the state organizations (except for diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Republic of Belarus) (further, unless otherwise specified, - the organizations) works with the addresses of citizens and legal entities which arrived during hot lines and direct phone lines the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 424-Z

1. Determine that:

1.1. the organization of carrying out hot lines and direct phone lines for questions urgent for citizens and legal entities is performed by heads of the organizations.

Citizens and legal entities address to the hot line of the organization for help and consulting nature, connected with its activities.

During direct phone line citizens and legal entities address to the organization for the questions entering its competence or for in advance planned subject caused by its relevance;

1.2. hot line is drawn by specialists of the organization in working hours in the working days. At the same time additional days and time of its carrying out can be established by the head of the organization.

The procedure for carrying out the hot line and work with the addresses arriving during its carrying out is established by the head of the organization. The addresses which arrived during the hot line are not subject to registration;

1.3. direct phone line is drawn by heads of the organizations except for specified in parts two both to third this subitem and their deputies at least once a quarter.

By heads of republican state bodies and (or) their deputies, chairmen regional (The Minsk city) executive committees and (or) their deputies managing affairs direct phone line it is drawn according to the schedule the second Saturday of every month from 9:00 till 12:00.

By heads of district, city executive committees, local administrations of areas in the cities and (or) their deputies managing affairs direct phone line it is drawn according to the schedule every Saturday from 9:00 till 12:00.

According to the decision of heads of these bodies direct phone lines on the questions entering their competence or on in advance planned subject are carried out by chiefs of structural divisions of republican state bodies (further – the chief of structural division) every Saturday from 9:00 to 12.00, except for the second Saturday of month.

If necessary, caused including significant amount of addresses, direct phone lines can be drawn more often and more long time.

The clerical work according to the addresses which arrived during direct phone line is conducted in the organizations according to the procedure, established by the head of the organization, taking into account requirements of this resolution;

1.4. information on carrying out the hot line, direct phone line is brought to the general attention by its placement in mass media, the global computer Internet, at information stands (board) of the organization;

1.5. when carrying out the hot line and direct phone line according to the decision of the head of the organization the audio recording with the notification on it of citizens and legal entities can be performed.

Acceptance of addresses during the hot line or direct phone line can be stopped if:

the citizen or the representative of the legal entity allows the use of obscene or offensive words or expressions;

addresses contain threats of life, to health and property, motivation to making of illegal act either the citizen or the representative of the legal entity otherwise abuses the right to the address;

reasons to believe are had that the address purpose during direct phone line is discredit of the Republic of Belarus, including its state bodies and officials;

1.6. in case of the address to direct phone line the citizen shall report the surname, own name, middle name (if that is available), the residential address (the place of stay), and the representative of the legal entity – surname, own name, middle name (if that is available), the name of the legal entity represented to them and his location, to state address essence.

In case of failure of the face which addressed to direct phone line to report the data specified in part one of this subitem to him it is told that the address anonymous, and the answer to such address is not given. In case such address contains data on the preparing, committed or committed crime or other offense, person is offered to address to the relevant law enforcement or other state bodies or this appeal is sent to such bodies no later than the working day following behind day of its receipt;

1.7. during direct phone line citizens and legal entities are given complete and irrefragable answers on the questions raised by them within competence of the organization, and during the direct phone line drawn by the chief of structural division – within its competence.

In need of additional studying of question, conducting special check or request of the relevant information the address is registered in day of its receipt by registration of registration and control card in form according to appendix. In case of receipt of the address to non-working day it is registered not later than in the first working day following it;

1.8. if the address or the separate questions raised in it which arrived during direct phone line are not within the competence of the organization, is explained to the citizen and the legal entity to what organization they need to address.

If in the address which arrived during direct phone line questions on which the organization already gave answers (notifications are directed, correspondence on the questions stated in the address is stopped), including within personal acceptance are raised, to the citizen and the representative of the legal entity it is explained that such address was considered earlier, and the answer to it is not given.

If the address or the separate questions raised in it which arrived during direct phone line are not within the competence of the chief of the structural division drawing direct phone line, the citizen and the legal entity is offered to address according to the procedure, provided by legal acts.

The addresses specified in parts of first or third of this subitem are not subject to registration;

1.9. the addresses which are not permitted during direct phone line are subject to consideration in fifteen-day time from the date of, following behind day of registration of appeals to the organizations.

In need of additional studying of question, conducting special check or request of the relevant information the term of consideration of such addresses can be prolonged up to one month.


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