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The document ceased to be valid since September 3, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 21, 2015 No. 657


of June 18, 2012 No. 798

About approval of Rules of control of completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases

According to item 4 of article 158-1 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of control of completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases.

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after the first official publication.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2012 No. 798

Rules of control of completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases

1. General provisions

1. These rules of control of completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases (further - Rules) determine procedure for monitoring procedure of completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases.

2. In these rules the following concepts are used:

1) transparency - the openness of process of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases opening the methodology used when calculating emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases;

2) the base year - the year established for accomplishment of obligations by the Republic of Kazakhstan under Article 3 of the Kyoto protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention about climate change;

3) completeness - scope the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases of all sources, absorbers, greenhouse gases within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Control of completeness, transparency and reliability (further - control) the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases is carried out by the subordinated organization of authorized body in the field of environmental protection (further - the organization).

2. Procedure for control of completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases

4. Authorized body in the field of environmental protection (daleeupolnomochenny body) till May 1 the working schedule on control of completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases affirms every year.

5. Control is carried out at each stage of carrying out the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases, including stages of planning of procedure of payments and identification of information needs, the carrying out the analysis obtained supplied and the information, assessment of intermediate and final results.

6. The organization considers documentation received for accounting within the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases on completeness, proceeding from the following criteria:

1) the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases covers data for all years, beginning from basic to reporting;

2) the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases covers all main sources and absorbers;

3) lack of the emissions this in the course of the state inventory count and absorption of greenhouse gases documentary is fixed.

7. The organization considers documentation received for accounting within the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases on reliability, proceeding from the following criteria:

1) comparability of the emissions this to the state inventory count and absorption of greenhouse gases with the estimates made by the third parties;

2) comparability of the emissions this to the state inventory count and absorption of greenhouse gases with the data obtained by means of other methods determining amount of emissions of greenhouse gases;

3) comparability of the emissions this to the state inventory count and absorption of greenhouse gases with data of other states.

8. The organization considers documentation received for accounting within the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases on transparency, proceeding from the following criteria:

1) availability of the approved techniques used for carrying out the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases;

2) availability of the emissions used for carrying out the state inventory count and absorption of greenhouse gases of techniques;

3) openness of the emissions this to the state inventory count and absorption of greenhouse gases.

9. The organization till September 30 every year carries out control of completeness and accuracy of the data.

10. In case of detection of incompleteness and unauthenticity of the obtained data, the organization performs the additional charge and refining of the relevant information.

11. The organization prepares till December 1 every year by results of the carried-out work the conclusion about completeness, transparency and reliability of the state inventory count of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases.

12. The conclusion is sent for consideration to the independent experts, profile scientific institutions or other organizations which were not directly involved in preparation of the state inventory count of sources of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases.

13. The organization performs completion of the conclusion taking into account notes and proposals of independent experts, profile scientific institutions and the organizations and sends the modifed conclusion to authorized body till February 15 of the next year.

14. In case of disagreement with notes and proposals of independent experts, profile scientific institutions and organizations, the organization represents to the corresponding persons the reasoned reasons for the reasons on which the corresponding notes and offers were not considered.


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