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The document ceased to be valid since February 11, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of January 21, 2023 No. 32


of May 31, 2012 No. 350

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for carrying out the state metrological supervision

(as amended on 16-05-2017)

According to the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About ensuring unity of measurements", "About bases of technical regulation in the Kyrgyz Republic", "About procedure for conducting checks of subjects of entrepreneurship" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for carrying out the state metrological supervision according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective after 15 days from the date of official publication.

First vice-Prime Minister

A. Karashev


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 31, 2012 No. 350

Regulations on procedure for carrying out the state metrological supervision

1. General provisions

1. The basic concepts applied in this provision:

the state metrological supervision - the activities performed by state body of the executive authority, specially authorized Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for implementation of check of observance of mandatory requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring unity of measurements;

measurement - set of the transactions on use of the technical tool storing unit of physical quantity providing finding of ratio (in obvious or implicit type) the measured size with its unit and receipt of value of this size;

gage - the technical tool intended for measurements, having the normalized metrological characteristics;

alienation of goods are transactions in case of which goods pass from property of one subject (seller) into property of other subject (buyer). At the same time goods quantity is determined as a result of the procedure of measurements, and the price and cost are fixed;

packaged goods in packagings (further - ready packagings) - goods in packagings which pack up pack and seal in the absence of the consumer, at the same time content of packaging cannot be changed without its opening and deformation, and the weight, amount, length, the area or other sizes specifying quantity of the goods containing in packaging are designated on packaging.

2. The provision establishes procedure for carrying out by the State inspectorate for ecological and technical safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - State ecotechnical inspection) the state metrological supervision (further - GMN) behind observance of requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring unity of measurements, metrological rules and regulations in the sphere of state regulation determined by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About ensuring unity of measurements".

3. Basic principles of GMN:

- the presumption of conscientiousness of the checked business entities, that is business entity is not recognized violated mandatory requirements and other conditions if other is not established;

- openness and availability to business entities of the acts establishing mandatory requirements and conditions which observance is checked when carrying out GMN;

- continuity and efficiency of carrying out GMN, that is complete, its most bystry implementation during fixed term.

4. Body, authorized to exercise the state metrological supervision:

- GMN is performed by officials of State ecotechnical inspection - the head of the structural unit on metrological supervision - the chief state metrological supervision inspector and the state metrological supervision inspectors (further - state inspectors);

- GMN can be conducted independently by State ecotechnical inspection or together with other control supervisory authorities.

GMN is carried out by one state inspector, or the commission headed by the state inspector responsible for carrying out supervision.

The commission, structure, the head of carrying out are determined by the head of the structural unit by metrological supervision of State ecotechnical inspection. Carrying out GMN requires order availability on conducting check in the form provided in appendix 1 to this Provision.

5. The state metrological supervision is exercised for:

- release, condition and use of measuring instruments (further - the SI), including standard samples of structure and properties of substances (materials), observance of normative, legal acts in the field of ensuring unity of measurements, metrological rules and regulations;

- goods quantity, the trading activities alienated when making, for the purpose of determination of the valid value of weight, amount, expense or other sizes and compliance to the realized quantity of these goods;

- by quantity of packaged goods in packagings of any kind in case of their packing, sale, import in cases when content of packaging cannot be changed without its opening or deformation, and the weight, amount, length, the area or other sizes specifying quantity of the goods containing in packaging are designated on packaging.

6. The state metrological supervision extends to the sphere of state regulation:

on health care, veterinary science;

on environmental protection, traffic circulation safety;

on providing safe conditions and labor protection;

on implementation of trading activities and mutual calculations between the producer (seller) and the consumer (buyer), when accounting energy and material resources regarding ensuring unity of measurements (electrical, heat energy, gas, water and t.l.), except for the internal accounting which is carried out by the companies, the organizations and citizens - business entities;

on services of mail service and accounting of amount of the rendered services of telecommunication (duration of connection and amount of traffic);

on implementation of activities in the obligatory sphere of technical regulation.

7. Subject GMN in the field of health care, veterinary science, environmental protection, safety of traffic circulation, providing safe conditions and labor protection, trading activities and mutual calculations, services of mail service and accounting of amount of the rendered services of telecommunication (duration of connection and amount of traffic) are:

- availability of system of ensuring control of the applied SI;

- availability of person responsible for condition of the applied SI;

- availability of the approved schedule with indication of frequency of checking of the SI and control of their accomplishment;

- traceability of standards and SI;

- identification of standards and documentary registration of their metrological and technical characteristics;

- availability of conditions for work of standards and documentary drawn up rules of application and storage of standards;

- compliance of the uncertainty of measurements received as a result of calibration (checking) of standard, to the requirements determined by purpose of this standard;

- application of standards only as means of checking (calibration) or for interlaboratory checkings and for any other purposes;

- use of standards only by qualified personnel; appointment of personally responsible persons for standards;

- availability of the approved and acknowledged procedures for checking/calibration and use of standards;

- establishment of the intercalibrating (intertesting) intervals determined according to characteristics of standards;

- availability and completeness of the list of the SI used in the sphere of state regulation of ensuring unity of measurements;

- right of carrying out checking of the SI by forces of this legal entity;

- certification of techniques of accomplishment of the measurements used in the sphere of state regulation of ensuring unity of measurements;

- approval of type and checking of the SI used in the sphere of state regulation;

- compliance of condition of the SI and conditions of their operation to the established requirements for the form provided in appendix 2 to this Provision;


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