of June 11, 2012 No. 35
About approval of the Instruction about procedure of payments of net assets value and recognition voided some regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus and their separate structural elements
Based on subitem 1.2 of Item 1 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 27, 2008 No. 950 "About some questions of cost determination of net assets", subitem 4.32 of item 4 and Item 10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1585 "Questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about procedure of payments of net assets value.
2. Recognize invalid:
Item 8 of the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of January 11, 2010 No. 2 "About single questions of conducting financial accounting, creation and submission of accounting records by insurance companies and modification and amendments in some resolutions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 58, 8/21857);
the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of April 8, 2010 No. 45 "About modification and amendments in the Instruction about procedure of payments of net assets value" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 107, 8/22254);
the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of October 19, 2010 No. 113 "About modification of the Instruction about procedure of payments of net assets value" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 264, 8/22895);
Item 2 of the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of November 30, 2010 No. 143 "About entering of amendments and changes into some resolutions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2011, No. 3, 8/23150).
3. This resolution becomes effective since August 31, 2012.
Minister A. M. Harkovets
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of fvinans of the Republic of Belarus of June 11, 2012 No. 35
1. This Instruction determines procedure of payments the commercial organizations (except for banks, the non-bank credit and financial organizations) (further – the organizations) net assets values, structure of the assets and liabilities accepted to calculation of the net assets value, taking into account features performed by these organizations of activities.
2. Net assets value is determined by the organizations (except for the insurance companies and legal entities performing professional and exchange activities for securities) for January 1 if other frequency is not established by the legislation, based on data of the balance sheet which form is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus (further – the balance sheet) as difference between asset cost, accepted to calculation of net assets value (further – the assets accepted to calculation), and the cost of obligations assumed to calculation of net assets value (further – obligations assumed to calculation). Calculation of net assets value of the organization is perfromed according to appendix 1.
3. Net assets value is determined by insurance companies on the first day of the first month of every quarter based on data of the balance sheet as difference between asset cost, the obligations accepted to calculation, and cost assumed to calculation. Calculation of net assets value of insurance company is perfromed according to appendix 2.
4. The legal entities performing professional and exchange activity on securities (further – professional participants of the security market), net assets value is determined on the first day of every month based on data of the balance sheet as difference between asset cost, the obligations accepted to calculation, and the cost assumed to calculation, taking into account features performed by these legal entities of activities. Calculation of net assets value of the professional participant of the security market is perfromed according to appendix 3.
5. The organizations join in structure of the assets accepted to calculation:
5.1. non-current assets, including:
fixed assets;
intangible assets;
profitable investments in tangible assets;
investments in non-current assets (including the equipment to installation and construction materials);
long-term financial investments;
deferred tax assets;
long-term receivables;
other non-current assets;
5.2. current assets, including:
the non-current assets intended for realization;
deferred expenses;
the value added tax on goods purchased, works, services;
short-term receivables;
short-term financial investments;
money and their equivalents;
other current assets.
6. Insurance companies the structure of the assets accepted to calculation joins share of overcautious persons in insurance reserves.
7. Professional participants of the security market the structure long-term and the short-term financial investments joins shares and personalized privatization checks "Property" in the following procedure:
shares according to which market price is calculated, – at the acquisition price taking into account revaluation in connection with change of their market price;
shares according to which market price is not calculated, – at the acquisition price taking into account revaluation in connection with change of their nominal value;
personalized privatization checks "Property" – at the acquisition price.
8. Professional participants of the security market do not join in structure of the assets accepted to calculation:
shares (except for the shares allowed to the address in trade system of Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange open joint stock company according to which market price is calculated) and (or) personalized privatization checks "Property" which amount in total exceeds 75 percent of the minimum extent of net assets value determined by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
the delayed and prolonged receivables of participants (founders) of the professional participant of the security market, and also its affiliates, debt of the physical persons and legal entities which donated means to the professional participant of the security market (in the amount which is not exceeding the donated means);
the loans granted by the professional participant of the security market to physical and (or) legal entities, except for the loans which are drawn up by bonds.
Requirements of part one of this Item do not extend to Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange open joint stock company and the republican unitary enterprise "Republican Central Securities Depository".
9. The organizations join in structure of obligations assumed to calculation:
9.1. long-term obligations, including:
long-term loans and loans (except for percent on them);
long-term obligations on leasing payments;
deferred tax liabilities;
deferred revenues;
reserves of the forthcoming payments;
other long-term obligations;
9.2. short-term obligations, including:
short-term loans and loans (except for percent on them);
short-term part of long-term obligations;
short-term accounts payable (including percent on the credits and loans);
the obligations intended for realization;
deferred revenues;
reserves of the forthcoming payments;
other short-term obligations.
10. Insurance companies the structure of obligations assumed to calculation join insurance reserves and funds.
11. The asset cost, the obligations accepted to calculation, and cost assumed to calculation is determined in Belarusian rubles.
to the Instruction about procedure of payments of net assets value
Calculation of net assets value of the organization
on 1 _____________ 20 __.
№ |
Name of indicators |
On _________ 20 __. |
For December 31 20 __. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
Including: |
including: |
1.1.2 |
intangible assets |
1.1.3 |
profitable investments in tangible assets |
1.1.4 |
investments in non-current assets |
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