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of December 27, 2011 No. 274

About integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova

(as amended on 09-06-2022)

Considering need of establishment of the single legal base for integration of foreigners into economic, social and cultural life of the Republic of Moldova, providing their rights and freedoms and determination of their obligations,

The parliament adopts this organic law.

This law partially shifts the Directive 2011/95/EU of the European Parliament and Council of December 13, 2011 about standards of qualification of citizens of the third countries or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, about the single status for refugees or for persons having the right to additional protection, and also about content of the provided protection (processed), published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 337 of December 20, 2011.

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1. Field of regulation

This law regulates process and methods of assistance of integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova.

Article 2. Scope of application

(1) This law extends to the following categories of foreigners:

a) foreigners owners of the right to temporary stay;

b) foreigners owners of the right to permanent stay;

c) foreigners for whom the status of the stateless person in the Republic of Moldova is acknowledged;

d) persons using international protection or political asylum.

(2) do not fall Under operation of this law:

a) foreigners owners of the right to temporary stay in connection with long-term medical, sanatorium or recovery treatment, with other types of activity which are not assuming provision of the right to permanent stay in the Republic of Moldova;

b) the foreigners using temporary protection;

c) persons having according to the law the right to nationality or recovery in nationality of the Republic of Moldova;

d) other categories of persons for which the particular legal regime according to the national legal system or the international rules is set.

Article 3. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this law the following basic concepts mean:

integration - process of active participation of the foreigners who received international protection, either political asylum, or the right to stay in the Republic of Moldova in economic, social and cultural life of the Moldavian society which they are authorized to make the contribution and to realize all the potential as members of this society, to perform the rights and obligations without discrimination and social isolation to own advantage and for the benefit of the state. Process of integration has complex and partisipativny nature and assumes involvement both the foreigner, and responsible bodies of the public power;

measures for integration - package of measures, provided by the state for simplification of integration process;

sociocultural adaptation - receipt of minimum by foreigners of general knowledge of society, culture, economy and history of the Republic of Moldova, necessary for social coexistence;

the program of integration - package of measures and the actions necessary for assistance of social integration of foreigners who received international protection or political asylum in the Republic of Moldova, performed, on their request, by cooperation between bodies of the public power of the central and local level and the non-governmental sector;

the obligation on integration - the contribution agreement in the program of integration signed in writing between the applicant of the program of integration and competent authority for foreigners;

the individual plan of integration - set of the actions for integration determined for the beneficiary of the program of integration by participants of process;

the specialized help - the help provided by qualified personnel in specially equipped centers for particular cases.

Article 4. Basic principles

(1) Process of integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova is performed with respect for the principles of nondiscrimination, the highest interests of the child and the equal address.

(2) Measures for integration of foreigners are performed by assessment of each case separately.


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