of June 27, 2012 No. 594
About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 2, 2010 No. 161-Z "About veterinary activities"
Based on paragraphs of the twelfth, seventeenth, twentieth – the twenty second 8, parts three of Article 26 and part three of article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 2, 2010 No. 161-Z "About veterinary activities" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: Articles
1. Approve:
The regulations on procedure for forming, replenishment, updating, storage and use of reserve fund of veterinary medicines (are applied);
The regulations on procedure for rendering veterinary services, including paid (are applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
M. Myasnikovich
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 27, 2012 No. 594
1. This Provision developed based on paragraphs of the seventeenth and twenty second of Article 8, of part three of article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About veterinary activities" determines procedure for forming, replenishment, updating, storage and use of reserve fund of veterinary medicines.
2. The reserve fund of veterinary medicines is created at the expense of the veterinary medicines registered in one of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union if other is not determined by the legislation, international legal acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union for the purpose of creation of minimum necessary inventory of the veterinary medicines intended for realization of the antiepizootic actions providing prevention and diagnosis of infectious diseases of animals, their treatment and also for taking measures to non-admission of distribution and liquidation of the centers of infectious diseases of animals.
3. Purchase of veterinary medicines for forming, replenishments and updates of reserve fund of veterinary medicines, and also financing of the expenses connected with storage, leave, loading (unloading), transportation of veterinary medicines, accomplishment of other works (services) within realization of veterinary actions with use of veterinary medicines of reserve fund are performed at the expense of means of the republican budget.
4. The reserve fund of veterinary medicines is at the disposal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
5. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food based on the analysis of epizootic situation and the forecast of emergence of diseases of animals in which actions for prevention, diagnostics, treatment of diseases of animals and liquidation of the centers of infectious diseases of animals are held at the expense of means republican and local budgets, according to appendix, performed by Department of veterinary and food supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food creates the nomenclature and amounts of reserve fund of veterinary medicines are established.
6. Purchase of veterinary medicines for forming, replenishments, updates of reserve fund of veterinary medicines, their storage and leave are performed by BELZOOVETSNABPROM open joint stock company. Storage and leave of veterinary medicines from reserve fund of veterinary medicines can be also performed by the unitary enterprises of the called joint-stock company.
7. Accounting and storage of veterinary medicines of reserve fund of veterinary medicines are performed by BELZOOVETSNABPROM open joint stock company and its unitary enterprises separately.
8. Based on the decision of Department of veterinary and food supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on need of realization of the antiepizootic actions providing prevention and diagnosis of infectious diseases of animals, their treatment and also on need of taking measures to non-admission of distribution and liquidation of the centers of infectious diseases of animals by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food the decision on non-paid issue of veterinary medicines from reserve fund for realization of the relevant activities is made.
9. The BELZOOVETSNABPROM open joint stock company quarterly no later than the 15th following reporting quarter represents to Department of veterinary and food supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food reports:
about availability of veterinary medicines in reserve fund;
about amount of the veterinary medicines released in quarter;
about the expenses connected with the address of veterinary medicines of reserve fund for the expired period.
10. Responsibility for submission of authentic data on use of veterinary medicines of reserve fund of veterinary medicines is born by the head and the chief accountant of the organization performing their storage and leave.
to Regulations on procedure for forming, replenishment, updating, storage and use of reserve fund of veterinary medicines
The list of diseases of animals in case of which actions for prevention, diagnostics, treatment of diseases of animals and liquidation of the centers of infectious diseases of animals are held at the expense of means republican and local budgets *
1. Diseases, general for different types of animals: Siberian plague, rage, Bang's disease, foot-and-mouth disease, clamidiosis, tuberculosis, leptospirosis.
2. Diseases of cattle: gubkoobrazny encephalopathy, tuberculosis, adenoviral infection, viral diarrhea, herpes, infectious rhinotracheitis, kriptosporidioz, esherikhioz, koronavirusny infection, parainfluenza-3, respiratory and syncytial infection, rotavirusny infection, blutang, listeriosis, paratuberculosis, leukosis.
3. Diseases of horses: African plague, infectious catarrh of the upper airways (flu of horses), contagious pleuropneumonia, saps, infectious encephalomyelitis, epizootic lymphangitis, infectious anemia, coupling disease, viral arteritis.
4. Diseases of pigs: African plague, Auyeski's disease, vesicular disease, infectious encephalomyelitis (Teshen's disease), classical plague, flu, parvoviral disease, transmissible gastroenteritis, respiratory coronavirus, rotavirusny disease, respiratory and reproductive syndrome, tsirkovirusny infection, epidemic disease, aktinobatsillyarny pleuropneumonia, mycoplasmosis of pigs.
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