of June 22, 2012 No. 20-V ZRK
About the main pipeline
This Law governs the public relations arising during the designing, construction, operation, preservation and liquidation of the main pipeline and is aimed at providing effective, reliable and safe operation of the main pipeline.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the receiver - person performing acceptance of products in accordance with the terms of the service provision agreement on transportation of products;
2) supervisory control - centralized operation by the technological modes of operation of the main pipeline for transportation of products;
3) repair - complex of actions (transactions) for recovery of operability or operability of complete or partial operation life of linear part of the main pipeline and (or) its objects;
4) the sender - person who is the producer of products or person who acquired it on legal causes, or the person authorized by them providing products for transportation through the main pipeline based on the service provision agreement on transportation of products;
5) the main pipeline - the single production and technological complex consisting of the linear part and objects providing safe transportation of products, conforming to requirements of technical regulations and national standards;
6) liquidation of the main pipeline - complex of actions for dismantle and (or) reshaping of the main pipeline and to reduction of the environment in condition, safe for life and health of the person and suitable for further use;
7) preservation of the main pipeline - complex of actions for ensuring safety of the main pipeline in serviceable technical condition in case of its conclusion from operation;
8) linear part of the main pipeline - underground, subsea, surface, above-ground pipelines on which direct transportation of products is performed;
9) the conservation zone of the main pipeline - the territory (on the land and (or) water) with special conditions of protection and use, adjacent to objects of the main pipeline and intended for safety control of the population and creation of necessary conditions for safe and uninterrupted operation of objects of the pipeline within which the types of activity incompatible with the purposes of its establishment are limited or prohibited;
10) owner of the main pipeline - The Republic of Kazakhstan, administrative and territorial unit of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the legal entity owning the main pipeline on the property right;
11) physical safety of the main pipeline - condition of security of the main pipeline from threats which sources are illegal actions of persons;
12) operation of the main pipeline - the activities necessary for continued, proper and effective functioning of the main pipeline including including maintenance, repair, technical diagnosing and supervisory control;
13) reconstruction of the main pipeline - the complex of actions for reorganization of the main pipeline providing improvement of its qualitative indexes;
14) physical protection of the main pipeline - set of the precepts of law, organizational measures and technical decisions directed to prevention of threats concerning the main pipeline which sources are the illegal actions of persons involving damages;
15) the operator - the owner of the main pipeline or the legal entity owning the main pipeline on other legal cause, the performing transportations of products through the main pipeline and (or) its operation or the organization authorized by them rendering operator services;
16) operator services - products transportation services provided by the operator to senders on behalf of the owner of the main pipeline or person owning the main pipeline on other legal cause, and (or) on operation of the main pipeline, provided by the operator to the owner of the main pipeline or person owning the main pipeline on other legal cause;
17) products - oil, including stable (unstable) gas condensate, natural gas, associated gas, other liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, oil products prepared for transportation and corresponding to technical regulations by the corresponding type of products;
18) transportation of products - process of acceptance, delivery, transfer of products on the main pipeline from Item of its acceptance from the sender to delivery Item to the receiver, draining, filling, transfer of products to other main pipelines, transfers on other mode of transport, storage, mixing;
19) bank of product quality - the carrying out mechanism on the basis of quality data and to product quantity of mutual cash calculations between senders in connection with distinctions in figure of merits of products transported by trunk oil pipeline, way of payment of compensation and (or) payments;
20) transit of products - movement of products through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan between the sender and the receiver of products who are outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;
20-1) owner of the terminal - the physical person or legal entity owning the industrial facility which is not part of objects of trunk oil pipeline for storage of products representing the reservoir, and also platform for acceptance and (or) shipment of oil on transport (cistern cars, truck tanks, tankers and other) or the oil pipeline;
21) technical corridor - the territory on which there pass the main pipeline or system in parallel of the laid main pipelines and communications;
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