of September 15, 1999 No. 392-I
About hydrometeorological activities
This Law establishes the legal basis in the field of hydrometeorological activities and is aimed at providing the population, state bodies of the power, legal entities and physical persons with hydrometeorological information.
Hydrometeorological activities is the complex production system of observations, collection, creation of weather forecast, processing, the analysis, storage and use of information on state of environment, and also the related other works and services of information nature.
The legislation of Turkmenistan on hydrometeorological activities consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan.
Subjects of hydrometeorological activities are Service on hydrometeorology of the Ministry of environmental protection of Turkmenistan (further - authorized body) and its territorial authorities, the organizations and services, physical persons and legal entities.
Treat objects of hydrometeorological activities: climate, weather and hydrological conditions, change of the surrounding environment as a result of impact of natural and anthropogenous factors, certain regions and ecosystems.
State regulation in the field of hydrometeorological activities is performed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, authorized body and local executive bodies.
Treats maintaining the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan:
determination and carrying out single state policy in the field of hydrometeorological activities;
management in the field of hydrometeorological activities;
adoption of the regulations determining conditions and procedure of hydrometeorological activities;
approval of the state standard rates and methodical recommendations about questions of implementation of hydrometeorological activities;
regulation of other questions in the field of hydrometeorological activities.
Treat maintaining authorized body:
- implementation of state policy in the field of hydrometeorological activities;
- participation in development and implementation of state programs and actions in the field of hydrometeorological activities;
- the organization of monitoring of condition of the atmosphere, the marine environment, surface water (water objects), crops and pastures, radiation situation on the Earth's surface;
- implementation of organizational and technical and methodical management of structural units subordinated to it;
- ensuring development and functioning of the observation system, system of collection, storage, processing, analysis and distribution of hydrometeorological and heliogeophysical information;
- preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts, the state standard rates, techniques and other obligatory requirements in the field of hydrometeorological activities;
- providing within the powers of control of observance of requirements for all work types in the field of hydrometeorology;
- maintaining single state hydrometeorological fund of data, and also centralized accounting of information and provision to her consumers;
- development of rates for specialized hydrometeorological services and information;
- organization and carrying out scientific research for assessment and forecasting of condition of the surrounding environment;
- implementation of development and creation of short-term and long-term forecasts of weather, water content, harvest of crops and pasturable vegetation, hydrometeorological and heliogeophysical phenomena, global and regional climate changes;
- providing public authorities, armed forces, industries of economy, the population and other users rezhimno reference materials, the actual and prognostic hydrometeorological information, including emergency information on the dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena;
- edition of scientific and technical literature on climatic, agroclimatic and water resources;
- the notification through mass media of the population about the actual and expected weather conditions, the dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena;
- implementation of specialized hydrometeorological servicing on to - govorny basis;
- issue of permissions to legal entities and physical persons to import to Turkmenistan and use of the hydrometeorological equipment (except the territorial authorities, the organizations and services);
- development and implementation of measures for preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists;
- participation with the foreign states and the international organizations in exchange of hydrometeorological information and data;
- plan development and schemes of providing the corresponding industries of economy with hydrometeorological and heliogeophysical information;
- participation in development of amounts and regulations of calculation of hydrometeorological characteristics for designing of objects under construction;
- regulation of other questions carried to its competence.
Performance of works on active impact on the hydrometeorological phenomena can be performed only based on the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
Treats maintaining local executive bodies:
issue of permissions to occupation of the parcel of land and water areas for carrying out hydrometeorological activities;
participation in development of system of hydrometeorological observations, the territory located on subordinated to it, and ensuring its effective functioning;
assistance to authorized body and to its structural units in investigations of effects of the dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena.
Hydrometeorological activities shall be performed based on respect for the following principles:
globality, completeness, systemacity and continuity of hydrometeorological observations;
unities of evidence-based production technologies of observations, collection, processing, the analysis, storage and use of hydrometeorological information in the territory of Turkmenistan;
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The document ceased to be valid according to article 27 of the Law of Turkmenistan of March 30, 2024 No. 91-VII