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of May 8, 2012 No. 626

About approval of the Procedure for the state control of implementation of the rights of the child

(as amended on 13-06-2024)

Being guided by Item 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, I decide:

1. Approve the Procedure for the state control of implementation of the rights of the child.

2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic:

2.1. in three-months time:

2.1.1. prepare and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on reduction of acts of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic to compliance with this Decree;

2.1.2. provide reduction of regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic in compliance with this Decree and inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2.1.3. Approve "Procedure for the organization and maintaining electronic databank by the rights of children" for the "Procedure for the state control of implementation of the rights of the child" provided in Item 7.5 and to inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2.2. keep under control reduction of regulatory legal acts of the central executive bodies in compliance with this Decree and within five months to inform the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on execution of it;

2.3. resolve other issues following from this Decree.

3. To provide to the Ministry of Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic reduction of regulatory legal acts and acts of normative nature of the central executive bodies in compliance with this Decree and to inform on it the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic.


President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham ALIYEV

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 8, 2012, No. 626

Procedure for the state control of implementation of the rights of the child

1. General provisions

1.1. This rule according to article 51.7 of the Family Code of the Azerbaijan Republic regulates the organization and implementation of the state control of implementation of the rights of the child (further the state control).

1.2. The purpose of the state control is protection of the rights and interests of the children determined by the Constitution and the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, creating favorable conditions for providing the rights of children, elimination of circumstances which cause violations of the rights of children, and prevention of circumstances which can cause violations of the rights of children.

1.3. The state control, according to the activities determined based on the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of science and education of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of youth and sport of the Azerbaijan Republic, Agency on food security of the Azerbaijan Republic, Consolidation on management of medical territorial subdivisions, the Commissions on cases and protection of the rights of minors and also guardianship and custody bodies of local executive bodies perform the State committee on problems of family, women and children of the Azerbaijan Republic.

1.4. The obligations listed in these rules cannot be interpreted as denial of obligations of state bodies in the field of the rights of the children provided in other regulatory legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic.

2. Functions in the field of the state control

2.1. State committee on problems of family, women and children of the Azerbaijan Republic:

2.1.1. protects the rights and interests of children.

2.1.2. No. 893 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of 23.12.2019

2.1.3. No. 893 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of 23.12.2019

2.1.4. No. 893 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of 23.12.2019

2.1.5. No. 893 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of 23.12.2019

2.1.6. No. 893 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of 23.12.2019

2.2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic:

2.2.1. protects the rights and interests of children;

2.2.2. provides carrying out scheduled maintenance with the parents or other legal representatives who are cruelly treating the minors which are making negative impact on their behavior, not carrying out obligation on ensuring their education, education and content, or being in socially dangerous condition;

2.2.3. identification of the persons which involved minors in criminal activities, prostitution, participation in representations of pornographic nature and to other dissolute actions, or who made illegal actions concerning the minors, including parents or other legal representatives, officials which are not carrying out or carrying out in an inadequate way the obligations on ensuring their education, education and content, acceptance in their relation of the measures provided in the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2.2.4. Provides consideration of addresses about making of socially dangerous acts by the minors which did not reach age limits for attraction to administrative or criminal liability established by the Code about Administrative offenses of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic respectively, and also concerning parents or other legal representatives, officials who are not carrying out or carrying out in an inadequate way the obligations on ensuring their education, education and content;

2.2.5. provides provision of information to the relevant state bodies and other structures about the reasons and circumstances creating conditions for homelessness among minors of making of illegal actions by them;

2.2.6. Provides submitting for examination of relevant organs of the government of offers on application of corrective actions of the provided in the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic concerning the minors who made offenses and also concerning parents or other legal representatives or officials who are cruelly treating minors, making negative impact on their behavior, not carrying out or carrying out in an inadequate way the obligations on ensuring their education, education and content;

2.2.7. exercises supervision of the organization of service in places of temporary content of minors.

2.3. Ministry of science and education of the Azerbaijan Republic:

2.3.1. exercises control of the organization of education according to state standards;


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