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of July 15, 2010 No. 1065

About approval of Visa rules of the Republic of Belarus

(as amended on 16-12-2024)

Based on part two of article 28 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 4, 2010 "About legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Belarus" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 105-Z

1. Approve Visa rules of the Republic of Belarus (are applied).

2. To republican state bodies till July 21, 2010 to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective since July 21, 2010.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Sidorsky


Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 15, 2010 No. 1065

Visa rules of the Republic of Belarus

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These Visa rules developed according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Belarus" (further – the Law), establish types of visas of the Republic of Belarus and procedure for their issue to foreign citizens and stateless persons.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (further – the MFA) in coordination with the State boundary committee (further – State frontier committee), Committee for State Security (further – KGB) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (further – the Ministry of Internal Affairs) determines the list of the states, unsuccessful in the migratory relation.

2. For the purposes of these Visa rules the following main terms and their determinations are used:

close relatives are parents, adoptive parents (adopters), children including adopted (adopted) brothers and sisters, the grandma, the grandfather, grandsons;

the entrance visa – the entry visa to the Republic of Belarus;

the exit visa – the visa on departure from the Republic of Belarus;

exit - the entrance visa – the visa on departure from the Republic of Belarus and entry into the Republic of Belarus;

the visa request – provided by the foreigner in bodies of issue of entrance visas or through the single portal of electronic services (further – EPEU) the nation-wide automated information system (further – OAIS) the data and (or) documents necessary for decision making according to the visa request;

foreign institutions – diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Republic of Belarus;

foreigners are the foreign citizens and stateless persons which do not have the valid residence permit in the Republic of Belarus or the biometric residence permit in the Republic of Belarus of the foreign citizen, the biometric residence permit in the Republic of Belarus of the stateless person (further – the biometric residence permit);

the consular official – the employee of foreign institution, the head consular department the MFA (further – GKU MFA) to which job responsibilities decision making according to the visa request belongs;

service provider – the legal entity or physical person operating at the request of the foreigner and rendering intermediary services in forming of the visa request and subsequent its transfer for consideration to bodies of issue of entrance visas of the Republic of Belarus;

transit – entry of the foreigner into the Republic of Belarus from one state, following along the established route through the territory of the Republic of Belarus and departure of the foreigner from the Republic of Belarus to other state;

the petition for issue of visa – the petition of inviting party in form according to appendix 1;

3. Bodies of issue of entrance visas are:

foreign institutions;


bodies of the border service.

4. Bodies of issue exit and exit - entrance visas are divisions on nationality and migration of territorial authorities of internal affairs (further - divisions on nationality and migration) in the place of temporary stay, temporary residence of foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

5. The visa request is submitted to body of issue of entrance visas by the foreigner personally, by mail, the courier, through the representative or the service provider if other is not provided by these Visa rules.

6. The decision on issue or refusal in issue of the entrance visa accepted according to these Visa rules is final.

The prior refusal in issue of the entrance visa or in entry into the Republic of Belarus does not involve automatic refusal in satisfaction of the new visa request.

7. Organa, made the decision according to the visa request, shall not inform the foreigner, his close relatives and representatives, inviting party on the bases for adoption of such decision.

8. For consideration of the visa request, and also the consular fee or the state fee according to the procedure and the sizes established by legal acts or international treaties of the Republic of Belarus is paid for issue exit or exit - the entrance visa.

9. Entrance, exit, exit - the entrance visa is invalid if the term of its action expired or it was used according to its frequency rate and the permitted stay period.

The visa brands which are drawn up reckon with violation of the procedure established by these Visa rules as invalid.

10. If the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus establishes other rules, than those which are provided by these Visa rules are effective rules of the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus.

Chapter 2. Entrance visas

11. In the Republic of Belarus the following types of entrance visas are provided:

B - transit (tranz_tny);

C - short-term (karotkaterm_novy);

D - long-term (do¸gaterm_novy).

12. Depending on purpose of visit the following categories of entrance visas are provided:

diplomatic (dyplamatychny);

office (sluzhbovy);

business travel (dzelavyya stasunk і);

participation in sporting, cultural, scientific, educational events and training (sport/culture / navuka/adukatsyya);

implementation of humanitarian programs, including provision of foreign free aid, organization of improvement of children, implementation of works on a grant basis (guman_tarny dapamoga);

maintenance of religious communications (rel_g_ynyya stasunk і);

journalism (presa);

private affairs (pryvatny);

study (vuchoba);

work (prayets);

tourism (turyzm);

on permanent residence (on pastayannaa to the prazhyvayena).

13. Entrance visas are subdivided on single, double and repeated.

The single entrance visa grants the right to single entrance (transit), stay and departure from the Republic of Belarus.

The double entrance visa grants the right to double entrance (transit), stay and departure from the Republic of Belarus.

The repeated entrance visa grants the right on repeated (two times and more) entrance (transit), stay and departure from the Republic of Belarus.

14. The entrance visa of V type can be single, double or repeated. Effective period of the entrance visa of V type constitutes no more than one year, at the same time the foreigner has the right to stay in the territory of the Republic of Belarus within two days from calendar date of entrance in case of each transit.

The entrance visa of S type can be single, double or repeated. The entrance visa of S type is issued by the effective period which is not exceeding 90 days.

The entrance visa of D type is repeated. The entrance visa of D type is issued by the effective period exceeding 90 days, but no more than five years. If other is not provided by these Visa rules, the entrance visa of D type is issued, as a rule, by effective period for one year.

The entrance visa of D type (dzelavyya stasunk і, sport/culture / navuka/adukatsyya, guman_tarny dapamoga, pryvatny) is issued by effective period for two years, as a rule, on condition of use within prior three years at least of one entrance visa of D type.

The entrance visa of D type (dzelavyya stasunk і, sport/culture / navuka/adukatsyya, guman_tarny dapamoga, pryvatny) effective period from three to five years is issued, as a rule, on condition of use within prior five years of one entrance visa of D type by effective period at least two years.


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