Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 19, 2007 No. ZR-223

About operational search activities

(as amended on 01-03-2024)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on October 22, 2007

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the Law

This Law regulates the legal relationship arising in the field of implementation of operational search activities. The law establishes the concept, tasks, the principles of operational search activities, bodies performing operational search activities, their rights and obligation when implementing operational search activities, types of investigation and search operations, features of implementation of operational search activities in the course of criminal proceedings, supervision and control of operational search activities.

Article 2. The legal acts regulating operational search activities

2. Process of preparation and carrying out operational search activities is regulated by regulatory legal acts of the bodies performing operational search activities. The procedure for search of persons avoiding criminal liability for missing persons, and also debtors establishes the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 3. Concept of operational search activities

1. Operational search activities are preparation, implementation of investigation and search operations using confidential and open methods and means by the bodies provided by the law performing operational search activities for the purpose of protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the state and public security from illegal encroachments and fixing and realization of results.

2. Investigation and search operations are in full performed as operational search bodies within implementation of the main objectives assigned to them as independent activities, and within the performed inquiry on the initiated criminal proceedings as auxiliary activities.

Article 4. Purposes of operational search activities

1. The purposes of operational search activities are:

1) identification, prevention, suppression and disclosure of crimes;

2) identification of the persons which are preparing, committing or who committed crime;

3) search and identification of persons avoiding criminal liability and punishment and also search of missing persons;

4) detection of witnesses, corpse, traces of crime, objects, physical evidences and other materials, documents;

5) getting of the data necessary for ensuring national security;

6) suppression and disclosure of smuggling, and also illicit movement of vehicles through customs border of the Republic of Armenia;

7) the prevention, prevention, suppression and disclosure of violations of requirements of the legal acts assigning supervising powers to tax authority;

7. 1) detection of data and data on property of illegal origin, assistance to process of confiscation of this property;

8) ensuring normal activities of criminal and executive organizations, the prevention, prevention or made, made or made and disclosure of the crimes preparing in criminal and executive organizations;

9) elimination of the existing circumstances posing safety hazard of persons which are subject to special state protection, and also accomplishment by operational search bodies the given body performing special state protection within the powers allocated for it by the law, instructions which concern elimination of the circumstances posing safety hazard of persons which are subject to special state protection;

10) collection of data for issue or the termination of permission to access to the data containing the state secret;

11) collection of data for safety of the staff of the bodies performing operational search activities, and also cooperating or cooperating with these bodies of persons (and members of their families);

12) collection of data for permission to stay of police in border area in the procedure established by the law;

13) collection of data for permission to input of border troops in borderland and stay there in the procedure established by the law;

14) collection of data for decision making on permission to acquaintance with the materials received as a result of participation in operational search activities or its implementation;

15) collection of data for studying of persons who submitted the application for revenues to work in bodies of homeland security, in service of the state protection, in service of foreign intelligence and police and also, in the cases provided by the law, in other state bodies, including studying of respectability of persons in the cases established by the Law "About the Commission on Prevention of Corruption";

16) collection of data for creation of the conclusion and decision making on provision of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, political asylum or the status of stay in the Republic of Armenia to foreign citizens or stateless persons;

17) prevention or exposure of offenses in the field of protection of the economic competition: anti-competitive agreements, abuse of monopoly or dominant position or the prohibited coordination of economic activity - according to the motivated petition of the Commission on protection of the competition or in the cases established by the law.

Article 5. Principles of operational search activities

Operational search activities are performed on the basis of the following basic principles:

1) legality;


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