of May 26, 2012 No. 385-Z
About legal regime of the territories which underwent to radioactive pollution as a result of catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP
Accepted by the House of Representatives on May 3, 2012
Approved by Council of the Republic on May 8, 2012
Catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP caused huge damage to the Republic of Belarus, was the national radiation ecological disaster which led to adverse changes of ecological situation and conditions of life activity of the person owing to loss on the territory of the republic of significant amount of radionuclides, created possibility of the effects constituting danger to the population and the environment including remote.
This Law sets legal regime of the territories which underwent to radioactive pollution as a result of catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP (further - the territory of radioactive pollution), regulates questions of reference of part of the territory of the Republic of Belarus to the territory of radioactive pollution, reference of the territory of radioactive pollution to zones of radioactive pollution, accomplishment of actions for overcoming effects of catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP for the purpose of decrease in radiative effects on the population and the environment.
For the purposes of this Law the following main terms and their determinations are used:
control of radioactive pollution – radiation inspection of objects of control of radioactive pollution in connection with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, determination of content of radionuclides in such objects, superficial radioactive pollution, capacity of dose of gamma radiation;
monitoring of doses of radiation of the population – system of long regular observations of doses of external and internal radiation of the population in connection with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP;
objects of control of radioactive pollution – the territory, forest and water arrays, buildings and constructions, the equipment, transport, and also forest, agricultural, industrial and other output (further, unless otherwise specified, – products), construction materials, water, the soil, air, foodstuff, medicinal and technical raw materials, utility waste and other objects of control for which regulations and rules on ensuring radiation safety are established;
density of pollution of soils radionuclides – the size characterizing activity of the radioactive materials having per acre the surfaces of the soil;
radiation situation – state of environment in the territory of radioactive pollution in the certain time which is characterized by indicators of capacity of dose of gamma radiation, density of pollution of soils the radionuclides and other indicators received when carrying out radiation monitoring and control of radioactive pollution;
average annual effective dose of radiation of the population – the amount of the effective dose of external radiation received for calendar year, and expected the effective dose of internal radiation caused by receipt in organism of radionuclides for the same year, calculated as average dose for all population living in the specific territory.
The relations in the field of legal regime of the territories of radioactive pollution are governed by the legislation on legal regime of the territories of radioactive pollution, the international treaties of the Republic of Belarus and other international legal acts containing obligations of the Republic of Belarus.
The legislation on legal regime of the territories of radioactive pollution is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
The relations connected with ensuring radiation safety in the territory of radioactive pollution, not settled by this Law are regulated by the legislation on radiation safety and other legislation.
The relations connected with reference of the lands which are in the territory of radioactive pollution to radiation dangerous lands and their exception of radiation dangerous lands are regulated by the legislation on legal regime of the territories of radioactive pollution. Land relations in the territory of radioactive pollution are governed by the legislation on protection and use of lands.
The relations connected with production (procurement) of products in the territory of radioactive pollution are regulated by this Law, and also the legislation on sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, on technical regulation and standardization, on radiation safety, the legislation in the field of quality assurance and safety of food staples and foodstuff for life and health of the person, in the field of veterinary activities.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus establishes other rules, than those which contain in this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty of the Republic of Belarus.
Regulation in the field of radiation safety in connection with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP consists in setting standards and governed on ensuring radiation safety.
Regulations and rules on ensuring radiation safety in connection with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP establish:
republican admissible levels of content of radionuclides (further - republican admissible levels) and other levels of radioactive pollution determining the address with objects of control of radioactive pollution;
other standard rates of radioactive pollution.
Regulations and rules on ensuring radiation safety in connection with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP are established according to this Law and the legislation on radiation safety.
For determination of the territory of radioactive pollution the following criteria are used:
size of average annual effective dose of radiation of the population;
density of pollution of soils radionuclides;
possibility of production, content of radionuclides in which does not exceed republican admissible urovney1.
For determination of zones of radioactive pollution the following criteria are used:
size of average annual effective dose of radiation of the population;
density of pollution of soils radionuclides.
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