of March 27, 2012 No. 78-p
About approval of Rules of coordination of plans and development programs of the territories, strategic plans of local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value, the capital before their approval with authorized body in the field of environmental protection
According to article 98 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007, PRIKAZYVAYU:
2. To provide to department of environmental policy and sustainable development in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) after state registration its official publication in mass media.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the Vice-minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Mukhambetov.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
N. Kapparov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2012 No. 78-p
1. These rules of coordination of plans and development programs of the territories, strategic plans of local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value, the capital before their approval with authorized body in the field of environmental protection (further - Rules) establish procedure for coordination with authorized body in the field of environmental protection and its territorial subdivisions of plans and development programs of the territories, strategic plans of local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value, the capital and modification of the coordinated documentation.
2. These rules are developed according to item 4 of article 98 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007.
3. Plans of local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value, the capital (further - MIO) which are developed at the initiative of MIO for agricultural and water economy, forest utilization and land use, fishery, power, the industry, including the mining, oil processing, processing and chemical industries, the construction industry, metallurgy, tourism, transport, are approved with authorized body in the field of environmental protection if further in case of implementation of actions of plans evaluating impact on the environment is required.
4. Concerning strategic and program documents MIO which are not covered by Item 3 of these rules coordination with authorized body in the field of environmental protection is not provided.
5. Plans and development programs of the territories, strategic plans of local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value, the capital (further - strategic and program documents MIO) are submitted for approval to the central authorized body in the field of environmental protection.
6. The central authorized body in the field of environmental protection provides mailing of strategic and program documents MIO to the interested structural divisions of the central authorized body in the field of environmental protection (further - structural divisions) and to territorial subdivisions of authorized body in the field of environmental protection (further - territorial subdivisions).
Aggregate term of consideration of strategic and program documents MIO shall not exceed 30 calendar days from the date of registration.
7. Ecological Sections of strategic and program documents MIO, including the plans specified in Item 3 of these rules are subject to coordination with authorized body in the field of environmental protection.
In ecological Sections of strategic and program documents MIO the analysis of the current situation taking into account the available environmental problems in the region in agreement with general parameters of the planned activities for improvement of ecological condition of the territories, reasons for need of concentration of efforts to the chosen priority directions, the forecast and assessment of change of state of environment and social and economic conditions as a result of realization of the planned activities is stated, including:
condition of atmospheric air;
condition of water sources;
impact on especially protected natural territories;
pollution of soils;
impact from warehousing of waste;
nature of impact on flora and fauna;
possibility of natural recovery of components of the environment and reproduction of renewable natural resources;
incidence risk degree;
conditions of activity of the population (deterioration in working conditions and rest, reducing hard manual work, improvement of engineering infrastructure, development of social and living conditions, gardening and others);
impact on anthropogenous systems and their components (buildings, architectural and archaeological monuments and other, material and cultural values, transport connection, recreational qualities of landscapes);
identification of possible emergencies with assessment of their consequences for all components of the environment, life and health of the population; and also measures for prevention of adverse effects which can arise from the planned activities.
Can be sources for development of the ecological Section:
materials of the analysis of the objects analogs functioning in similar conditions;
this to the statistical reporting;
data of environmental monitoring;
materials of the scientific organizations, industry ministries, departments.
8. Territorial subdivisions in time no more than 15 working days from the moment of registration of strategic and program documents MIO:
1) consider strategic and program documents MIO on:
sufficiency of statement of analytical information with the analysis of the current situation, the main environmental problems, development tendencies in the field of environmental protection;
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The document ceased to be valid since June 17, 2022 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Acting Minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 3, 2022 No. 202