of December 2, 2002 No. 72
About reproductive health and reproductive rights
This Law establishes bases and procedure for regulation of the relations in the field of the reproductive health and the reproductive rights arising with recognition of the right of men and women to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, available and acceptable planning methods of family and child-bearing, prevention of diseases, sexually transmitted, and also to other related relations.
The law is designed to provide constitutional rights of citizens on personal privacy, personal and family secret, and guarantees their implementation.
The legislation about reproductive health and the reproductive rights is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, consists of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About public health care", this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan and the international legal acts recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan.
In this Law are used the concept following:
reproductive (reproduction) - self-reproduction, reproduction;
reproductive system - complex of bodies which activities are aimed at providing reproductive process (genitals, brain, endocrine bodies);
reproductive health - condition of complete physical, intellectual and social wellbeing in all questions concerning reproductive system and its functions and processes;
reproductive health causes health in post-reproductive years of life, both for women, and for men;
the reproductive right - the rights of citizens to protection of reproductive health and free decision making concerning the birth or refusal of the child's birth, and also on the public, information and advisory assistance in this sphere;
service of reproductive health care - the service performing activities in the field of rendering available, necessary obstetric care, services in planning of family, recovery of reproductive function, prevention and to treatment of diseases, sexually transmitted;
reproductive age - age of child-bearing (15-49 years);
fertility (fertility) - average of children who could be given birth by the woman during its reproductive age;
the intergenetichesky period - interval between the birth of children; infertility - inability to conception;
artificial insemination (insemination) - introduction of native or alien genetic material in genital tract of the woman for the purpose of pregnancy approach;
artificial insemination (extracorporal fertilization) and implantation (transplantation) of embryo - fertilization of ovum (oocytes) out of organism and change of the crushed embryos in uterus cavity;
planning of family - capability of individuals and couples to expect and reach desirable number of children, and also interval between childbirth;
contraception - any method capable to prevent pregnancy.
The main objectives of public authorities in the field of reproductive health and the reproductive rights are:
- forming of conscientious attitude of citizens to the birth of healthy posterity;
- development of service of reproductive health care;
- development of access for citizens to information, increase in the education level of children and teenagers in the field of reproductive health;
- strengthening of reproductive health by assistance to preserving health and development of the personality during all life, promotion of healthy lifestyle;
- ensuring availability to the population of safe methods of contraception;
- preferential and free providing with methods and contraceptives according to established procedure;
- state control of service of reproductive health care;
- support in overcoming reproductive health by citizens of special problems by information of the population through education, educational, advisory and medical and sanitary services;
- rendering assistance to individuals: in the prevention of sex life before physical and psychological maturity, in achievement of the mutually responsible relations in family, in the prevention of undesirable pregnancy; in adoption of the relevant decision concerning contraceptives, safe abortions, safe pregnancy and child-bearing;
- prevention of maternal, perinatal death rate and disability;
- development and deployment of the state and other programs in the field of reproductive health.
Tasks of public authorities in the field of protection of reproductive health and the reproductive rights is implemented through:
- enhancement of the legal basis in the field of protection of reproductive health and planning of family;
- development of the public and psychology and pedagogical assistance to citizens when implementing of the reproductive rights by them;
- support of scientific research in the field of protection of reproductive health of citizens, planning of family and population policy;
- training of specialists in the field of protection of reproductive health and protection of the reproductive rights of citizens according to the state educational standards;
- involvement of public associations and mass media to the problem resolution of prestige of family, protection of reproductive health, planning of family and birth of healthy children;
- cooperation at the international level in the field of reproductive health and the reproductive rights, and also planning of family.
Reproductive health of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan is under protection of the state.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan directs service of reproductive health care, activities of republican organizations, state research and educational institutions, takes part in development of strategy of protection of reproductive health of the population and together with executive bodies on places exercises control and coordination of activities of organizations of the state system of reproductive health care, behind quality of rendering the medical and sanitary, contraceptive help in the sphere of reproductive health by departmental organizations, organizations of private health care system and bears responsibility for condition and development of service of reproductive health care.
The procedure for the organization of activities of public institutions of reproductive health care is established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan.
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The document ceased to be valid since May 30, 2017 according to article 222 of the Code of health care of the Republic of Tajikistan of 30.05.2017 No. 1413