It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On April 26, 2012 No. 2355
of March 30, 2012 No. 2012/17
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for submission by Central Securities Depository to the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of information on the transactions with shares registered by it and investment intermediaries
According to the Tax code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the State Tax Service" the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan decides:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for submission by Central Securities Depository to the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of information on the transactions with shares registered by it and investment intermediaries according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
B. Parpiyev
to the Resolution of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 30, 2012 No. 2012/17
This Provision according to the Tax code of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes procedure for representation by Central Securities Depository (further - the Central depositary) information on the transactions with shares registered by it and investment intermediaries (further - information on transactions) in the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Committee).
1. Information on transactions provided in Committee is created on the basis of information on transactions provided by investment intermediaries in the Central depositary, and information on the transactions registered in the Central depositary.
2. The central depositary monthly, no later than the 10th following month under report provides information on transactions in Committee.
3. The central depositary provides in Committee information on transactions within the data provided in appendix to the Regulations on the accounting register of off-exchange security transactions (reg. No. 1919 of March 9, 2009).
4. The central depositary and Committee exchange among themselves open keys of the digital signature.
When sending the electronic document the key of the digital signature having the certificate of key of the digital signature issued by the Center of registration of keys of digital signatures is used.
5. The investment intermediaries registering transactions with shares monthly no later than the first working day of the month following month under report present in the Central depositary information on transactions in the form of the ciphered electronic document which format of data is developed by the Central depositary in coordination with authorized state body on regulation of the security market (further - authorized body).
6. In need cases the format of data can be changed by the Central depositary in coordination with Committee and authorized body.
7. The payment for submission of information on transactions to the Central depositary and Committee is not levied.
8. In case of detection of unauthenticity of information on transactions provided by the investment intermediary in the Central depositary, this investment intermediary within five days from the moment of detection of approach of such case shall:
notify the Central depositary that the provided information on transactions doubtful;
take measures for correction of the provided information on transactions;
provide in the Central depositary corrected information about transactions.
9. The central depositary within two working days shall:
after receipt of the notification from the investment intermediary that the provided information on transactions doubtful to notify on it Committee and authorized body;
after receipt of corrected information about transactions to provide it to Committee in accordance with the established procedure.
9-1. In case of detection of unauthenticity of information on the transactions registered by the Central depositary provided in Committee, the Central depositary within five days from the moment of detection of approach of such case shall:
notify on it Committee and authorized body;
take measures for correction of the provided information on transactions;
provide in Committee corrected information about transactions.
10. Information on transactions is considered confidential.
11. The provided information on transactions is used only for the purpose of determination of accrued obligations of taxpayers by Committee.
12. The special mode of storage and use of information on transactions obtained from the Central depositary is provided with Committee.
13. Investment intermediaries bear responsibility for completeness and reliability of information on transactions provided in the Central depositary, except for the case provided in Item 8 of this provision.
14. The central depositary bears responsibility for non-presentation or untimely provision or submission to Committee of information on transactions in the distorted type.
15. Persons guilty of violation of this provision bear responsibility according to the procedure, established by the legislation.
16. This Provision is approved with the Center for coordination and control of functioning of the security market under the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Central Securities Depository.
BP. the Acting CEO of the Center for coordination and control of functioning of the security market under the State Property Committee |
A. Obidov |
CEO of Central Securities Depository |
Sh. Abduzhabbarov |
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