of April 12, 2012 No. 230
About creation of the National agency of archeology
Based on part provisions (1) article 14 of the Law No. 218 of September 17, 2010 on protection of archaeological heritage (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2010, No. 235-240, of the Art. 738), and also for the purpose of implementation of policy of the state in the field of protection and development of national archaeological heritage the Government DECIDES:
1. Create public organization the National agency of archeology subordinated to the Ministry of Culture which will perform function of the founder.
2. Approve:
Regulations on the organization and functioning of the National agency of archeology according to appendix No. 1;
structure of the National agency of archeology according to appendix No. 2.
3. Establish the extreme number of staff of the National agency of archeology in number of 16 (sixteen) units with compensation according to provisions of the Order of the Government No. 381 of April 13, 2006. "About payment terms of work of workers of the budget sphere".
4. In appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Government No. 696 of November 19, 2009. "About approval of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Culture, its structure and the extreme number of staff" (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, No. 169-170, of the Art. 775), with subsequent changes and amendments, to add the Section "Other Organizations and Companies" with line item 7 following contents:
"7. National agency of archeology".
5. To finance activities of the Agency by the money allocated from the government budget, and also from the special means accumulated according to the current legislation.
Countersign: Minister of Cultural Affairs |
Boris FOKSHA |
Minister of Finance |
Vyacheslav NEGRUTSA |
Appendix No. 1
to Postanovleniyu Pravitelstvaot on April 12, 2012 No. 230
1. The regulations on the organization and functioning of the National agency of archeology (further - the Provision) regulate the purpose, powers, functions and the rights of the National agency of archeology (further - the Agency), and also the organization of its activities.
2. The agency is the industry public organization created by the Government according to provisions of the Law No. 218 of September 17, 2010 on protection of archaeological heritage for the purpose of implementation of policy of the state in the field of protection and development of archaeological heritage.
3. The agency is the public organization subordinated to the Ministry of Culture, with the status of the legal entity and own budget, has treasurer accounts, seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova and the name in state language. The Agency location - municipium of Chisinau.
4. The agency carries out obligations in areas of the activities, being guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the current legislation and this Provision, in close cooperation with the central and local authorities of public management, scientific institutions of archaeological profile, project organizations in the field of construction and improvement of the territory, legal and individuals whose activities assume intervention in the soil, with the international organizations and civil society.
5. Financing of activities of the Agency is performed from the government budget and at the expense of the special means which are at the disposal of organizations.
6. The mission of the Agency is implementation of policy of the state in the field of protection and development of archaeological heritage, the organization and implementation, within the powers, control and supervision on behalf of the state of observance of the current legislation in the field of protection of archaeological heritage.
Main powers and functions
7. For accomplishment of the mission, according to the current legislation, the following main powers are assigned to the Agency:
a) implements in practice national strategy, politicians and programs in protection and development of archaeological heritage;
b) develops basic researches by determination, organization and differentiation of the zones protected by the state containing archaeological heritage;
c) develops plans of management of archaeological monuments;
d) manages archaeological monuments of the Republic of Moldova;
e) performs archaeological inspection at the national level;
f) coordinates activities for development of archaeological monuments with organizations of archaeological profile and bodies of local public authority;
g) performs, together with research organizations, activities for rescuing of archaeological monuments;
h) develops, together with Academy of Sciences of Moldova, methodology of creation and administration of the National code of archaeological monuments and the National archaeological register;
i) develops regulations on the Register of archeologists of the Republic of Moldova;
j) develops together with Academy of Sciences of Moldova, manages, conducts and annually fills up based on information provided by profile organizations, the following documents: National code of archaeological monuments; National archaeological register; National database of archaeological monuments; Register of archeologists of the Republic of Moldova;
k) develops technique of classification of archaeological monuments in the National archaeological register;
l) constitutes, together with Academy of Sciences of Moldova, lists of the archaeological monuments offered for classification;
m) it is excluded;
n) will organize and carries out for a fee, on contractual basis, after coordination with the Ministry of Culture, preliminary, rescue and supervising archaeological researches;
o) approves based on specialized reports, after coordinating with the Ministry of Culture, works which shall be carried out in zones with noted archaeological heritage;
p) approves, after coordinating with the Ministry of Culture, documentation on town planning and arrangement of the territories regarding determination of availability/lack of archaeological monuments;
q) provides scientific supervision of works during which accidental archeological finds were found, initiating, as necessary, the procedures of classification provided by the law;
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