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of May 10, 2001 No. 139-XV

About society of the Red Cross of Moldova

(as amended on 02-06-2016)

The parliament adopts this organic law.

This law determines legal status and the main activities of Society of the Red Cross of Moldova, governs its relations with bodies of public management and participants of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1. Society of the Red Cross of Moldova

Society of the Red Cross of Moldova is voluntary public organization which in interrelation with bodies of public management performs support functions in the humanitarian sphere based on the Geneva conventions of 1949 and Additional protocols of 1977 to them (further - the Geneva conventions).

Article 2. Legal basis of activities

The legal basis of activities of Society of the Red Cross of Moldova are:

a) Constitution of the Republic of Moldova;

b) The law on public associations N 837-XIII of May 17, 1996;

c) this law and other legal acts concerning activities of the specified society;

d) Geneva conventions.

Article 3. Legal status

(1) Society of the Red Cross of Moldova is legal entity. This single society at the national level opened for all and which is carrying out humanitarian mission on all territory of the country.

(2) the Location of Society of the Red Cross of Moldova is the municipium of Chisinau.

(3) Being component of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, Society of the Red Cross of Moldova reserves the right to become the member of the International federation of societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

(4) Society of the Red Cross of Moldova creates the territorial organizations at the different levels among which legal entities are the district and municipal organizations.

Article 4. Charter

Society of the Red Cross of Moldova is effective according to the charter accepted by congress of society.

Article 5. Emblem

Society of the Red Cross of Moldova uses as the emblem the image of red cross on white background according to the Geneva conventions and the Law on use and protection of emblem of the Red Cross N 673-XIV of November 12, 1999.

Article 6. Principles of activities

(1) Society of the Red Cross of Moldova carries out the purposes and tasks, based on humanity, neutrality, impartiality, independence, voluntariness, unity and universality the fundamental principles of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent that means:

a) the aspiration to give help to all wounded in the battlefield without exception or preference, to prevent or alleviate suffering of the person under any circumstances both on international, and at the national level, to protect life of people and to provide respect of the personality, and also to promote achievement of mutual understanding, development of friendship, cooperation and consolidation of peace between the people;

b) equality of people without any distinction on signs of race, religion, class, political or other convictions;

c) rejection of someone's party in armed conflicts and not introduction in disputes of political, racial, religious nature for the purpose of preserving general trust;

d) rendering by national societies the Red Cross and Red Crescent of the help to the governments in their humanitarian activities and compliance with laws of the country during the preserving the autonomy and availability of opportunity to be effective according to the principles of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent;

e) disinterested assistance;

f) availability in the country only of one national society of the Red Cross or Red Crescent open for all and carrying out humanitarian mission on all territory of the country;

g) universality of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent which is world: all national societies of the Red Cross or Red Crescent have the equal rights and shall give help each other.

(2) Organa of the public power, legal entities and physical persons shall respect commitment of Society of the Red Cross of Moldova to the principles specified in part (1) this Article.

Chapter II Main objectives and activities

Article 7. Main objectives

The main objectives of Society of the Red Cross of Moldova are:

a) implementation of actions in case of armed conflict, and in peace time - preparation for actions in all areas provided by the Geneva conventions for the purpose of assistance to all victims of armed conflict - both from among the civilian population, and from among military;

b) ensuring effective coordination of the actions performed within transactions on humanitarian assistance;

c) dissemination of knowledge and information on international humanitarian law, including on the Geneva conventions, principles and ideals of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent;

d) taking measures in the field of prevention of diseases and health protection.

Article 8. Main activities

The main activities of Society of the Red Cross of Moldova are:

a) assistance to the victims of armed conflicts, and also to the population injured with natural disasters and other force majeure; creation for this purpose services of the help;

b) search of persons, recovery of communications between members of the families divided as a result of armed conflicts, political tension, natural disasters and other force majeure, rendering assistance in reunion of families; creation for this purpose services of search;

c) the organization of collection of charitable gifts among the population, at the companies, in organizations and the organizations, distribution of these donations in the country or sending them abroad;

d) acceptance, storage and distribution of the humanitarian assistance received from the International federation of societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross; participation in obtaining, storage and distribution of the humanitarian assistance arriving from other international and foreign organizations;

e) preparation and provision of personnel for implementation of transactions on humanitarian assistance;

f) assistance to donorship of blood by means of promotion of donor activities;

g) realization and support of social programs in the field of education, health protection and social security of the most vulnerable categories of the population;

h) assistance to refugees in cooperation with bodies of public management;

i) participation in actions for dissemination of knowledge and information on international humanitarian law and ensuring its realization at the national level;

j) support of participation of children and youth in activities of society;

k) interaction, and also with bodies, authorized to solve problems in the field of protection of the population and the territories in case of natural disasters and other force majeure with medical forming;


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