of April 11, 2012 No. 32
About the State protocol of the Kyrgyz Republic
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on March 2, 2012
This Law establishes the legal basis of the State protocol of the Kyrgyz Republic, determines its purposes and tasks, procedure for preparation and holding actions of the state value.
The state protocol of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the developed international practice regulates procedural rules of carrying out in the Kyrgyz Republic of official actions.
In this Law the following terms and concepts are applied:
The state protocol is set of the commonly accepted rules, traditions and conventions observed in official actions at the national level in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic with other states.
The legal seniority is the list of seniority of management officials of the Kyrgyz Republic applied when holding interstate and international actions.
The state visit - the highest type of visit to the Kyrgyz Republic which is carried out for the purpose of designation of high political level of the reached bilateral relations with foreign state which can be performed by Chapter of foreign state once for the period of continuous execution of powers of authority by it. On amount of the ceremonial honors provided by this Law, the state visit is the most complete.
Official visit - the main type of visit reflecting official diplomatic relations with foreign state, type of visit, the second for the status, to the Kyrgyz Republic for Chapters of foreign states and the highest type of visit to the Kyrgyz Republic for heads of governments, Foreign Ministries, and also speakers of parliaments of foreign states.
Working visit - the visit having certain target value: arrival in the Kyrgyz Republic of heads of states, heads of governments, Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the foreign states on negotiations, for consultations, agreement signature and agreements, opening of national exhibitions, Culture Days, and also for carrying out working meeting with the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Private visit - visit to the Kyrgyz Republic of heads of states, heads of governments of foreign states for participation in conferences and meetings on the public line, presence at sports competitions, and also arrival on private affairs, as the guest of the ambassador of the country or for the purpose of tourism.
Visit in transit - short stay in the Kyrgyz Republic of the foreign delegations following en route through its territory.
Top-level visit - visit to the Kyrgyz Republic of foreign delegations at the level of heads of states, heads of governments, speakers of parliaments and the ceremonial honors rendered according to their status.
Visit at the high level - visit to the Kyrgyz Republic of heads of Foreign Ministries, special representatives of Heads of States and Governments of foreign states, heads of the international organizations and persons equated to them.
Visit format - set of the actions of business and legal nature reflected in the visit schedule, their ceremonial and level of personal participation of persons in them.
Formal reception - the action devoted to arrival of the head of the delegation.
Mementoes - the souvenirs and gifts symbolizing the Kyrgyz Republic, handed during the visits to the head and members of official delegation.
The legal basis of implementation of the State protocol is constituted by the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law, regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also the international agreements which came in the procedure established by the law into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
The main objectives of the State protocol are:
- coordination of activities of state bodies and local government bodies for the purpose of carrying out single legal practice of the Kyrgyz Republic in the relations with foreign states and the international organizations;
- legal providing visits of the top management of the Kyrgyz Republic to foreign states, and also visits to the Kyrgyz Republic of foreign delegations at the highest and high levels;
- preparation and organizational support of working trips of the top officials on regions of the republic;
- preparation and organization of negotiations, holding actions of multilateral format, signing of international treaties;
- organization of delivery by ambassadors of foreign states accrediting and letters of recall to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- implementation of other tasks provided by regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. The state protocol performs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic together with protocol services of the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic and Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. General coordination of single legal practice in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic is performed by Department of the state protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. The solution of questions of organizational and legal nature on preparation and holding visits of the top management of the Kyrgyz Republic to the foreign states, and also visits to the Kyrgyz Republic of foreign delegations at the highest and high levels is provided with the interested departments of the Kyrgyz Republic in case of the coordinating role of Department of the state protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic in case of realization of foreign policy provides coordination and interaction of bodies of executive and legislative branches of the power in questions of the international activities for the purpose of ensuring unity of foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. The ministries, administrative departments, local public administrations of the Kyrgyz Republic under the organization of intra republican action with participation of the diplomatic corps accredited in the Kyrgyz Republic without fail shall agree on the matter with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic in 30 days prior to its carrying out.
1. The parties beforehand agree about terms, nature and format of the forthcoming visit of the distinguished guest (delegation). Arrival of the distinguished guest (delegation) in the Kyrgyz Republic in days off and holidays does not practice, except for anniversary, festive and festive events invitations. In case of coordination of terms of visit this provision is brought to the attention of the foreign party.
2. In case of arrival of the distinguished guest in days off and holidays, and also in off-duty hours the level of hospitality events decreases.
3. Legal ceremonies and honors are done to foreign delegation according to visit format, the status of person heading delegation (the head of state, the governments, parliament, Foreign Ministry or other high-ranking official), the level of the bilateral relations, and also taking into account the principle of reciprocity.
4. Planning, preparation and implementation of visits of heads of states, the governments, parliaments and persons equated to them to the Kyrgyz Republic are in competence of the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic, visits of heads of Foreign Ministries - under the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
5. On nature visits are subdivided on state, official, working, private and visits in transit. The visit to the Kyrgyz Republic begins with the plane landing moment (the special plane) of the distinguished guest (delegation) at the airport of the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. Hospitality events with participation of foreign delegations in the Kyrgyz Republic include formal meetings and farewell guests at highest/high level, signing of joint international treaties, press conferences, formal receptions, wreath-laying to memorable places of the Kyrgyz Republic (The Ploshchad Pobedy or the historical and memorial Ata-Beyit complex).
2. According to the international practice the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic develops hospitality events together with the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic and Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. The relevant division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic organizes coordination, preparation, establishment of authenticity and signing of international treaties.
1. Programs of visits of foreign delegations at highest/high level to the Kyrgyz Republic are developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic jointly the relevant divisions of the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic and provide the ceremonies of meeting and other hospitality events connected with stay of delegations. During development of the program for diplomatic channels preferences of the distinguished guest are specified.
2. The compulsory provision of the program is respect for the sequence of actions with indication of time, venues, the list of participants and the other information necessary for the organization and implementation of visit.
3. The visit schedule of foreign delegation at the high/highest level is introduced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and affirms chiefs of staff of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic or their deputies supervising foreign policy activities of the corresponding devices. From the moment of approval the visit schedule is the official document.
4. If with the distinguished guest the spouse (spouse) follows, then for she (he) the separate program is constituted and approved.
Special representatives of heads of states, the governments and heads of the international organizations are accepted as guests of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Heirs of throne and other members of royal families are accepted as guests of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The visit schedule can provide trip of head of foreign delegation around regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. In case of visits of foreign delegations to the Kyrgyz Republic exchange of gifts, providing with motor transport, posting of flags and slogans is provided.
2. The gifts received by management of state body during the meetings with foreign delegations are state-owned property, the gifts which are of special value - in National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic are exposed in the place of the building of relevant organ intended for this purpose for public inspection or in museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic, and.
1. Delivery accrediting and letters of recall ambassadors of foreign states is made to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. The relevant (legal) service of the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic provides preparation and holding ceremony of delivery of credential letters. Date of delivery of credential letters is approved through diplomatic channels, at least in one month. In day of delivery of credential letters the Kyrgyz side provides to the ambassador of foreign state transport for movement from the residence to the place of delivery and back.
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