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of July 4, 2002 No. 1192-XV

About mobilization preparation and mobilization

(as amended on 21-04-2022)

The Parliament adopts this organic law.

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1. Subject of the law

This law determines content of mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Republic of Moldova, establishes powers and responsibility of bodies of public management, public organizations and business entities in the field.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purpose of this law the following concepts are used:

a) mobilization preparation - planning and timely implementation of actions, the national economy providing transition in the shortest possible time, the territory and forces of national system of defense on the activities mode in the conditions of wartime, for ensuring the armed protection of the country and safety of the population;

b) mobilization - in advance planned and comprehensively secure process of systematic transfer of national economy, the territory and forces of national system of defense with peace on warlike situation.

Article 3. Financial provision of mobilization preparation and mobilization

(1) Financial provision of mobilization preparation and mobilization is performed at the expense of means state and local budgets and means of business entities.

(2) Events for mobilization preparation on the scale of the state which are held for the purpose of ensuring defense and safety of the country are financed by means of the government budget.

(3) Actions for mobilization preparation at the local level are financed by means of local budgets.

(4) the Actions for mobilization preparation which are held at the initiative of business entities for the purpose of ensuring their steady functioning are financed by own means of business entities.

(5) Compensation by the state of the losses suffered by public organizations and business entities in connection with accomplishment of mobilization tasks by them is performed according to the procedure, established by the Government.

(6) Financial provision of mobilization training of Armed forces is performed at the expense of the funds of the government budget allocated for defense.

Chapter II Mobilization preparation

Article 4. Content of mobilization preparation

(1) Mobilization preparation includes mobilization preparation of national economy, the territory and Armed forces.

(Mobilization preparation provides 2):

a) planning of actions for transfer of bodies of public management, public organizations and business entities for work in the conditions of wartime;

b) development of the mobilization plan of national economy and mobilization plan of Armed forces;

c) drafting of the State Budget for the first year of war;

d) preparation of national economy, economy of administrative and territorial units of the second level and autonomous territorial educations with special status, and also business entities to work in the conditions of wartime;

e) creation, development and preserving mobilization reservoirs for production, necessary for requirements satisfaction of the state, Armed forces and needs of the population in wartime;

f) creation, accumulating, storage and refreshening of mobilization reserves;

g) the organization of command posts of bodies of public management, public organizations and business entities, and also preparation of the specified Items for work in the conditions of wartime;

h) training of citizens on military charges, mobilization doctrines and trainings;

i) preparation of the territory for defense.

Article 5. Management of mobilization preparation of national economy

(1) Mobilization preparation of national economy is component of preparation of the country for defense.

(2) the Common directorship and responsibility for mobilization preparation of national economy are assigned to the Government, which:

a) will organize, coordinates and controls activities of the ministries, departments and other bodies of public management, public organizations and business entities for accomplishment of tasks for mobilization preparation of national economy;

b) develops in peace time the draft of the mobilization plan of national economy and the draft of the government budget for the first year of war;

c) determines tasks of bodies of public management and business entities according to the mobilization plan of national economy and takes measures for providing Armed forces and the population all necessary in wartime;

d) develops the current and perspective plans of mobilization preparation of national economy;

e) takes measures for financing of actions for mobilization preparation of national economy;

f) determines procedure for creation and preserving mobilization reservoirs, and also creations, accumulatings, storages and refreshings of mobilization reserves;

g) carries out other tasks established by the law in the field.

(3) Accomplishment of provisions of part (2) it is assigned directly to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure.

(4) Heads of bodies of the central and local public authority, public organizations, and also business entities irrespective of type of property bear responsibility for accomplishment of the obligations assigned to them through mobilization preparation and mobilization. For this purpose in their subordination specialists, and also the bodies or services specializing in the field of mobilization preparation and mobilization which structure and structure are determined depending on amount of the tasks assigned to them act.

(5) Services on economic mobilization in administrative and territorial units of the second level and autonomous territorial educations with special status are the specialized decentralized bodies of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure on places.

Article 6. Mobilization plan of national economy and government budget for the first year of war

(1) For the purpose of ensuring optimum performance of national economy in wartime, ensuring needs of the state, Armed forces and the population the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure beforehand, in peace time, develops the mobilization plan of national economy.

(2) the Mobilization plan of national economy contains tasks for the ministries, departments, other bodies of public management, public organizations, business entities for ensuring needs of national economy, Armed forces and the population all necessary in wartime.

(3) based on the draft of the mobilization plan of national economy the Ministry of Finance develops the draft of the government budget for the first year of war.

(4) the Mobilization plan of national economy and the government budget for the first year of war affirm Parliament and are specified as required.

(5) the Ministries, departments, other bodies of public management, public organizations and business entities shall take necessary measures for ensuring accomplishment of the tasks included in the mobilization plan of national economy. Mobilization reservoirs and mobilization reserves are for this purpose established, created and stored.


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