of December 26, 2002 No. 1593-XV
About the size, procedure and payment due dates of fees of compulsory medical insurance
The parliament adopts this organic law.
Art. 1. - This law establishes the legal basis of determination of the size, procedure and payment due dates of fees of compulsory medical insurance in the funds created and managed by National medical insurance company based on the Law on compulsory medical insurance No. 1585-XIII of February 27, 1998.
Art. 2. - Operation of this law extends to bodies of the central and local public authority, the company, organization and the organization (further – the companies), irrespective of type of property and form of business, to the physical persons including performing business activity, mediators, the notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, court experts performing activities in bureau of judicial examination, simultaneous interpreters and translators, the authorized managing directors, persons who are independently performing professional profession of a physician in one of forms of the organization of professional activity, the provided Law on health protection No. 411/1995, of the workers, foreigners specified in Item about) parts (4) Article 4 and article 9 of the Law on compulsory medical insurance No. 1585-XIII of February 27, 1998.
Art. 3. - In this law the following concepts are used:
payers of fees of compulsory medical insurance - the insured persons obliged to pay insurance premiums according to the procedure, established by this law;
workers - persons hired by the employer based on the individual employment contract according to the Labor code irrespective of the term of hiring and payment method of work.
fees of compulsory medical insurance - fixed amount or the fee established as a percentage of the salary, other payments which insured shall pay the insurer for acceptance of risk of person insured according to the legislation.
employers - the company, organization, the organization or physical person, including mediator, the notary, the lawyer, the legal executive, the court expert performing activities in bureau of judicial examination, the simultaneous interpreter and the translator, the authorized managing director who use remunerative work of workers;
Art. 4. - (1) Categories of payers of the fees of compulsory medical insurance estimated as a percentage of the salary and other payments are established in appendix 1.
(1-1) V departure from part provisions (1) resident employers of information and technological parks and their workers do not pay the fees of compulsory medical insurance estimated as a percentage of income from compensation gained based on the labor law and regulations containing regulations of labor right. Medical insurance of these workers is made at the expense of the amounts allocated to funds of compulsory medical insurance from receipts of the single tax paid by residents of information and technological parks according to the Law on information and technological parks No. 77/2016. On other incomes of workers and/or physical persons, others what working according to the individual employment contract, received from residents of information and technological parks, fees of compulsory medical insurance are estimated in generally established procedure.
(2) the Categories of payers of the fees of compulsory medical insurance estimated in the form of fixed amount, insured in individual procedure are established in appendix 2.
Art. 5. - The size of fees of compulsory medical insurance is calculated the Ministry of Health according to provisions of article 17 of the Law on compulsory medical insurance and affirms annually the law on funds of compulsory medical insurance.
Art. 6. - Fees of compulsory medical insurance for categories of persons provided by appendix 1, are estimated as a percentage of the salary, other payments to deduction (deduction) of the taxes and other obligatory payments established by the legislation.
Art. 7. - The size of fees of compulsory medical insurance for categories of faces included in appendix 2, is estimated in absolute value according to part (4) article 17 of the Law on compulsory medical insurance.
Art. 8. - No. 60 voided according to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of 23.04.2020
Art. 9. - The amount of transfers from the government budget in funds of compulsory medical insurance for insurance of categories of the unemployed persons provided in part (4) article 4 of the Law on compulsory medical insurance, it is established annually in the law on the government budget, constituting the approved amount of transfers from the government budget in funds of compulsory medical insurance for previous year indexed taking into account consumer price index for previous year.
Art. 10. - (1) the Fees of compulsory medical insurance paid by the foreigners specified Items a) - c) parts (1) article 2 of the Law on integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova No. 274/2011, and the persons using temporary protection, employed in the Republic of Moldova on the basis of the individual employment contract signed based on the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, the foreigners having the right to permanent stay in the Republic of Moldova, and also persons using international protection are estimated according to the procedure, provided for the corresponding categories of citizens of the Republic of Moldova if international treaties do not provide other.
(2) the Fees of compulsory medical insurance paid by foreigners who were granted the right to temporary stay in the territory of the Republic of Moldova for reunion of family, education, implementation of humanitarian, volunteer or religious activities are estimated similar to fees which are paid by the citizens of the Republic of Moldova obliged to be insured in individual procedure if international treaties do not provide other.
(3) in case of persons using international protection, the fee of compulsory medical insurance is paid since the date of receipt of form of protection.
(4) For the faces using international protection, included in the program of integration for implementation of the program the fee of compulsory medical insurance is paid from the government budget.
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