of July 28, 2011 No. 86
About public symbols
For the purpose of carrying out single state policy in the field of public symbols
The parliament adopts this organic law.
This law governs the legal relations concerning registration, legal protection and use of the public symbols relating to the field of heraldry, veksillologiya, hymnology, sfragistika, faleristika and uniformistika.
(1) the Legal basis of public symbols is constituted by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, this law, other regulations, and also the international agreements, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova.
(2) If the international treaty, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova, others are established, than containing in this law, provisions, are applied provisions of international treaties.
For the purpose of this law the following basic concepts are applied:
public symbols - set of the heraldic, veksillologichesky, gimnovy, sfragistichesky, faleristichesky and uniformistsky signs intended for identification of their owner and for this purpose exposed for general acquaintance;
national symbols - the state and other symbols specifying identity of the Republic of Moldova as the state or the collective subject;
territorial symbols - the public symbols specifying identity of administrative and territorial units;
corporate symbols - the public symbols specifying identity of legal entities;
private symbols - the public symbols specifying identity of physical persons (individuals and families);
heraldic signs - the coats of arms, emblems and other public signs of identification created according to heraldic science and art;
veksillologichesky signs - the banners, standards, ship flags, pennants and other public flagopodobny signs created according to veksillologichesky science and art;
gimnovy signs - the anthems and other public sound images intended for identity specifying;
sfragistichesky signs - the public stamp seals created according to sfragistichesky science and art;
faleristichesky signs - awards, medals, crosses, badges and other public distinctions of personal or collective merits;
uniformistsky signs - the military, militarized and civil uniform of public nature; badges, chains, slings and other official signs; shoulder straps, badges, narukavny signs, cockardes, laces, colors, buttons and other signs of distinction or corporate accessory.
(1) National symbols are:
b) national flag;
c) national anthem;
d) public seal;
e) national ship flag;
f) state awards;
g) civil flag;
h) civil ship flag;
i) military flag;
j) military ship flag;
m) signs of the state accessory on the international transport;
n) additional official national emblems (with elements from flora, animals, birds, monuments, etc.);
o) official national emblems of economic or trade nature (brands, signs, brands, etc.);
p) signs of national currency;
q) international official reducings and codes of state;
r) official signs (standard, chain, sling, scepter, etc.). President of the Republic of Moldova;
s) standard of the Chairman of the parliament of the Republic of Moldova;
t) standard of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova;
u) standard of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Moldova.
(2) the National symbols provided by Items a) - j) parts (1), accompanying descriptive and explanatory acts to them and conceptual regulations on them are accepted, affirm and change Parliament the organic law according to the offer of the National commission on heraldry.
(3) the Sample (or standard) battle flag, stipulated in Item k) parts (1), both accompanying descriptive and explanatory acts to it are adopted, affirm and change Parliament according to the offer of the National commission on heraldry the ordinary law. The specific battle flags developed on the basis of sample of battle flag, stipulated in Item k) parts (1), accompanying descriptive and explanatory acts to them, provisions and instructions about them affirm and change the presidential decree of the Republic of Moldova.
(4) the National symbols provided by Items l), m), n), p) and q) parts (1), accompanying descriptive and explanatory acts to them and conceptual regulations on them are accepted, affirm and change Parliament the ordinary law according to the offer of the National commission on heraldry.
(5) National symbols, stipulated in Item o) parts (1), accompanying descriptive and explanatory acts to them and conceptual regulations on them are accepted, affirm and change Parliament the ordinary law according to the offer of the National commission on heraldry taking into account provisions of the Law on protection of trademarks No. 38-XVI of February 29, 2008.
(6) Official signs of the President of the Republic of Moldova, stipulated in Item r) parts (1), both accompanying descriptive and explanatory acts to them are adopted, affirm and change Parliament the ordinary law according to the offer of the National commission on heraldry. Provisions and instructions about official signs of the President of the Republic of Moldova, stipulated in Item r) parts (1), affirm the presidential decree of the Republic of Moldova.
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