of February 8, 2012 No. 146
About approval of the Procedure for ensuring subjects of implementation of mandatory engineering supervision with forms of protocols of check of technical condition of the vehicle and establishment of the amount of payment for provision of such services
According to article 35 of the Law of Ukraine "About traffic" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve the Procedure for ensuring subjects of implementation of mandatory engineering supervision by forms of protocols of check of technical condition of the vehicle and establishment of the amount of payment for provision of such services which is applied.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
N. Azarov
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 8, 2012, No. 146
1. This Procedure determines the procedure of ensuring subjects of implementation of mandatory engineering supervision with forms of protocols of check of technical condition of the vehicle which is registered by authorized bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and establishes the amount of payment for provision of such service.
2. The order for production of forms of protocols of check of technical condition of the vehicle (further - forms of protocols), conducting their accounting and the organization of issue to subjects of implementation of mandatory engineering supervision (further - subjects) performs the Main service center Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The paragraph is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 25.12.2013 No. 955
3. Production of forms of protocols is performed according to the legislation. The cost of the form of the protocol is established taking into account its cost.
For forming of the order for production of forms of protocols the subject gives quarterly to 1 number of the last month of the accounting period territorial authority on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the written request about the approximate number of forms of protocols for the next quarter.
4. The payment for forms of protocols which provide subjects is levied according to the legislation.
For provision of administrative service in ensuring subjects with forms of protocols the payment in the amount of 22 hryvnias (excluding tax on value added and costs of the form) which is enlisted in the relevant budget in the procedure established by the legislation is levied.
The means received from implementation of forms of protocols in accordance with the established procedure are enlisted in full in special fund of the government budget for covering of expenses on acquisition of such forms.
5. Account details for transfer of the means received from implementation of forms of protocols, and information on the amount of payment for such forms are posted on the official sites (information stands) of territorial authorities on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
6. For receipt of forms of protocols the subject gives territorial authority on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the place of state registration the statement for issue of forms of protocols (further - the statement) with indication of the name, accounting number in the register of subjects of implementation of mandatory engineering supervision and the necessary number of forms of protocols.
7. Issue of forms of protocols is performed not later than five working days from receipt date of means for them by the service employee of territorial authority on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to served the subject of the statement for issue of forms of protocols.
Forms of protocols are issued to the subject or person authorized by it based on the identity document.
8. In case of non-compliance by the subject with the procedure established by this Procedure the territorial authority on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can make the decision on refusal in issue of the declared number of forms of protocols.
The decision on refusal in issue of the declared number of forms of protocols can be appealed in the procedure established by the legislation.
9. The statements, settlement documents and other documents necessary for receipt of forms of protocols are stored in territorial authorities on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the place of their issue.
10. Account of use of forms of protocols is kept by the subject in the magazine registered in territorial authorities on provision of services by the Ministry of Internal Affairs which pages are strung together, numbered and fastened by its signature. The form of such magazine affirms the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Forms of protocols are stored by the subject in sheet metal cabinets (safes) which are placed in certain rooms or office offices with limited access for strangers in them.
Responsibility for storage of forms of protocols is conferred on person which is specially determined by the subject.
11. Transfer of protocols by the subject of forms to other subjects is forbidden.
12. On the damaged or damaged forms of protocols the subject on the front face of the protocol gives mark "Is cancelled". Information on such forms is entered by the subject in the nation-wide database about results of mandatory engineering supervision and the magazine of their accounting.
The subject destroys the damaged or damaged forms of protocols about what draws up the relevant statement which copy is sent by territorial authority on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs which issued them.
13. In case when the subject is excluded from the register of subjects of implementation of mandatory engineering supervision unused forms of protocols are transferred according to the act territorial authority on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs which issued them. Means for such forms of protocols to the subject do not return.
14. The application form, the act of destruction of forms of protocols and the deed of conveyance of such forms the Ministry of Internal Affairs claims.
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