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The document ceased to be valid since  September 19, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2015 No. 754


of November 10, 2011 No. 1320

About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to work environment and consumer services in case of construction, reconstruction, repair and input, operation of construction objects"

According to the subitem 2) of article 6 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About health of the people and health care system" of September 18, 2009 the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to work environment and consumer services in case of construction, reconstruction, repair and input, operation of construction objects".

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after the first official publication.

Prime Minister

Republic of Kazakhstan K. Masimov

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 10, 2011 No. 1320

Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to work environment and consumer services in case of construction, reconstruction, repair and input, operation of construction objects"

1. General provisions

1. These Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to work environment and consumer services in case of construction, reconstruction, repair and input, operation of construction objects" (further - Health regulations) establish requirements to work environment and consumer services in case of construction, reconstruction, repair and input, operation of construction objects.

2. The employer provides permanent maintenance of the work environment meeting the requirements of these Health regulations. In case of impossibility of observance of maximum permissible levels and concentration of harmful production factors on workplaces (in working areas) the employer provides workers with individual protection equipment and protection is guided by the principle "time".

3. In these Health regulations the following terms and determinations are used:

1) building and construction works - the construction activities including:

earthwork operations and special works in soil;

construction of the bearing and (or) protecting structures of buildings and constructions (including bridges, transport platforms, tunnels and the subways, overpasses, pipelines, other artificial structures);

special construction and installation works on laying of linear constructions;

structure of outside engineering networks and constructions, and also internal engineering systems;

works on protection and finishing of designs and equipment;

construction automobile and railroads;

mounting (dismantle) of processing equipment, commissioning;

the preparatory work connected with demolition of the existing buildings and constructions with the structure of temporary engineering networks, roads, storage areas, and also vertical layout of the territory;

2) the construction site - means any site on which any processes or transactions when carrying out construction works are performed;

3) the principle "protection time" - reduction of harmful action of adverse factors of working environment and labor process on working due to decrease in time of their action: introduction of intra replaceable breaks, reducing the working day, increase in leave duration, restriction of length of service in these conditions;

4) polymeric construction materials - the construction materials received with use as binding synthetic high-molecular connections.

2. Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to work environment and consumer services in case of construction, reconstruction, repair and input, operation of construction objects

4. The sidings, drives and pedestrian paths, sites adjacent to sanitary and household and administration rooms shall become covered with crushed stone or have hard surface.

5. For construction sites and sites of works general uniform lighting is provided. Artificial lighting of building sites, construction and installation works in buildings shall meet the requirements of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to common air in settlements, to soils, content of the territories of settlements, working conditions with sources of the physical factors making impact per capita", approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. The working light is provided for all construction sites and sites where works are performed in night and twilight time of day, and is performed by installations of general (uniform or localized) and the combined lighting (local is added to general).

7. For sites of works where the normalized levels of illumination shall be more than two luxury (further - lx), in addition to general uniform lighting it is necessary to provide the general localized lighting. For those sites on which only temporary stay of people is possible levels of illumination can be reduced to lx 0,5.

8. For lighting of building sites and sites use of open gas discharge lamps and glow lamps with transparent flask is not allowed.

9. The illumination created by lighting units of general lighting on construction sites and sites of works in buildings shall meet standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan established by the legislation, regardless of the applied luminous sources.

10. The construction site during construction is timely cleared of construction waste, in winter time from snow, in warm season pours down.

11. In case of departure of the vehicle from construction site to the central highway the Item of washing of wheels having hard surface with the organization of system of waste stormwater drainage system with septic tank and reservoir for water intake is equipped.

12. On object under construction centralized water supply and water disposal shall be provided. In the absence of centralized water supply system or other water supply source use of imported water is allowed.

13. Delivery of water is made by motor transport having the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion.

14. Imported water is stored in the certain room or under canopy in the reservoirs established on hard-standing space.

15. Reservoirs for storage of water shall be made of the materials allowed for use for these purposes in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

16. Cleaning, washing and disinfection of reservoirs for storage and transportation of imported water is made at least once in ten calendar days and according to epidemiological indications.

17. The inside face is mechanically cleared, washed out with complete removal of water, disinfected. After disinfection reservoir is washed out, filled with water and bacteriological control of water is carried out.

The disinfectants allowed for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan are applied to disinfection.


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