Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 1, 2012 No. 195

About some measures for increase in requirements to the project documentation regarding decrease materialo-, power - and import capacity of project decisions

(as amended on 01-04-2024)

Based on the paragraph of the tenth of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 5, 2004 No. 300-Z "About architectural, town-planning and construction activities in the Republic of Belarus" and for the purpose of enhancement of architectural, town-planning and construction activities, increase in efficiency of capital investments and decrease materialo-, power - and import capacity of project decisions the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Determine that when constructing facilities, including the apartment houses financed fully or partially by means republican and (or) local budgets, including the state trust budget funds, and also the state non-budgetary funds, external state loans and external loans attracted under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the credits of the banks of the Republic of Belarus issued under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs, the credits of banks which repayment and servicing are performed at the expense of budgetary funds:

1.1. development of the project documentation is performed using the projects recommended for repeated application, and also the projects included in republican databank of objects analogs on construction of facilities. In case of lack of such projects individually developed project documentation is carried out;

1.2. No. 239 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 01.04.2024

1.3. the projects included in republican databank of objects analogs on construction of facilities join the costs connected with picking by their furniture and stock in coordination with republican state body, other organization subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus under which supervision is (part (system) of which is) in the estimated cost of construction of facilities for which designing there are no projects recommended for repeated application and also the customer (builder) or which exercise control of the stocks (shares in authorized funds) of the customer (builder) owned by the Republic of Belarus, in other cases (in the absence of such state bodies and the organizations) - in coordination with regional, Minsk city executive committees (on the site area).

1-1. In need of inclusion in the preproject (pre-investment) and project documentation in case of construction, reconstruction and restoration of the objects financed fully or partially by means republican and (or) local budgets, including the state trust budget funds, and also the state non-budgetary funds, external state loans and external loans attracted under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus the credits of the banks of the Republic of Belarus issued under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs, the credits of banks which repayment and servicing are performed at the expense of budgetary funds (further – objects), applications of import construction materials, products, designs and the equipment * assessment of justification of their application in case of settlement (estimate) construction cost of objects is performed:

up to 800 thousand basic sizes inclusive – the working group on preliminary consideration of questions of justification of cost of construction, the reconstruction and restoration of construction objects, import substitution of construction materials, products, designs and the equipment created by the Ministry of Architecture;

over 800 thousand basic sizes – the Republican commission on consideration of questions of justification of cost of construction, the reconstruction and restoration of construction objects, import substitution of construction materials, products, designs and the equipment created according to the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2014 No. 992 "About the Republican commission on consideration of questions of justification of cost of construction, reconstruction and restoration of construction objects, import substitution of construction materials, products, designs and the equipment".

For assessment of justification of application of import construction materials, products, designs and the equipment in need of inclusion in the preproject (pre-investment) and project documentation in case of construction, reconstruction and restoration of objects customers of objects represent reasons for need of use of such materials, products, designs and the equipment to the Ministry of Architecture. Requirements to content, and also form of reasons for need of application of import construction materials, products, designs and the equipment are installed by the Ministry of Architecture.


* For the purposes of this resolution import construction materials, products, designs and the equipment are understood as the construction materials, products, designs and the equipment which are not made in the Republic of Belarus and state members of the Eurasian Economic Union.

1-2. In case of development of the project documentation on reconstruction and repair of motor-roads public and streets of settlements (their sites) providing milling of asphalt concrete coverings, customers of the project documentation provide inclusion in structure of the project documentation of certificates of amount of excesses of the materials of milling (further – asfaltogranulit) planned to realization. Customers of the project documentation in writing inform the interested owners of motor-roads public and streets of the settlements located at distance no more than 30 kilometers from construction object (further – the interested owners), on the planned amounts, the price of excesses of asfaltogranulyat, terms of their education, and also submission due dates of requests.

The references specified in part one of this Item prepare based on requests of the interested owners. Requests are accepted in written or electronic form. In the request the required amount of asfaltogranulyat and term of its acquisition (which is not exceeding one month after formation of excesses of asfaltogranulyat on construction object) are specified.

Excesses of asfaltogranulyat are implemented to the interested owners for application on the serviced motor-roads public and streets of settlements (their sites) according to the procedure of registration of requests without right of disposal to the third parties.

In case of lack of requests or refusal by the interested owners of their execution at the scheduled time taking into account requirements of part two of this Item customers of the project documentation have the right to use excesses of asfaltogranulyat for own needs and (or) to realize them. At the same time the price of such realization shall not differ from established for the interested owners.

2. Make changes and additions to the following resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:

2.1. ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 31.01.2014 No. 88


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