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The document ceased to be valid since  July 27, 2017 according to Item 3 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of  July 12, 2017 No. 509


of February 22, 2012 No. 118

About information exchange of body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre, and body of state registration of the rights

(as amended on 01-03-2017)

According to article 30 of the Law of Ukraine "About the State land cadastre", Article part two 10, article 28-1 of the Law of Ukraine "About state registration of the corporeal rights to real estate and their burdenings" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

Procedure for provision of information on the registered parcels of land to body of state registration of the rights and about the registered corporeal rights to the parcels of land to body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre;

Procedure for provision by body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre, to body of state registration of access rights to viewing of cadastral maps (plans).

2. This resolution becomes effective along with the Law of Ukraine "About the state land cadastre".

Prime Minister of Ukraine

N. Azarov

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 22, 2012, No. 118

Procedure for provision of information on the registered parcels of land to body of state registration of the rights and about the registered corporeal rights to the parcels of land to body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of provision:

body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre, to body of state registration of the rights of information on the registered parcels of land, state registration of the corporeal rights, necessary for carrying out, to real estate (further - information on the registered parcels of land);

body of state registration of the rights to body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre, information on the registered corporeal rights to the parcels of land necessary for maintaining the State land cadastre (further - information on the registered rights).

2. In this Procedure terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About the State land cadastre", "About state registration of the corporeal rights to real estate and their burdenings" and other regulatory legal acts adopted according to the mentioned Laws.

3. Provision of information on the registered parcels of land and about the registered rights is performed at the central level by Ukrgosreestr and Gosgeokadastr in electronic form telecommunication channels with use of the digital signature. Technical support of provision of the specified information is provided with administrators of the State land cadastre and State register of the corporeal rights to real estate (further - the State register is right).

4. Forming of information on the registered parcels of land is performed by means of the software of the State land cadastre, information on the registered rights - the software of the State register of the rights.

5. Information on the registered parcels of land and on the registered rights which are granted according to this Procedure is used only for the purposes of maintaining the State land cadastre and carrying out state registration of the corporeal rights to real estate, except the cases established by the law.

The state geoinventory and Ukrgosreestr apply according to requirements of the legislation of measure to ensuring storage of information on the registered parcels of land and on the registered rights obtained according to this Procedure, to prevention of unauthorized access to it and its distribution.

6. For the purpose of ensuring information security about the registered parcels of land and about the registered rights which are granted according to this Procedure appropriate means of information security according to requirements of the legislation are used.

7. Provision according to this Procedure for information on the registered parcels of land and about the registered rights is performed free of charge.

8. In the course of provision of information on the registered parcels of land and about the registered rights registers of the transferred and received information files are conducted.

9. Formats of information files, regulations of provision of information on the registered parcels of land and about the registered rights, including the term of implementation of the software for its provision, form of registers of the transferred and received information files are determined by joint orders of Ministry of Justice and Minagropolitiki.

10. The body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre along with carrying out state registration of the parcel of land provides according to this Procedure to body of state registration of the rights information on the registered parcels of land which contains in the State land cadastre, namely about:

1) state registration of the parcel of land (date of state registration, the name of body which performed such registration);

2) cadastral number, area, location of the parcel of land;

3) the cadastral plan of the registered parcel of land in electronic (digital) form.

11. The body of state registration of the rights provides to body which performs maintaining the State land cadastre, information on the registered rights which contains in the State register of the rights, namely about:

1) the person of law of property on the parcel of land:

for physical person (the citizen of Ukraine, the foreigner, the stateless person) - surname, name, middle name (in the presence); tax number (except physical person which because of the religious or other beliefs refused adoption of registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer (identification number), officially informed on it relevant organ of the State Tax Service and has mark in the passport); number and series of the passport (for physical person which because of the religious or other beliefs refused adoption of registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer (identification number), officially informed on it relevant organ of the State Tax Service and has mark in the passport); details of the identity document of the owner (number and series of the document, date of its issue, the information about the subject which performed its issue, and so forth);

for the legal entity (the resident and the nonresident) - the name of the legal entity; tax number;

for territorial community - data on territorial community of the village, the settlement, the city, the area in the city; name of local government body; tax number of local government body;


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