of November 15, 2010 No. 1201
About approval of the technical regulation "Requirements to Safety of Canned Food, Preserved Food" and about modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed technical regulation "Requirements to Safety of Canned Food, Preserved Food".
2. Bring the following changes and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30.01.2017 No. 29
2) ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30.01.2017 No. 29
3) in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 19, 2009 No. 743 "About approval of the technical regulation "Requirements to Safety of Fish and Fish Products" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009, No. 27-28, of the Art. 236):
in the technical regulation "Requirements to Safety of Fish and Fish Products" approved by the specified resolution:
in Item 2:
in the subitem 4) word "fishes". replace with the word "fishes;";
add with the subitem 5) of the following content:
"5) canned food, preserved food from fish, aquacultures;";
the fourth Item 62 to exclude the paragraph.
3. This resolution becomes effective after twelve months from the date of the first official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
K. Masimov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 15, 2010, No. 1201
1. This technical regulation "Requirements to Safety of Canned Food, Preserved Food" (further - the Technical regulation) establishes requirements to safety of the canned food, preserved food, and also processes of their lifecycle which is in circulation in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and made from:
1) meat, meat products;
2) fishes, calves;
3) aquacultures;
4) fruits, vegetables and mushrooms;
5) dairy, compound dairy, milk-containing products.
2. The canned food, preserved food falling under action of this Technical regulation according to the single commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of custom union (further - ETN foreign trade activities CU), are specified in appendix 1 to this Technical regulation.
3. Treat the dangerous factors arising in the course of lifecycle of canned food, preserved food which is minimized for safety of the person, the environment:
1) biological - bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites whose sources are people and the food staples used in the course of lifecycle of canned food, preserved food;
2) chemical - natural origin or brought in production process. Allergens, mycotoxins, histamine, toxins of mushrooms, toxins of mollusks, pirrolizidinovy alkaloids belong to chemical factors of natural origin; to the brought chemical factors, the polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones, toxic elements, radionuclides, nitrates, nitrites, benz (and) pyrene, cleaners, means of sanitation belong;
3) physical - the firm foreign objects arising because of pollution of raw materials, technological means, packaging, nutritional supplements and the finished goods arising in production process of canned food, preserved food.
4. Identification is carried out on signs, parameters, indicators and requirements which are in total sufficient for confirmation of conformity of canned food, preserved food to their description and (or) sample, and (or) properties.
5. Identification of canned food, preserved food is carried out taking into account the signs given in regulating documents on standardization, the specifications and technical documentation, information on labels of consumer packagings and other documents characterizing this canned food, preserved food.
6. Identification of canned food, preserved food is carried out with use of the specifications and technical documentation establishing requirements to the specific name of canned food, preserved food in the way:
1) the analysis of the documents characterizing batch of canned food, preserved food;
2) researches and (or) testing of canned food, preserved food;
3) analysis of documents and results of researches and (or) testing of canned food, preserved food.
7. In this Technical regulation the terms and determinations established by safety and security legislations of food products and technical regulation, and also used by this Technical regulation are used:
1) aquaculture products - water organisms (fish, mollusks, seaweed, cancroid);
2) canned food from fish (aquacultures) - canned food from fish raw materials (aquacultures) which content shall be at least fifty percent of net weight;
3) preserved food from fish (seafood) - preserved food from fish (seafood), containing fishes at least sixty five percent (seafood - at least fifty five percent) net weights, with mass fraction of table salt no more than eight percent with addition or without addition of nutritional supplements, ingredients, subject to storage at temperature above zero degrees Celsius;
4) ryborastitelny canned food - canned food from fish or seafood, aquacultures and vegetable additives in which the share of fish raw materials or seafood constitutes at least fifty percent of net weight;
5) jam (confiture) - the zhelirovanny canned food received from whole the cut or largely wiped fruit of one or several types, uvarenny with sugar or natural sweeteners, with addition of jellifying substances, food acids, aromatic substances, dyes and other nutritional supplements or without them;
6) scalding (fruits, vegetables, mushrooms) - short-term processing of product boiled water or vapor, for prevention of darkening, removal of thin skin, reduction of content of nitrites (nitrates), removal of bitterness, specific smell of fruit, vegetables, mushrooms;
7) semi-canned food (preserved food) - the foodstuff corked in hermetically sealed container, subjected to the thermal treatment providing death of the not heat-resistant nesporoobrazuyushchy microflora reducing quantity of sporoobrazuyushchy microorganisms and guaranteeing microbiological stability and safety of product during limited expiration date at temperatures not above six degrees Celsius and below in this type ready to the use;
8) fruit (vegetable, mushroom) jelly - fruit (vegetable, mushroom) the canned food having strong jellifying consistence, made from the clarified or not clarified fruit (vegetable) juice, fruit (vegetable, mushroom) puree or the fruit (vegetable) concentrated juice, sugar or sugars, and (or) sweeteners, and (or) sweeteners, jellifying substances, with addition or without addition of fragrances and (or) extracts of aromatic plants, food organic acids, food dyes and preservatives, at the same time fruit (vegetable) jelly may contain the fruit, vegetables or their parts, kernels of seeds and other vegetable components which are regularly distributed in lump;
9) fruit (vegetable) dessert - the fruit (vegetable) canned food made from fresh, cooled or the fast-frozen whole and (or) cut, and (or) wiped fruit (vegetables) of one or several types or mix of fruit and vegetables, with addition or without addition of sugar or sugars and (or) natural sweeteners, grain or other food ingredients, thickeners, food organic acids, food fragrances and food dyes;
10) fruit (vegetable, mushroom) canned food - the canned food made of one or several types of fruits, vegetables, root crops, mushrooms, fresh whole and (or) cut, or from mix of these types of raw materials which are filled in with water or juice with addition or without addition of salt and (or) sugar, greens, spices and food acids;
11) fruit (vegetable, mushroom) semi-canned food - the products of conversion of fruit (vegetables, mushrooms) subjected to thermal and (or) other treatment, in leak-proof package, ready to the use, intended for short-term storage in the established conditions;
12) fruit (vegetable, mushroom) sauce - fruit (vegetable, mushroom) the canned food made from the wiped and (or) crushed fresh fruit (vegetables, mushrooms) or their semifinished products, or from mix of fruit, vegetables and mushrooms, spices, with addition or without addition of sugar, salt, food organic acids and greens;
13) products imitated - products with use of the ingredients replacing fish, meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, their combinations reproducing organoleptic indicators of the set products with obtainable accuracy, but differing in the choice of substitutes of the main raw materials;
14) canned meat - the canned food made of meat products in which compounding the mass fraction of meat ingredients constitutes at least sixty percent of net weight;
15) meat and cereal canned food - the canned food made of meat products with use of ingredients of phytogenesis with mass fraction of meat ingredients in compounding no more than thirty and at least sixty percent of net weight;
16) compotes - the canned food received from the whole or cut fruit of one or several types, which is filled in with water, sugar syrup or solutions of natural sweeteners or fruit juice with addition of food acids or without them;
17) canned food - the foodstuff processed according to the established technology, pasteurized or sterilized to or after stacking in container and sealing, keeping microbiological stability and quality during all expiration date in case of observance of storage conditions and ready to the use;
18) conservation - methods (processes) of processing, except processing by ionizing radiation, the activity of microorganisms and biochemical processes providing delay (termination) and the subsequent packaging in the corresponding container ensuring microbiological stability and safety of such products in case of its storage in the established conditions;
19) pasteurization of canned food - thermal treatment of canned food, preserved food with atmospheric pressure, on the set modes, but is not above hundred degrees Celsius;
20) maturing of canned food (preserved food) - the biochemical and physical and chemical processes happening during certain term as a result of which the set consistence, taste and smell of canned food, preserved food is reached;
21) sterilization of canned food - thermal treatment of canned food with excessive pressure and temperature not above hundred degrees Celsius;
22) foreign impurity in canned food, preserved food - substances in canned food (preserved food) which is not derivatives of raw materials and ingredients and are easily distinguished without use of optic instruments or are present at the quantities determined by any method and specify violation of health regulations and regulations of production;
23) ketchup - the tomato sauce made of fresh tomatoes or tomato products with addition or without addition of spices, salt, sugar, food organic acids, thickeners, stabilizers of consistence, food fragrances, food dyes and preservatives; ketchup can be made as canned food or in the form of semifinished product;
24) marinated fruit (vegetables, mushrooms) - fruit (vegetable, mushroom) the canned food made from fresh, salty or the fast-frozen whole or cut fruit (vegetables, mushrooms), one or several types, which is filled in with solution of table salt and (or) sugar, food organic acids, spices or their extracts with addition or without addition of edible vegetable oil and greens;
25) vegetable canned meat - the canned food made with use of ingredients of phytogenesis with mass fraction of meat ingredients in compounding at least five and no more than thirty percent;
26) vegetable and fish canned food - canned food from vegetables, grain, pasta and fish in which the share of fish raw materials constitutes at least fifty percent of net weight;
27) pastes - the canned food received by wiping and (or) preliminary fermental processing of fruit, with addition of food acids, sugar, nutritional supplements or without them, concentrated or not concentrated;
28) jam - canned food zhelirovanny or nezhelirovanny, prepared by cooking of the wiped fruit of one or several types with sugar or natural sweeteners, with addition of food acids, jellifying substances or without them;
29) the pasteurized caviar (canned food) - the canned food made from caviar grain, processed by table salt or mix of table salt with nutritional supplements;
30) dairy (compound dairy, milk-containing) canned food - dairy, dairy compound, milk-containing products which as a result of processing (sterilization, condensation, drying, addition of the substances increasing the osmotic pressure of the circle, and packaging) keep long time the properties without essential changes;
31) syrups - the canned food received from fruit juice with sugar or natural sweeteners with addition of food acids, aromatic substances and dyes or without them;
32) fruit (vegetables) in syrup - the fruit (vegetable) canned food made from fresh, the cooled, fast-frozen or dried, whole or cut fruit (vegetables) of one or several types or mix of the fruit and vegetables which are filled in with syrup from (sugar or sugars, with addition or without addition of food organic acids, pectin or stabilizers in which the mass fraction of fruit part constitutes at least forty five percent;
33) critical control point - the stage at which control is applied and is essential to the prevention and elimination of dangerous factor or reducing it to acceptable level;
34) the thermogram - graphical representation of the mode of thermal treatment of foodstuff on pasteurizers and sterilizers;
35) jam - canned food from the whole or cut fruit, uvarenny with syrup from sugar or natural sweeteners, with addition of food acids, aromatic substances, dyes, spices, or without them;
36) crushed fruit (vegetables, mushrooms) - the fruit (vegetable) canned food representing the mass of crushed fruit (vegetables, mushrooms) particles at least three and no more than five millimeters in size, received from prepared according to the established technology of the whole fresh or fast-frozen fruit, by mechanical impact without department of juice and excessive pulp, made with addition or without addition of sugar and (or) salt;
37) eksgaustirovaniye - process of removal of air of the container filled with product before packing.
8. In case of placement in the market it is necessary to provide compliance of canned food, preserved food to requirements of this Technical regulation, and also to provide availability of the documents confirming its safety and traceability.
Information on compliance of canned food, preserved food is carried to requirements of this Technical regulation to the consumer by means of drawing marking and submission of the documents certifying safety of canned food, preserved food.
9. Processes of turnover of canned food, preserved food shall be approved with authorized bodies according to Rules of coordination of compliance by authorized bodies of processes (stages) of development (creation), production (production), turnover, utilization and destruction of food products, compliance of the machines and the equipment, materials and products used in case of the development (creation), production (production), turnover, utilization and destruction, to the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on safety of food products approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 19, 2008 No. 158 (further - Rules).
10. Meat, meat and cereal and vegetable canned meat shall be hermetically corked and sterilized.
11. Availability of mineral impurity, impurity of phytogenesis and foreign impurity is not allowed.
12. Canned food shall not contain bones, cartilages, sinews, large blood vessels, rough connecting fabric, lymph and nerve ganglions.
13. Skins on meat of pork shall be soft consistence, on meat of beef, mutton availability of skin is not allowed.
14. In meat and cereal and vegetable canned meat of grain, pasta shall not form lumps.
15. For canned food from fowl the residual amount of pesticides, toxic elements, antibiotics, nitrosamines, nitrates, dioxine shall not exceed admissible levels established in the table 1 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
16. For canned food from meat and offal of all lethal and trade animals the residual amount of pesticides, toxic elements, nitrosamines, antibiotics, dioxine shall not exceed admissible levels established in the table 1 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
17. For meat and cereal and vegetable canned meat, and also for canned food from fowl, meat of all types of lethal and trade animals the residual amount of pesticides, toxic elements, antibiotics, nitrosamines, nitrates, dioxine shall not exceed admissible levels established in the table 1 appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
Admissible levels of content of radionuclides shall not exceed the levels established in the table 9 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
18. On microbiological indicators of safety of industrial sterility meat, meat and cereal, vegetable canned meat of group A and group D shall conform to requirements of appendix 3 to this Technical regulation.
19. Canned food, preserved food from fish, caviar, aquacultures, ryborastitelny, vegetable and fish shall be hermetically corked pasteurized and (or) sterilized.
20. Availability of scales and foreign impurity is not allowed.
21. In canned food from aquacultures there shall not be particles of armor of crabs, cockleshells.
22. Interiors, large fins, insects, scales, vertebral bone and large costal bones shall be removed, clots of blood of fishes shall be smoothed out.
23. The residual amount of pesticides, toxic elements, benzapirena, nitrosamines, dioxine, the polychlorinated biphenyls, histamine, microbiological indicators, in canned food, preserved food from fish, caviar, aquacultures, ryborastitelny, vegetable and fish canned food shall not exceed the admissible levels installed in the table 2 of application 2 to this Technical regulation.
Admissible levels of content of radionuclides shall not exceed the levels established in the table 9 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
24. On microbiological indicators of safety of industrial sterility of canned food fish, from caviar, ryborastitelny, vegetable and fish canned food, and also canned food from aquacultures of group A and group D shall conform to requirements of appendix 3 to this Technical regulation.
On parasitological indicators of safety of canned food, preserved food from fish, caviar, aquacultures and products of their conversion shall correspond to tables 3, of 4, of 5, of the 6th appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
25. Requirements of this Technical regulation are established on products of conversion of fruit, vegetables and mushrooms relating to the following groups commonly accepted in the fruit and vegetable canning industry:
1) fruit (vegetable, mushroom) semi-canned food;
2) fruit (vegetable, mushroom) canned food, including: pastes, syrups, compotes, jam, jam, sauces, ketchup, marinated fruit (vegetables, mushrooms), crushed fruit (vegetables, mushrooms), jelly, desserts, fruit (vegetables) in syrup;
3) salty vegetable (mushroom) products;
26. Canned food, semi-canned food from fruits, vegetables and mushrooms shall be hermetically corked and pasteurized or sterilized.
27. In canned food, semi-canned food from fruits, vegetables and mushrooms smack of pro-rancid oil and availability of foreign smack and smell, mineral impurity, impurity of phytogenesis, rough seeds of fruits, vegetables is not allowed.
28. The admissible residual amount of pesticides, toxic elements, nitrates, pesticides, sorbate of sodium and mycotoxins of patulin is established in the table 7 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
Admissible levels of content of radionuclides shall not exceed the levels established in the table 9 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
29. On microbiological indicators of safety of industrial sterility vegetable canned food of group A and group G shall conform to requirements of appendix 3 to this Technical regulation.
30. On microbiological indicators of safety of industrial sterility of canned food from tomatoprodukt: (tselnokonservirovanny tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauces, ketchups and others) groups B shall conform to requirements of appendix 3 to this Technical regulation.
31. On microbiological indicators of safety of industrial sterility subacidic canned food, semi-canned food from fruits, vegetables and mushrooms (vegetable marinades, salads, vinaigrettes and other products) of group B shall conform to requirements of appendix 3 to this Technical regulation.
32. Requirements of this Technical regulation are established on the following types of milk canned food:
1) the concentrated dairy;
2) the condensed dairy;
3) dry dairy.
33. Color of milk canned food shall be white, white with light-cream shade, or shade peculiar to the ingredient added to milk canned food.
34. The smell and taste pleasant, characteristic of this type of products, is allowed smack and smell of boiled milk.
35. In milk canned food availability of phosphatase and (or) peroxidase is not allowed.
36. The residual amount of pesticides, toxic elements, mycotoxins, antibiotics, in product shall not exceed the regulations established in the table 8 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
Admissible levels of content of radionuclides shall not exceed the levels established in the table 9 of appendix 2 to this Technical regulation.
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The document ceased to be valid since March 31, 2021 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 31, 2021 No. 189