of December 30, 2011 No. 1206
About procedure for forming and use of budgetary appropriations of Federal road fund and about modification of Rules of forming and realization of federal targeted investment program
According to Item 3 of Article 179.4 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of forming and use of budgetary appropriations of Federal road fund.
2. Item 31 Corrected forming and realization of federal targeted investment program approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2010 N 716 (Russian Federation Code, 2010, N 38, Art. 4834), to add with the subitem "zh" of the following content:
"g) increase in amount of budgetary appropriations of Federal road fund.".
3. Prepare and provide to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation till March 1, 2012 in accordance with the established procedure to Federal State Statistics Service the form of federal statistical observation reflecting use of budgetary appropriations of Federal road fund and road funds of subjects of the Russian Federation, approved with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
4. To the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to bring the changes providing separate classification of the income of the federal budget, stipulated in Item 3 Articles 179.4 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation in classification of the income of budgets of budget classification of the Russian Federation.
Russian Prime Minister
V. Putin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 No. 1206
1. These rules establish procedure for forming and use of budgetary appropriations of Federal road fund (further - Fund).
2. The amount of budgetary appropriations of Fund affirms the Federal Law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period in the amount of at least amount of scope baseline of budgetary appropriations of Fund for the next financial year and planning period and the predicted amount of the income of the federal budget specified in Item 3 of Article 179.4 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation.
3. The scope baseline of budgetary appropriations of Fund for the next financial year and planning period is determined in the amount of, equal stipulated in Item 2 Articles 179.4 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation to scope baseline of budgetary appropriations of Fund.
4. The amount of budgetary appropriations of Fund is subject to adjustment in the next financial year taking into account difference between the amount of the income of the federal budget which actually arrived in reporting financial year and predicted in case of its forming, stipulated in Item 3 Articles 179.4 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation. The specified difference (in case of its positive value) is subject to reduction by variation size in reporting financial year of the actual amount of budgetary appropriations of Fund from the amount of the predicted amount of the income of the federal budget, stipulated in Item 3 Articles 179.4 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation, and scope baseline of budgetary appropriations of Fund for the corresponding financial year.
For the purposes of these rules the actual amount of budgetary appropriations of Fund is understood as budgetary appropriations of Fund according to the approved summary budget list of the federal budget as of December 31 of accounting year, the increases in budgetary appropriations of Fund reduced by the amount in reporting financial year by introduction in accordance with the established procedure of changes in summary budget list of the federal budget without introduction of amendments to the Federal Law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and planning period on the amounts:
unused balance of budgetary appropriations of Fund as of December 31 of the year preceding accounting financial year;
non-paid receipts from physical persons and legal entities;
budgetary appropriations of the Investment fund of the Russian Federation.
5. The budgetary appropriations of Fund which are not used in the current financial year go for increase in budgetary appropriations of Fund in the next financial year for subsequent use on the same purposes by introduction in accordance with the established procedure of changes in summary budget list of the federal budget and limits of the budget obligations.
6. Non-paid transfers, including donations, in the federal budget from physical and (or) legal entities on financial provision of road activities concerning highways public of federal importance are performed based on the contract between Federal Highway Agency and physical person or legal entity.
Increase in budgetary appropriations of Fund at the amount of the specified non-paid transfers from physical and (or) legal entities it is performed by introduction in accordance with the established procedure of changes in summary budget list of the federal budget and limits of the budget obligations.
7. Within forming of the federal law draft about the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period according to the schedule of preparation and consideration of drafts of the Federal Laws, documents and materials developed in case of creation of the draft of the federal budget and budget statements of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation approved by Government Commission on Budget Projections for the Next Fiscal Year and Planning Period:
a) chief managers of the income of the federal budget develop and approve with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation the forecast of receipts in the federal budget of the income, stipulated in Item 3 Articles 179.4 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation;
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