of February 7, 2012 No. 577
About approval of the description, specification and sample of the identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic
Being guided by Item 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, I decide:
1. Approve "The description of the identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Appendix I).
2. Approve "The specification of the identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Appendix II).
3. Approve "Sample of the identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Appendix III).
4. This Decree becomes effective since September 1, 2018.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
Appendix 1
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 7, 2012
1. The identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - the certificate) has the 85,6 sizes of mm x 54 mm. The certificate corresponds to the document of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) behind number 9303.
2. The place for photograph of the owner of the certificate in the amount of 26 mm x 32 mm is provided in the left part of the face of the certificate. The photograph shall conform to requirements of the document of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) behind number 9303. Under photograph takes place "D? yis? n Lazer T? svir", the image of the owner of the certificate reflecting effective period of the certificate and reduced.
3. On the certificate face:
3.1. the color image of National flag of the Azerbaijan Republic is provided in the left upper corner, after the image of flag words "are written to AZ? RBAYCAN RESPUBLIKASI - REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN", and under these words - words "S? XSIYY? T V? SIQ? SI - IDENTITY CARD", in the right upper corner is represented the special sign specifying availability of the electronic medium;
4. On the certificate face the surname, name and middle name of the citizen are written only in state language of the Azerbaijan Republic, and the sex of the citizen is noted as "K/M" or "Q/F" with indication of capital letters of the words "kisi" and "male" or "by qad? n" and "female".
5. On reverse side of the certificate:
5.1. in the upper part words "are noted by S? xsiyy? t v? siq? sinin etibarl? l? q mudd? ti bitdikd?, yaxud v? t? ndas? n soyad?, ad?, atas? n? n ad? d? yisdikd? v? ya s? xsiyy? t v? siq? si, o cuml? d? n onun elektron das? y? c? s? (cip) of yarars? z hala dusdukd?, yaxud v? siq? nin uz? rind? ki m? lumatlar? n s? hv oldugu mu? yy? nl? sdirildikd?, v? t? ndas s? xsiyy? t v? siq? sinin d? yisdirilm? si ucun v? siq? ni ver? n orqana bir ay mudd? tind? muraci? t etm? lidir.";
5.2. in middle part the words "DOGULDUGU YER/PLACE OF BIRTH" and "QAN QRUPU/BLOOD GROUP" are written, to the left of middle part the electronic medium (chip), and in the lower part - part of three-lane optical control reading which can be read out by machine according to requirements of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is placed.
6. Electronically stored datas of the identity certificate shall be in state language of the Azerbaijan Republic and in English according to requirements of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
7. On the certificate the state symbols, the card and historical monuments of the Azerbaijan Republic are represented.
Appendix 2
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 7, 2012
1. The identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic which is the electronic medium (chip) (further - the certificate) is made of the high-quality polycarbonate material conforming to international standards, is steady against high temperature, light, deformation, impact of chemicals and humidity, when using does not emit toxic agents, qualitatively reflects photograph and has property to prevent counterfeit.
2. The electronic medium of the certificate provides writing, change and data reading.
3. In the certificate are used kinegrama where the country code - the letters "AZE", the guilloche produced by "iridescent" method, technology of ultra-violet printing and laser engraving, the microtext and other protective elements is written.
4. The state symbols of the Azerbaijan Republic are given in certificate surface in the form seen under ultra-violet light.
5. Thickness of the certificate constitutes mm 0,76, its corners are rounded off under mm 3,18 radius.
6. Memory of the dual interface electronic medium placed in the certificate shall be at least 80th kilobyte.
7. The electronic medium shall support, at least, such mechanisms as Basic Access Control, Passiv Authentication, Extended Access Control and to have the certificate of conformity at the level of CC EAL 5+.
8. For data security provision in the electronic medium the technology of the digital signature and cryptographic algorithms are used
Appendix 3
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 7, 2012
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