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of January 26, 2012 No. 24

About the state information system

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.09.2018 No. 1138)

According to article 61 of the Law of the Russian Federation "About mass media" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed Rules of creation and functioning of the state information system of mass media.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2012 No. 24

Rules of creation and functioning of the state information system of mass media

1. These rules establish procedure for creation and functioning of the state information system in the field of mass media (further - information system), its structure and conditions of provision of information containing in it.

2. The information system represents set of up-to-date information about the registered mass media and persons performing activities in the field of mass media, and also information technologies and technical means providing processing of such information.

3. Creation of information system and ensuring its functioning is performed by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications which is operator of information system (further - the operator).

4. Functioning of information system is performed on the basis of the following principles:

a) unity of organizational and methodical providing;

b) ensuring the authorized access;

c) use of the digital signature for ensuring accuracy of the information;

d) ability to integrate with other information systems.

5. For the purpose of forming and ensuring functioning of information system the operator:

a) performs technological maintenance, operation, and also preparation of offers on development of software and hardware tools;

b) will organize smooth operation of technical means and information technologies;

c) provides observance of the approved requirements of information security and personal data protection placed in information system;

d) performs interaction when rendering the state services in electronic form with other federal executive bodies and the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" by means of single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

6. The information system consists of open part, the closed part and the part intended for the organization of interaction with other information systems.

7. Information placed by the operator in open part of information system includes data:

a) from the register of the registered mass media;

b) from the register of licenses for television broadcasting, broadcasting;

c) about the legislation of the Russian Federation on mass media;

d) about the telecom operators performing broadcast of TV channel, radio channel per the agreement with the broadcaster, and about persons extending the TV channel and (or) radio channel in invariable type under the agreement with the broadcaster provided by broadcasters according to article 31.9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "About mass media";

e) about the issued permissions to distribution of foreign periodic printing editions;

g) about payers of the insurance premiums performing production, appearance (in air) and (or) the edition of mass media;

h) about the taken measures for results of actions of control and supervision in the field of mass communications.

8. The data placed in information system are created by the operator on the basis of the data collection and processing received in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation from federal executive bodies, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, citizens and the organizations performing activities for production, appearance (in air) and (or) to the edition, distribution of mass media, including from founders of the organizations performing the specified activities.

9. Access to open part of information system is provided to citizens and the organizations by means of the authorized access to the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)".

The information access, the information system placed in open part, is performed on a grant basis on the official site of the operator on the Internet ( or on the official site of the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation on the Internet (

10. The closed part of information system is intended for maintaining databases and registers of the operator.

11. Access to the closed part of information system and part of the information system intended for the organization of interaction with other information systems is provided to the staff of operator by means of the authorized access.

12. Ensuring the information protection placed in information system is performed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


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