Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  August 20, 2024 according to article 70 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 19, 2024 No. 93-VIII ZRK


of January 18, 2012 No. 545-IV ZRK

About TV and radio broadcasting

(as amended on 06-04-2024)

This Law governs the public relations in the field of TV and radio broadcasting, the rights and obligations of subjects of TV and radio broadcasting.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) the subscriber – the physical person or legal entity which signed the contract for receipt of services of TV and radio broadcasting with the operator of TV and radio broadcasting;

1-1) children's TV programs - the TV program intended for children aged up to 12 years, having plot, characteristic of this age group;

1-2) educational TV programs - TV program intended for a wide range of persons which content is directed to training of the TV viewer in system of specific knowledge in this or that field of science, culture, production, art and social life;

1-3) distributors of individual satellite and radio intakes - the physical person or legal entity distributing maps of conditional access to services of operators of TV and radio broadcasting, the equipment intended for individual acceptance TV, radio signal of the operators of TV and radio broadcasting having the license in the field of TV and radio broadcasting and having own satellite systems of broadcasting to the territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) the individual satellite and radio intake – the equipment (the receiving equipment for television communication) intended for individual acceptance TV, radio signal;

3) multichannel transfer of soundtrack – the transfer of two and more soundtracks in TV program giving to the subscriber opportunity of the choice of language of viewing;

3-1) religious TV program - TV program directed to informing and increase in literacy of the population concerning the religious sphere;

4) TV, radio channel of open entry – TV, the radio channel extended by means of digital on-air and satellite TV and radio broadcasting for the unrestricted group of people without collection of payment for the viewing right;

5) multichannel broadcasting – the telecommunication system intended for distribution of packets TV, radio channels;

5-1) public radio-frequency service - the republican state company on the right of economic maintaining created according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) obligatory TV, radio channel – TV, the radio channel incoming the corresponding list approved by authorized body obligatory for distribution by means of multichannel broadcasting in all territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

7) domestic TV, radio channel – the mass media representing set TV, radio programs and audiovisual works, plots and materials created by broadcasting companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to broadcasting schedule for the subsequent broadcasting and (or) relaying;

8) domestic TV, radio programs – TV, the radio programs created TV, the radio companies or physical persons and legal entities registered in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and performing the activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond its limits;

9) relaying - acceptance and simultaneous or in record distribution TV, radio programs, TV, radio channels with use of technical means of telecommunications and in networks of telecommunications;

10) subtitlings – method of distribution of information containing in TV program by means of text duplication of soundtrack of the original of TV program;

11) set-top subscriber box – the separate technical tool intended for acceptance by the subscriber digital TV, radio signal;

11-1) telenewspaper - the electronic complete version of the periodic printing edition distributed in networks of telecommunications by operators of TV and radio broadcasting for the consumer;

12) TV, radio channel – the mass media representing set TV, radio programs and audiovisual works, plots and materials created according to broadcasting schedule for the subsequent broadcasting and (or) relaying;

13) packet TV, radio channels - set TV, the radio channels created by the operator of TV and radio broadcasting for distribution by means of multichannel broadcasting in networks of telecommunications;

14) distribution TV, radio channels – bringing to the consumer TV, radio programs with use of technical means of telecommunications and in networks of telecommunications;

15) the certificate on registration TV, radio channel – the document of the established form issued by authorized body TV, radio companies and resolving distribution TV, radio channel in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

16) TV, radio program – it is informative complete part TV, radio channel which has the corresponding name, the amount of broadcasting also can be used irrespective of other parts TV, radio channel;

17) TV, radio company - physical person or legal entity, being the owner TV, radio channel, or its branch (representation) which received the certificate on registration TV, radio channel;

18) TV and radio broadcasting - forming and (or) distribution TV, radio channels with use of technical means of telecommunications and in networks of telecommunications for public acceptance by the consumer in the opened or coded type;

19) the service of TV and radio broadcasting is acceptance, processing, storage, transfer, delivery TV, radio programs to the subscriber;

20) the operator of TV and radio broadcasting – the physical person or legal entity which obtained the license for occupation activities for distribution TV, radio channels;

21) technical means of TV and radio broadcasting – set of the radio-electronic means and transceiving technical devices providing production, forming, distribution and (or) acceptance TV, radio channels and TV, radio programs;

22) technical means of telecommunications – the technical devices allowing to create, accept, to process and transfer TV, radio signals;

23) authorized body in the field of TV and radio broadcasting (further – authorized body) – the state body performing state regulation in the field of TV and radio broadcasting;

23-1) authorized body in the field of technical maintenance of TV and radio broadcasting - the state body performing state regulation in the field of technical maintenance of TV and radio broadcasting;

24) broadcasting - primary distribution of signal TV, radio channels with use of technical means of telecommunications and in networks of telecommunications;

25) national network of TV and radio broadcasting – system of the technical means and communication links which are in property of the state, providing distribution TV, radio signals in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

26) broadcasting schedule – the list, the sequence, the name, time of broadcast TV, radio programs, the displaying main directions of the program concept of broadcasting to the specific period;


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