Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2016 according to article 324 of the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2015 No. 375-V ZRK


of January 9, 2012 No. 534-IV ZRK

About the state support of industrial and innovative activities

(as amended on 27-10-2015)

This Law establishes legal, economic and organizational basis of stimulation of industrial and innovative activities and determines measures of its state support.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) local content - percentage of cost of compensation of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan involved in the industrial and innovative project of the subject of industrial and innovative activities from the general fund of compensation on this project, and (or) cost of the shares of local origin established in goods, works and services from total cost of the goods, works and services used in case of implementation of the industrial and innovative project of the subject of industrial and innovative activities;

2) examination according to local content - assessment of local content in the industrial and innovative project of the subject of industrial and innovative activities applying for inclusion in the republican card of industrialization;

3) the industrial and innovative project - the complex of actions directed to the transfer of technologies, creation of new or advanced productions, technologies, goods, works and services realized during certain term of time;

4) industrial and innovative activities - the activities of physical persons or legal entities connected with implementation of industrial and innovative projects taking into account providing ecological safety for the purpose of performance improvement of work and ensuring stimulation of development of priority sectors of economy or with promotion of the domestic processed goods, works and services on internal and (or) the foreign markets;

5) subjects of industrial and innovative activities - the physical and (or) legal entities realizing industrial and innovative projects in priority sectors of economy or performing activities for promotion of the domestic processed goods, works and services on internal and (or) the foreign markets;

6) authorized body in the field of the state support of industrial and innovative activities - the central executive body performing management in the field of the industry and industrial and innovative development, and also performing in limits, stipulated by the legislation, cross-industry coordination and participation in realization of the state support of industrial and innovative activities;

7) innovation - the result of activities of physical and (or) legal entities which received practical realization in the form of new or advanced productions, technologies, goods, works and services, organizational solutions of technical, production, administrative, commercial nature, and also other socially useful result taking into account providing ecological safety for the purpose of increase in cost efficiency;

8) innovative grant - the budgetary funds provided to subjects of industrial and innovative activities on a grant basis for implementation of their industrial and innovative projects within the priority directions of provision of innovative grants;

9) innovative cluster - consolidation of the scientific organizations, organizations of education, joint-stock investment funds of risk investment, and also the physical and (or) legal entities determined according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, designed to stimulate industrial and innovative activities by interaction and joint use of the available opportunities, knowledge sharing and experience, effective technology transfer, establishing stable partner relations and distribution of information;

10) authorized body on state planning - the central executive body performing management and cross-industry coordination in the field of strategic, economic and budgetary planning, development and forming of budget policy;

11) industry design office - the legal entity owning material complex, created by national institute of development in the field of technology development for assistance to subjects of industrial and innovative activities in production organization of new or advanced goods;

12) critical technology - the technology providing increase in competitiveness of national economy in the long term (over ten years);

13) the database of goods, works, services and their suppliers - the list of domestic goods, works, services and their suppliers;

14) technology - process and (or) complex of the equipment working in single production cycle which use provides new or advanced goods, works and services;

15) technology transfer - process of implementation of new or advanced technologies by subjects of industrial and innovative activities, the property right, ownership and (or) use of which are received by the methods which are not prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

16) commercialization of technologies - the activities connected with practical application of results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities for the purpose of conclusion to the market of new or advanced goods, processes and services, directed to receipt of positive economic effect;

17) the center of commercialization of technologies - the legal entity, structural or separate division of the scientific organization, higher educational institution or the autonomous organization of education performing commercialization of technologies;


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