of January 6, 2012 No. 528-IV ZRK
About space activities
This Law governs the public relations on implementation of space activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the project in the field of military space activities - the project in the field of space activities realized only for the purposes of ensuring defense and safety;
1-1) spaceports - the complex of technical means, devices, buildings, constructions and parcels of land intended for ensuring preparation and implementation of starts of space objects;
2) the spacecraft - the technical device intended for conclusion in space with research purpose and (or) uses of space;
3) national operators of space systems - the legal entities performing creation, operation and development of space systems;
4) space system - set of the functional interconnected orbital and land technical means intended for the solution of tasks in space;
4-1) technical operation of space system - process of accomplishment of technical transactions for the purpose of maintenance in working order components of space system according to design-technology and operational documentation, including their insurance;
5) space missile system - set of the carrier rocket and the technical means, constructions, processing equipment and communications providing acceptance, storage, preparation for start-up and start-up of the carrier rocket with the spacecraft;
6) space - the space stretching outside airspace at the height over hundred kilometers above sea level;
7) space activities - the activities directed to research and use of space for achievement of scientific, economic, ecological, defense, information and commercial purposes;
8) participants of space activities - the physical and (or) legal entities performing space activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and also in space according to this Law;
9) the project in the field of space activities - set of actions for creation, use and utilization of the space equipment and the technologies directed to implementation of space activities;
10) the project in the field of space activities of dual purpose - the project in the field of space activities realized both for the solution of social and economic tasks and for the purposes of ensuring defense and safety;
11) authorized body in the field of space activities - the central executive body performing management in the field of space activities and also in limits, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan, - cross-industry coordination;
12) space object - the spacecraft and (or) means of its removal in space and their components;
13) objects of space industry - the production facilities, buildings, constructions and other real estate of participants of space activities used when implementing space activities;
14) space services - the services rendered with use of the space equipment and technologies;
15) system of high-precision satellite navigation - complex technical and the software intended for providing users of the global navigation satellite system with the additional information allowing to increase the accuracy of determination of coordinate and time parameters, including geographical coordinates and heights, speeds and the directions of movement, time;
16) the global navigation satellite system - the space system intended for determination of coordinate and time parameters (geographical coordinates and heights, speed and the direction of movement, time) land, water and air objects;
17) remote sensing of Earth from space - process of receipt of information on surface and subsoil of Earth by observation and measurement from space of own and reflected radiation of elements of sushi, the ocean and the atmosphere;
17-1) data of remote sensing of Earth from space - the primary data obtained directly from the spacecraft of remote sensing of Earth and also the materials received as a result of their preliminary processing (radiometric and geometrical correction);
17-2) space data - the data set about objects including the description of their location and the most characteristic properties;
17-3) infrastructure of space data - system of the information resources and the hardware and software necessary for collection, processings, storages, distribution and uses of space data on the basis of ensuring access of physical persons and legal entities to them;
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