It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On December 30, 2011 No. 22874
of November 25, 2011 No. 293
About approval of the Federal aviation rules "Air Traffic Management in the Russian Federation"
According to Item 134 of the Federal rules of use of airspace of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2010 No. 138 (The Russian Federation Code, 2010, No. 14, Art. 1649; 2011, No. 37, the Art. 5255, No. 40, the Art. 5555), subitems "d", "e" of Item 9 of the Federal aviation rules of search and rescue in the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2008 No. 530 (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, No. 29 (h 2), Art. 3525; 2009, No. 51, Art. 6332; 2011, 5, of the Art. 741) I order to No.:
1. Approve the enclosed Federal aviation rules "Air Traffic Management in the Russian Federation".
2. The order of Federal aeronautical Service of November 14, 2007 No. 108 "About approval of standard Technologies of work of dispatchers of bodies of air traffic maintenance (flight management) in case of aeronautical servicing of airspace users of the Russian Federation (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2007, 10797) to declare registration No. invalid.
3. Determine that this order becomes effective in 60 days from the date of official publication.
Acting Minister
S. A. Aristov
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2011 No. 293
1.1. The federal aviation rules "Air Traffic Management in the Russian Federation" (further - Rules) are developed in pursuance of Item 134 of the Federal rules of use of airspace of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2010 No. 138 (The Russian Federation Code, 2010, No. 14, the Art. 1649), subitems "d", "e" of Item 9 of the Federal aviation rules of search and rescue in the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2008 No. 530 (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, No. 29 (h 2), Art. 3525; 2009, No. 51, Art. 6332; 2011, No. 5, the Art. 741), taking into account national practice in the field of air traffic management, standards and recommended practice of International Civil Aviation Organization.
1.2. These rules are obligatory for execution in the Russian Federation by airspace users of the Russian Federation, the bodies of air traffic maintenance (further - body of Department of Internal Affairs) performing air traffic maintenance in the zones and areas established for them, other bodies and the organizations participating in flight servicing of air vehicles, except for airspace users and controls flights of the state aircraft and experimental aircraft in the airspace allocated for these elements of aviation where these rules are applied without fail to air traffic maintenance of civil air vehicles.
1.3. In airspace outside the territory of the Russian Federation where responsibility for air traffic management is conferred on the Russian Federation, air traffic management is performed according to the Standards established by the Convention on International civil aviation.
1.4. Air traffic management when flying civil air vehicles in airfields of joint basing and joint airports is performed according to these rules.
1.5. In these rules terms and determinations which are given in appendix to these rules are used.
2.1. Air traffic management represents the dynamic and complex process of air traffic maintenance, the organization of flows of air traffic and airspace performed in the safe, economic and effective way, in the way of provision of means and continuous servicing in cooperation and interaction of all concerned parties and with use of onboard and land functions.
2.2. Task of the airspace management performed by bodies of Department of Internal Affairs in the corresponding zones and areas is determination or approval of borders of elements of structure of airspace and classification of airspace which are established according to the procedure, provided by the Federal rules of use of airspace of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2010 N 138.
2.2.1. In case of delimitation of elements of structure bodies of Department of Internal Affairs consider:
the state priorities in use of airspace;
possibilities of body of Department of Internal Affairs for ensuring acceptable level of aviation safety and safety of use of airspace in case of air traffic maintenance;
interests of airspace users.
2.2.2. The elements of structure of airspace providing prohibition or traffic restriction of flow of air vehicles and also the period of their action are considered by body of Department of Internal Affairs under its organization and air traffic maintenance.
2.3. The organization of flows of air traffic represents activities for the organization of the safe, arranged and accelerated flows of air traffic for ensuring the greatest possible use of handling capacity of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs and compliance of amount of traffic of the handling capacity declared by the Department of Internal Affairs relevant organ.
2.3.1. The main objectives of the organization of flows of air traffic are:
maximum satisfaction of requests of airspace users for use of airspace;
protection of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs against excesses of handling capacity;
ensuring necessary level of aviation safety in case of air traffic maintenance.
2.3.2. Measures for regulation of the organization of flows of air traffic are not applied:
to the air vehicles which underwent to illegal intervention;
to the air vehicles which are carrying out search and rescue flights, flights for the purpose of assistance in case of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature and also in medical and other humanitarian purposes;
to flights of air vehicles under letters "And" and "To";
to the air vehicles which are carrying out the flights which are specially declared by state bodies.
2.3.3. Handling capacity for control offices (sectors) is expressed by the number of air vehicles in hour which are serviced in this airspace.
2.3.4. In case of assessment (calculation) of handling capacity the following factors are considered:
a) type of the provided air traffic maintenance;
b) complexity of structure of the dispatching area, control office (sector);
c) operational load on the dispatcher, including the carried-out tasks on air traffic maintenance and coordination;
d) types of the used communication systems, navigation and observation, degree of their operational reliability and readiness, and also readiness of reserve systems;
e) availability of the automated systems and complexes of air traffic maintenance, and also functions of the prevention;
e) any other factor or element causing operational load on the dispatcher.
2.3.5. The number of the air vehicles serviced by body of Department of Internal Affairs shall not exceed numbers of air vehicles which flight control can safely be provided with body of Department of Internal Affairs in the prevailing conditions.
To determine the maximum number of air vehicles which can safely be serviced the corresponding supplier of aeronautical servicing should evaluate (to calculate) and declare handling capacity for dispatching areas, control offices (sectors).
2.3.6. Handling capacity is expressed by the corresponding standard rates of handling capacity of control offices (sectors) which are calculated by technique of determination of standard rates of the handling capacity of control offices (sectors) approved by governing body of the Single system.
2.3.7. Suppliers of aeronautical servicing periodically carry out assessment of handling capacity of control offices (sectors). Standard rates of handling capacity are calculated with the purpose of load regulation and non-admission of cases of systematic overloads of personnel of air traffic maintenance. Standard rates of handling capacity are used at stages of strategic, pretactical and tactical planning, and also in case of air traffic maintenance for adoption of operational decisions on elimination of possible overloads of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs.
2.3.8. In that case when requirements of air traffic regularly exceed handling capacity of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs, causing long and frequent delays, the supplier of aeronautical servicing:
a) applies the measures aimed at the maximum use of handling capacity;
b) develops the plans for track capacity increase expected the actual or anticipated demands.
2.3.9. The body of Department of Internal Affairs in case of the actual exceeding of handling capacity has the right to limit entrance to specific amount (sector) of airspace, except as specified, specified Item 2.3.2. these rules.
2.3.10. For the purpose of safety-of-life function under Department of Internal Affairs planning of use of airspace with exceeding of the handling capacity declared by body of Department of Internal Affairs is not allowed.
2.4. Tasks of air traffic maintenance depending on type of servicing are:
a) collision avoidance between air vehicles;
b) collision avoidance of the air vehicles which are on the maneuvering area with obstacles in this area;
c) acceleration and maintenance of the arranged flow of air traffic;
d) provision of consultations and information, necessary for ensuring safe and effective production of flights;
e) the notification of the relevant organizations on the air vehicles needing the help of search and rescue services and rendering necessary assistance to such organizations.
3.1. Air traffic maintenance represents the general term and consists of the following three types of servicing:
dispatching servicing;
flight and information servicing;
emergency notification.
3.1.1. Dispatching servicing is intended for the solution of the tasks specified in subitems "a", "b" and "v" of Item 2.4 of these rules and is subdivided depending on flight stage on:
a) district dispatching servicing: ensuring dispatching servicing of controlled flights, except those stages of each of such flights which are specified in subitems "b" and "v" of this Item, for the solution of tasks "and" and "in" Item 2.4 of these rules;
b) dispatching servicing of approach: ensuring dispatching servicing of stages of controlled flights which are connected with arrival and departure, for the solution of tasks "and" and "in" Item 2.4 of these rules;
c) airdrome dispatching service: ensuring dispatching servicing of airfield movement, except stages of the flights specified in the subitem "b" of this Item for the solution of tasks "and", and "in" Item 2.4 of these rules.
3.1.2. Flight and information servicing is intended for the solution of the task specified in the subitem "g" of Item 2.4 of these rules.
3.1.3. The emergency notification which is intended for the solution of the task specified in the subitem "d" of Item 2.4 of these rules.
3.1.4. The need for air traffic maintenance is determined taking into account:
a) types of the corresponding air traffic;
b) density of air traffic;
c) meteorological conditions;
d) other factors which can have relation to it.
3.1.5. In case of decision making about introduction of air traffic maintenance in specific parts of airspace or in specific airfields, these parts of airspace or these airfields are determined proceeding from type of air traffic maintenance which shall be provided as follows:
a) parts of airspace in which the decision to provide flight and information servicing and the emergency notification is made are determined as regions of flight information;
b) parts of airspace in which the decision to provide flights with dispatching servicing is made are determined as dispatching areas or control zones;
c) airfields in which the decision to provide dispatching servicing of movement in the terminal area is made are determined as controlled airfields.
3.1.6. In case of air traffic maintenance in airspace of the Russian Federation basic mode of secondary radar is the international operational mode of system of the secondary radar working in the RBS mode. In case of absence on the air vehicle of the onboard defendant working in the RBS mode or if the secondary radar providing with radar information body of Department of Internal Affairs does not work in the RBS mode, on specifying of body of Department of Internal Affairs air traffic maintenance is performed with use of domestic operational mode of system of secondary radar - the mode of Department of Internal Affairs.
3.1.7. Air traffic maintenance are performed on the Universal coordinate time (further - UTTs).
3.1.8. Air traffic maintenance is performed by transfer by bodies of Department of Internal Affairs to crews of air vehicles of dispatching instructions, permissions, recommendations and information.
3.1.9. Dispatching servicing is performed within the controlled airspace established according to classification of airspace and in controlled airfields.
3.1.10. The body of Department of Internal Affairs performing dispatching servicing shall have information on expected movement of each air vehicle or its changes, and also the last information on the actual flight progress of each air vehicle according to which:
determines comparative location of air vehicles (on which it is notified) relatively each other;
makes decisions on providing the established intervals of echeloning and collision avoidance of air vehicles in air and on the earth;
if necessary approves the actions with dispatchers of adjacent bodies of Department of Internal Affairs, in cases when the serviced air vehicle can create conflict situation with other air vehicles which are carrying out flight under control of dispatchers of adjacent bodies of Department of Internal Affairs and also before transfer of the air vehicle it on air traffic maintenance.
3.2. Air traffic maintenance is provided with bodies of Department of Internal Affairs of suppliers of aeronautical servicing which are created and determined as follows:
a) bodies of dispatching servicing - for provision of dispatching servicing, flight and information servicing and the emergency notification within dispatching areas, control zones and controlled airfields;
b) bodies of flight and information servicing - for ensuring flight and information servicing and the emergency notification within regions of flight information if responsibility for ensuring such servicing is not conferred on body of dispatching air traffic maintenance.
3.2.1. For the purpose of equal distribution of load of dispatchers airspace in which the body of Department of Internal Affairs provides dispatching services is divided into control offices (sectors), at the same time:
a) for each control office (sector) the zone of responsibility is determined by air traffic maintenance;
b) the control office (sector) consists of one or several workplaces.
3.2.2. The organizational structure of body of Department of Internal Affairs is determined by the supplier of aeronautical servicing, the number of control offices (sectors) and workplaces in organizational structure of operational body of Department of Internal Affairs, determined taking into account reasons for ensuring acceptable level of aviation safety in case of air traffic maintenance by the supplier of aeronautical servicing in coordination with governing bodies of the Single system.
3.2.3. Structure of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs by the number of control offices, sectors of Department of Internal Affairs and workplaces, and also the number of personnel of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs shall provide accomplishment of tasks of air traffic maintenance in the established part of airspace when ensuring acceptable level of aviation safety in case of air traffic maintenance with observance of requirements of the Regulations on features of the mode of on-duty time and time of rest of the workers exercising air traffic control of civil aviation of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation approved by the order of January 30, 2004 N 10 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 25, 2004, registration N 5580), and accounting of standard standard rates of number of the operational bodies of the Single system approved by governing body of the Single system.
3.2.4. Merging of control offices (sectors) is allowed according to the decision of the flight operations director of duty shift in the period of small intensity of air traffic and low operational load on dispatchers of body of Department of Internal Affairs under condition if zones of responsibility of control offices (sectors) are adjacent and have the identical (same) radio-radar equipment.
3.2.5. Temporary consolidation of zones of responsibility of control offices (sectors), and also features of air traffic maintenance on the joint control office (sector) are entered by the local act of the Department of Internal Affairs relevant organ.
3.2.6. In all cases for work on the joint control offices (sectors) the personnel of air traffic maintenance shall have the admission to independent work on each of the combined control offices (sectors).
3.2.7. Assignment on the dispatchers occupied with district dispatching servicing and/or dispatching servicing of approach, and/or airdrome dispatching service of the duties which do not have a direct bearing on dispatching servicing and the tasks solved at the same time is not allowed.
3.2.8. The operational mode of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs in airfields shall provide the permanent regulations of work of this airfield published in accordance with the established procedure.
3.2.9. District dispatching services are provided round the clock.
3.2.10. The administrative board of bodies of Department of Internal Affairs develops technologies of work of dispatchers on specific control offices (sectors), workplaces of dispatchers on the basis of provisions of these rules taking into account local conditions and local features of air traffic maintenance, theories of operation of the appropriate technical means and possibility of data traffic about movement of air vehicles in real time.
In the presence on workplace of the dispatcher of electronic means of procedural control of movement of air vehicles the technology of work of the dispatcher is developed taking into account technical specifications on this equipment.
The block diagram of creation of technology of work of dispatchers shall contain the following main Sections: general provisions; preparation for watch and watch acceptance; boundaries of acceptance/transfer of air traffic maintenance; procedure for coordination and interaction with adjacent bodies of Department of Internal Affairs, control offices (sectors); features of air traffic maintenance; features of air traffic maintenance when flying in special conditions and particular cases in flight; necessary appendices.
3.2.11. Along with technology of work of dispatchers technologies of work of dispatchers in case of consolidation of functions of control offices (sectors) are developed for each control office (sector).
3.2.12. Air traffic maintenance (flight management) in case of simultaneous flights of the national (experimental) and civil air vehicles in airfield of joint basing or joint airport is performed by the joint group of servicing (flight management) of air traffic consisting of group of management of flights of the state (experimental) aircraft and duty shift of dispatchers of civil aviation.
3.2.13. In airfield of joint basing or joint airport the joint group of servicing (flight management) of air traffic can not be created. In this case air traffic maintenance (flight management) is performed of group of management of flights of the state (experimental) aircraft or duty shift of dispatchers of the Department of Internal Affairs of civil aviation.
3.2.14. In case, stipulated in Item 3.2.13 these rules, all service employees of group of management of flights of the state aircraft shall be allowed to air traffic maintenance of civil air vehicles according to the requirements established for civil aviation, and service employees of duty shift of dispatchers of the Department of Internal Affairs of civil aviation - to control of the national (experimental) air vehicles according to the requirements established for the state (experimental) aircraft.
3.2.15. The requirement, stipulated in Item 3.2.14 these rules, does not extend to airfields of joint basing of the airports of civil aviation.
3.2.16. Hours and other devices registering time in bodies of air traffic maintenance as required are checked for providing that they showed time with accuracy within _30 seconds from UTTs. When the body of air traffic maintenance uses air-ground data link, hours and other devices registering time as required are checked for providing that they showed time with accuracy within 1 second from UTTs.
3.3. Are provided with dispatching servicing:
a) all IFR flights (further - PPP) in airspace of classes A and C;
b) all VFR flights (further - PVP) in class C airspace;
c) all types of airfield movement in controlled airfields.
3.3.1. Bodies of dispatching servicing are subdivided into bodies of district dispatching servicing, dispatching servicing of approach and airdrome dispatching service.
3.3.2. District dispatching servicing is provided:
a) district dispatch center (further - RDTs), the district center (further - RTs), local control office (further - MDP);
b) the body providing dispatching services of approach (control office of approach) in the dispatching region of the limited sizes which is established mainly for ensuring dispatching servicing of approach when the district dispatch center, the district center and/or MDP is not created;
3.3.3. Dispatching servicing of approach is provided:
a) control office of airfield (airfield dispatch center) either district dispatch center, or the district center, in case of consolidation within responsibility of one body of function of dispatching servicing of approach with functions of airdrome dispatching service or district dispatching servicing;
b) dispatching body of approach (control office of approach) in case of creation of separate body.
3.3.4. Airdrome dispatching service is provided with one or several control offices of airfield or airfield dispatch centers.
3.3.5. The district dispatch center performs servicing in the established borders. RDTs consists of one or several sectors. Functions of each certain sector of RDTs can be performed on one or several workplaces of dispatchers depending on working loading of the sector.
3.3.6. The control office of approach performs air traffic maintenance in the established borders. The control office of approach consists of one or several sectors. Functions of each certain sector can be performed on one or several workplaces of dispatchers depending on working loading of the sector.
3.3.7. Airdrome dispatching service is performed in airfield and near airfield in borders of control zone.
3.3.8. Airdrome dispatching service depending on intensity or complexity of air traffic is performed, as a rule, from Vyshka control office in which organizational structure there can be sectors (directions) with the responsibility zone determined for each of them, or be performed from independent control offices: control office of circle (daleedpk); starting (auxiliary starting) control office (daleesdp, VSDP); Item of final controller (further - PDP); control office of taxing (further - the DPR); Item of the dispatcher of start and taxing (further - PDSR); the control office of landing system (further - DPSP) combining zones of responsibility of DPK and PDP or in need of combination from Vyshka control office and from the independent control offices listed in this Item for air traffic maintenance:
on aerodrome traffic circuit;
on base leg and/or landing strip (daleevpp);
on the maneuvering area, excepting the runway.
3.3.9. In case of simultaneous use of several runways in airfield if necessary workplaces of dispatchers on each runway will be organized.
3.3.10. Control office (sector) performing air traffic maintenance on the runway in case of performance of works on flying strip:
gives the exit visa of technical and other vehicles on flying strip only with the permission of the flight operations director;
informs the flight operations director and in the presence of the dispatcher performing air traffic maintenance on base leg on the beginning and completion of works on flying strip;
beforehand, before the settlement (specified) landing time of the air vehicle, and also just before take-off of the air vehicle gives the command for release of flying strip from technical and other vehicles and controls accomplishment of this team;
immediately reports on the flight operations director on the termination (unstable) communication with the works manager on flying strip and shortcomings of operation of the light-signal equipment of flying strip.
3.3.11. In emergency environment and/or in case of the termination (unstable) communication with the works manager on flying strip, the blinking runway lights is signal of need of immediate release of the runway.
3.3.12. In large airfields with big area of the platform when the body providing airdrome dispatching service cannot watch all platform because of complexity of its configuration, according to the decision of the director of photography of the airport the special division on ensuring management on the platform can be created in addition. In this case it is necessary to sign surely specific agreements between the Department of Internal Affairs relevant organ and the director of photography of the airport and in detail to stipulate the corresponding zones of responsibility in airfield, and also procedures which need to be observed when servicing land movement.
3.3.13. In small and average airfields where the body providing airdrome dispatching service can observe all platform, the organization of management on the platform is, as a rule, performed by this body as it allows to keep unity of servicing and to avoid change of responsibility for servicing in transition zone between the platform and the maneuvering area.
3.3.14. In case of heavy air traffic and difficult airspace management in the terminal area (airline hub) the service point of departure (Deliveri) with allocation of separate frequency of radio communication and assignment of duties on issues of information on exit route can be in addition organized; operational data about restrictions, prohibitions on corridors, trasses and arrival airfields and reserve; information on the mode; information on change on departure airfield (assignments, reserve or on flight track) meteoconditions which do not correspond to rules of decision making on departure or influence traffic rules along route; warnings of adverse weather conditions; code of individual identification of secondary surveillance radar (if necessary) and other information connected with safe flight execution.
3.3.15. On control offices (sectors) depending on operational load workplaces of dispatchers-assistants on planning and coordination can be organized in addition.
3.3.16. The devices registering internal negotiations and sound background on workplaces of dispatchers of air traffic control save the written-down information, at least, during the last 24 working hours.
3.4. Flight and information air traffic maintenance and the emergency notification provide:
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