of January 6, 2012 No. 13
About some questions of provision to citizens of the state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises
For the purpose of realization of the state housing policies and streamlining of conditions of provision to citizens of the state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises:
1.1. the right to soft credits on construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises is provided:
the serviceman, to faces of the private and the commanding structure of the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and divisions for the emergency situations (further – the military personnel) which are taking place military service, service in the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and divisions on emergency situations (further – military service), to the citizens discharged from military service on age, the state of health in connection with the holding organizational and regular actions including which exercised performing right on accounting of persons in need in housing improvement on place of residence within 6 months from the date of dismissal from military service having at least 5 calendar years of period of service on military service (except for the training periods in the organizations of education performing training on specialties for Armed Forces, other troops and military forming, the Investigative Committee, State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and divisions on emergency situations in day form of education) and staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement;
to the citizens having the right to extraordinary receipt of premises of social use of the state housing stock according to legal acts;
to the citizens who are employers of the premises of social use of the state housing stock provided to them according to legal acts as to orphan children and children without parental support on whom the decision on emancipation is made or which married, to persons from among orphan children and children without parental support, – during effective period of the terminal agreement of hiring of premises of social use of the state housing stock signed with them;
to the able-bodied full age members of the family of the employer of premises according to the employment contract of premises of social use of the state housing stock in case of his death or departure on permanent residence to other premises who do not have in ownership and use of premises of the state housing stock based on the employment contract or in property of other premises in this settlement with a total area of 15 sq.m and more (in Minsk – 10 sq.m and more) on one person corresponding established for accommodation sanitary and to technical requirements – during effective period of the prisoner according to legal acts with one of them employment contracts of premises of social use of the state housing stock;
to the needy citizens of the Republic of Belarus staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement (except for the citizens recognized as persons in need in housing improvement on the additional bases provided by the organizations in collective agreements), from number:
citizens as a part of whose families there are handicapped children, and also disabled people since the childhood of I and II groups;
the citizens who got sick and had the radiation sickness caused by catastrophic crash effects on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents, disabled people concerning whom the causal relationship of mutilation or the disease which resulted in disability is established with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents;
combat veterans in the territory of other states from among categories of the citizens provided in Items 1-3 of part one of article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of April 17, 1992 No. 1594-XII "About veterans";
the citizens living in premises acknowledged in accordance with the established procedure unsuitable for accommodation;
the full age young citizens who are winners of special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus in social support of gifted pupils and students and (or) special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for support of talented youth - under approval according to the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Culture and according to the documents confirming such rank. Young citizens in this Decree are understood as persons aged till 31 year;
citizens to whom grants of the President of the Republic of Belarus were appointed by the talented young scientist, - in coordination with National academy of Sciences of Belarus and according to the documents supporting purpose of these grants issued by the organizations performing their payments;
the citizens living at least 10 years in hostels, in premises of private housing stock according to employment contracts of premises, agreements of finance lease (leasing), leasing subject of which are the premises of private housing stock, the persons in need staying on the registry in housing improvement during the specified term and not losing bases to stay on such registry at which, including jointly the living family members and separately living spouses, is not available in property of premises (the total area of the premises falling to the share in the right of common property to premises) including located in other settlements of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time in time, specified in this paragraph, accommodation term in premises of the state housing stock under agreements of subhiring of premises joins;
the citizens performing construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises in settlements with population to 20 thousand people * and in satellite towns **;
* For the purposes of this Decree population is determined based on the official statistical information which is available on approval date of lists on receipt of soft credits.
** For the purposes of this Decree satellite towns for Minsk are Dzerzhinsk, Zaslavl, Logoysk, Rudensk, Smolevichi, Fanipol, for Brest – Zhabinka, for Grodno – Skidel, and also other settlements which according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus are given the status of the satellite town.
the young families having two minor children on approval date of lists on receipt of soft credits;
the citizens performing construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises and labor activity in settlements in the territory of the southeast region of the Mogilev region ***.
*** For the purposes of this Decree the southeast region of the Mogilev region is understood as the territory of Krichevsky, Klimovichsky, Krasnopolsky, Kostyukovichsky, Slavgorod, Cherikovsky and Hotimsky districts of the Mogilev region.
To the citizens specified in part one of this subitem and the members of their families improving together with them housing conditions, soft credits are not granted if these citizens and able-bodied members of their families treat the able-bodied citizens who are not occupied in economy, except as specified, provided in parts three and the fourth this subitem.
Soft credits are granted to the citizens specified in part one of this subitem and the members of their families improving together with them housing conditions provided that:
these citizens or at least one of members of their families improving together with them housing conditions are the emancipated or married minors working according to the employment contract (contract) or with the consent of parents, adoptive parents or custodians engaged in business activity, or are reached generally established retirement age;
these citizens or at least one of able-bodied members of their families improving together with them housing conditions do not treat the able-bodied citizens who are not occupied in economy for date of filing of application about inclusion in lists on receipt of soft credits.
If the citizens and members of their families improving together with them housing conditions treat the able-bodied citizens who are not occupied in economy, they have the right to use soft credits if at least one of them is in difficult life situation and is recognized as that according to the decision of the permanent commissions created by district, city executive committees, local administrations of areas in the cities according to item 4 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of April 2, 2015 No. 3 "About assistance of employment of the population" (further – the commissions).
Decisions on recognition (non-recognition) of citizens and (or) members of their families improving together with them housing conditions the able-bodied citizens who are not occupied in economy, being in difficult life situation are accepted by the commissions on requests district, city (the cities of regional and district subordination) executive committees, local administrations of areas in the cities, other state bodies having the right according to part one of subitem 1.9 of this Item to approval of lists on receipt of soft credits, and also the organizations entering their system or subordinated to them which delegates powers according to lists, no later than 5 working days from the date of receipt of request.
The foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus have the right to soft credits on construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Belarus if other is not provided by the laws and international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.
Conditions and procedure for reference of citizens to category of needy citizens for provision of soft credits, subsidies and other forms of the state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises are determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus;
1.2. the extraordinary right to soft credits is had:
large families;
citizens as a part of whose families there are handicapped children, and also disabled people since the childhood of I and II groups;
the citizens who got sick and had the radiation sickness caused by catastrophic crash effects on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents, disabled people concerning whom the causal relationship of mutilation or the disease which resulted in disability is established with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents;
the citizens living in the premises recognized in accordance with the established procedure unsuitable for accommodation;
the able-bodied full age members of the family of the employer of premises according to the employment contract of premises of social use of the state housing stock in case of his death or departure on permanent residence to other premises who do not have in ownership and use of premises of the state housing stock based on the employment contract or in property of other premises in this settlement with a total area of 15 sq.m and more (in Minsk – 10 sq.m and more) on one person corresponding established for accommodation sanitary and to technical requirements – during effective period of the prisoner according to legal acts with one of them employment contracts of premises of social use of the state housing stock;
the citizens discharged from military service on age, the state of health, in connection with holding organizational and regular actions, including exercised performing right on accounting of persons in need in housing improvement on place of residence within 6 months from the date of dismissal from military service;
the full age young citizens who are winners of special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus in social support of gifted pupils and students and (or) special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for support of talented youth – under approval according to the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Culture and according to the documents confirming such rank;
orphan children and children without parental support on whom the decision on emancipation is made or which married, persons from among orphan children and children without parental support;
the citizens who are employers of the premises of social use of the state housing stock provided to them according to legal acts as to orphan children and children without parental support on whom the decision on emancipation is made or which married, to persons from among orphan children and children without parental support, – during effective period of the terminal agreement of hiring of premises of social use of the state housing stock signed with them;
the citizens staying on the registry the needing housing improvement on place of residence in the regional centers and Minsk and performing construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises in settlements with population to 20 thousand people;
1.3. the citizens of the Republic of Belarus having the right to soft credits (except for the citizens specified in paragraphs the second and nineteenth to part one of subitem 1.1 of this Item), have the right to one-time subsidies for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises taking into account the features established in parts of the second or fourth of subitem 1.1 of this Item.
The right to joint use of soft credit and one-time subsidy for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises have:
the citizens having the right to extraordinary receipt of premises of social use of the state housing stock according to legal acts;
combat veterans in the territory of other states from among categories of the citizens provided in Items 1-3 of part one of article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About veterans";
the citizens living in the premises recognized in accordance with the established procedure unsuitable for accommodation;
the citizens who got sick and had the radiation sickness caused by catastrophic crash effects on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents, disabled people concerning whom the causal relationship of mutilation or the disease which resulted in disability is established with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents;
citizens as a part of whose families there are handicapped children, and also disabled people since the childhood of I and II groups.
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