of December 27, 2011 No. 1158
About procedure for calculation of service length (length of service) for payment of the monthly allowance to salary of monthly monetary pay for service length (length of service) to the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, persons who are serving in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and having special ranks of police
According to part 8 of article 2 of the Federal law "About Social Guarantees to the Staff of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation and Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of calculation of service length (length of service) for payment of the monthly allowance to salary of monthly monetary pay for service length (length of service) to the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, persons who are serving in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and having special ranks of police.
2. Make employee benefit of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, to the persons who are serving in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and having special ranks of police, the monthly allowance to salary of monthly monetary pay for service length (length of service) within the budgetary appropriations provided on cash allowance of the specified employees and persons as a part of expenses of the federal budget on content of the corresponding federal executive bodies.
3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2012, and concerning persons specified regarding the 2nd article 20 of the Federal law "About Social Guarantees to the Staff of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation and Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" - since January 1, 2013.
Russian Prime Minister
V. Putin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 No. 1158
1. These rules determine procedure for calculation of service length (length of service) for payment of the monthly allowance to salary of monthly monetary pay for service length (length of service) to the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, persons who are serving in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and having special ranks of police (further respectively - service length (length of service), employees), in the amount of, established according to part 7 of article 2 of the Federal law "About Social Guarantees to the Staff of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation and Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation".
2. The service length (length of service) to the employees joins the periods:
a) services in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation, and also in law-enforcement bodies, militia, police, correctional institutions, the militarized fire protection, other organizations and forming of law-enforcement bodies (protection of public order) of the Russian Federation and the USSR as employees;
b) services in law-enforcement bodies (police), organizations and bodies of criminal executive system, bodies of forced execution and the public fire service (fire protection, fire-proof rescue units) of the State Parties of the CIS and the states which are not members of the CIS with whom the Russian Federation signs the relevant contracts (agreements);
c) probation period as the trainee on the corresponding position in law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, troops of national guard of the Russian Federation, organizations and bodies of criminal executive system and the Public fire service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response;
d) suspensions of service of the employees performing powers of senators of the Russian Federation (members of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation) elected deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of legislature of subjects of the Russian Federation (deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation), management officials of subjects of the Russian Federation (heads of executive bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation), deputies of representative bodies of local self-government, heads of municipalities and performing the specified powers on permanent basis;
e) break in service in law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, organizations and bodies of criminal executive system, bodies of forced execution of the Russian Federation and the Public fire service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response in case of wrongful dismissal of employees from the specified bodies and organizations and the subsequent recovery on service in stipulated by the legislation cases of the Russian Federation (in calendar calculation from the date of dismissal about day of recovery on service);
e) military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Border service of the Russian Federation, in internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation, in Railway troops of the Russian Federation, troops of the Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information in case of the President of the Russian Federation, troops of civil defense, technical and road-building military forming in case of federal executive bodies, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, bodies of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, federal bodies of government communication and information, bodies of the state protection, federal body of ensuring mobilization preparation of public authorities of the Russian Federation, and also in the Public fire service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, to emergency situations and natural disaster response (Ministries of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation);
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