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of December 24, 2011 No. 1122

About additional payments to the military personnel passing military service under the contract, the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time

(as amended on 28-04-2018)

According to the Federal Laws "About Cash Allowance of the Military Personnel and Provision of Separate Payments by It" and "About Social Guarantees to the Staff of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation and Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

Rules of payment to the military personnel passing military service under the contract, the monthly allowance for accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk for life and health in peace time;

Rules of employee benefit of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation of the allowance to official pay rate for accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time.

2. Payments according to the rules approved by this resolution to perform within the budgetary appropriations provided on cash allowance of the military personnel and persons equated to them as a part of expenses of the federal budget on content of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming and bodies, and also federal executive bodies in which the staff of law-enforcement bodies serves.

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2012, and concerning persons specified regarding the 2nd article 7 of the Federal law "About Cash Allowance of the Military Personnel and Provision of Separate Payments by It" and  part 2 of article 20 of the Federal law "About Social Guarantees to the Staff of Law-enforcement Bodies of the Russian Federation and Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" - since January 1, 2013.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2011 No. 1122

Rules of payment to the military personnel passing military service under the contract, the monthly allowance for accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk for life and health in peace time

1. These rules determine payment procedure the serviceman passing military service under the contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming and bodies (daleevoyennosluzhashchy), the monthly allowance for accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk for life and health in peace time according to the Federal Law "About Cash Allowance of the Military Personnel and Provision of Separate Payments by It" (further - the allowance).

2. The allowance is paid by the serviceman as a part of their cash allowance according to the procedure who is established in federal executive bodies in which the Federal Law provides military service, bodies of military prosecutor's office and military investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (further - state bodies) for providing the military personnel with cash allowance.

3. Depending on conditions of accomplishment of the tasks which are directly connected with risk for life and health in peace time, the allowance is established and paid to the military personnel in the following sizes:

a) to 100 percent of monthly salary according to the held military position (further - salary on military position) - for accomplishment of diving works - depending on depth of immersion, time of immersion and nature of the carried-out tasks;

b) to 60 percent of salary on military position - for the period direct participation in doctrines, campaigns of the ships, in working off of tasks fighting and educational combat training in field conditions, in other actions out of the place of permanent deployment of military unit (body) for the list determined by the head of the relevant state body;

c) to 50 percent of salary on military position:

for accomplishment of parachute jumps (landing with the equipment) - depending on quantity of jumps, conditions and nature of their making;

for the military service connected with accomplishment of explosive works, detection, identification, withdrawal, neutralization, destruction of destructive devices and explosive objects (objects), use of explosive materials and blasting agents, destructive devices and explosive objects (objects);

for the military service connected with production of explosive or ballistic examinations, direct accomplishment of the specified examinations or researches connected with diagnostics, rassnaryazheniye, destruction of all types of ammunition and improvised explosive devices;

for making of flights from the deck of the ship or by means of land and training complex - depending on the number of flights and method of their making;

for accomplishment by flight crews of works on suppression of the natural and technogenic fires;

for direct work with persons rendering assistance on confidential basis;

d) to 30 percent of salary on military position:

for military service in areas of ecological crisis on the Baikonur complex and in Baikonur (Republic of Kazakhstan);

for diagnostics and treatment of HIV-positive people, for performance of works, connected with the materials containing human immunodeficiency virus for military service in antiplague organizations or departments, departments, laboratories of especially dangerous infections and sanitary and epidemiologic groups;

for military service in medical institutions (divisions) with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions on positions of medical personnel according to the lists approved by heads of the relevant state bodies;

for the military service connected with accomplishment of researches of cadaveric material, researches using x-ray, high-frequency and ionizing radiation, toxic, toxic, narcotic, strong, aggressive agents on the lists approved by heads of the relevant state bodies;

e) to 20 percent of salary on military position - for the period (day) of direct participation in works on reloading of nuclear reactors of the ships and the treatment of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste.

4. If specifics of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming and bodies require accomplishment of the special tasks which are directly connected with risk for life and health in peace time, but not stipulated in Item 3 these rules, the allowance can be established at the rate to 60 percent of salary on military position according to the lists approved by heads of state bodies.


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