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of December 20, 2011 No. 1704

About approval of the Regulations on procedure of payments of the starting amount of one-time payment for mineral right

(as amended on 02-12-2016)

According to Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 3, 2011 "About some questions of implementation of investing activities concerning subsoil" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 442

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure of payments of the starting amount of one-time payment for mineral right.

2. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2012.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

M. Myasnikovich

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 20, 2011 No. 1704

Regulations on procedure of payments of the starting amount of one-time payment for mineral right

1. This Provision determines procedure of payments of the starting amount of one-time payment for mineral right (further - the starting amount of one-time payment) when tendering, and also by provision of subsoil plots without tendering in the cases established by legal acts.

2. For the purposes of this provision the following terms and determinations are used:

inventories of minerals of categories A, B, C1 - total amount of explored reserves of the minerals suitable for industrial use and approved in accordance with the established procedure;

inventories of minerals of category C2 - amount of previously estimated inventories of minerals, perspective for industrial use according to the conclusion of state examination of geological information on subsoil.

3. The starting amount of one-time payment is determined depending on types of use of natural resources:

geological studying of subsoil;


use of geothermal resources of subsoil.

4. Subject to calculation of the starting amount of one-time payment is the subsoil plot:

perspective for detection of minerals or geothermal resources;

containing the mineral deposit (its part) or geothermal resources.

5. For determination of the starting amount of one-time payment the state stock balances of minerals and geothermal resources of subsoil, the average level of stock exchange quotations, the prices of mineral raw materials approved in accordance with the established procedure in the world markets or contract prices of exporters of the Republic of Belarus, reports on development of feasibility statements on standards of minerals are used.

6. The starting amount of one-time payment is determined:

6.1. by provision of right to use by the subsoil plot for geological studying in the form of the fixed payment in the amount of 50 US dollars for 1 hectare of the area of the parcel of land provided for geological studying;

6.2. by provision of right to use by the subsoil plot containing the mineral deposit (its part):

6.2.1. for mining on which there are stock exchange quotations, in case of their absence - the prices of mineral raw materials in the world markets and if there are no such prices - contract prices of exporters of the Republic of Belarus, on formula

Формула 1 к Пост. СМ от 20.12.2011 №1704

where P - the starting amount of one-time payment (in US dollars);

With - inventory cost of minerals of categories A, B, C1 (in US dollars);

The joint venture - inventory cost of minerals of category C2 (in US dollars).

Inventory cost of minerals of categories A, B, C1 is determined as the work of the average level of stock exchange quotations, the prices of mineral raw materials in the world markets or contract prices of exporters of the Republic of Belarus (in US dollars) in the month preceding calculation and inventories of minerals of categories A, B, C1.

Inventory cost of minerals of category C2 is determined as the work of the average level of stock exchange quotations, the prices of mineral raw materials in the world markets or contract prices of exporters of the Republic of Belarus (in US dollars) in the month preceding calculation and inventories of minerals of category C2;

6.2.2. for mining concerning which stock exchange quotations, the prices of mineral raw materials in the world markets or contract prices of exporters of the Republic of Belarus, on formula are not established

Формула 2 к Пост. СМ от 20.12.2011 №1704

where P - the starting amount of one-time payment (in Belarusian rubles);

With - inventory cost of minerals of categories A, B, C1 (in Belarusian rubles or in US dollars) and inventories of minerals of category C2 (in Belarusian rubles or in US dollars) which is determined proceeding from actual cost of their production and primary conversion reflected in the state stock balances of minerals and geothermal resources of subsoil according to the latest data, available for settlement date or in case such data are not reflected in the state stock balances of minerals and geothermal resources of subsoil, - proceeding from the cost determined in the feasibility statement on the prospecting standards approved in accordance with the established procedure on the specific mineral deposit, increased by 20 percent;

6.2.3. for use of geothermal resources of subsoil, on formula

Формула 3 к Пост. СМ от 20.12.2011 №1704

where P - the starting amount of one-time payment (in US dollars);

Sg - the total cost of inventories of geothermal resources of the subsoil suitable for industrial or economic use determined as the work of the inventory quantity of geothermal resources (expressed in tons of conditional fuel) and their cost which is annually determined by Department by energy efficiency of the State committee on standardization (in US dollars).

7. In the presence on the subsoil plot of several types of minerals the starting amount of one-time payment is calculated by each type of minerals then the received results are summed up.


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