of June 3, 2008 No. 664
About the National program of economic support of youth
Based on the Law on small and medium scale enterprises No. 179 of July 21, 2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 306-313, 651) and for development of entrepreneurial capabilities of youth DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve:
The national program of economic support of youth for 2008-2017 according to appendix No. 1;
staff of Coordinating committee of the National program of economic support of youth for 2008-2017 according to appendix No. 2.
2. Implementation of the Program to assign on:
The organization for development of the sector of small and medium scale enterprises under the Ministry of Economics – the Section I;
Management of the Credit line under the Ministry of Finance – Sections II and III.
3. Provide program implementation at the expense of the recredited current assets of the Project of rural services and investments (RISP1) financed by the World Bank, and available means of the Project of rural financing and development of small enterprises (IFAD 1) financed by International Fund for Agricultural Development, and also at the expense of other raised funds of partners in development.
4. To provide to the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Public Education and youth necessary support of implementation of the Program.
5. In case of release of members of the specified Committee from posts of their obligation as a part of Committee persons who are again appointed to these positions without edition of the new order of the Government will carry out.
6. To impose control over the implementation of this Resolution on the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Finance
Prime Minister |
Zinaida Grechany |
Countersign: first deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Trade |
Igor Dodon |
deputy. Prime Minister |
Victor Stepanyuk |
Minister of Finance |
Mariana Durleshtyanu |
minister of education and youth |
Larisa Shavga |
Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Government the Republic of Moldova of June 3, 2008 No. 664
1. Program purpose
The purpose of the National program of economic support of youth (further – the Program) – promotion and assistance to involvement of youth of the Republic of Moldova in business activity.
2. Program tasks:
Development in youth of the entrepreneurial capabilities based on knowledge and optimum use of resources (financial, human, material, temporary, etc.).
Simplification of access for young entrepreneurs to the financial resources necessary for opening and development of own business.
Stimulation of youth to creation and development of the new companies.
3. Program components
Section I – Training and consultations in business activity.
Section II – Financing of rural investment projects by means of provision of reimbursable commercial credits with part of grant, and also financing of agreements of leasing.
Section III – Post-financial monitoring.
4. Program effective period:
2008 – 2017.
5. Target group of beneficiaries
The program is intended for young people aged from 18 up to 35 years which wish:
develop the entrepreneurial capabilities;
open own business in rural regions;
develop the existing own business in rural regions on condition of creation of new workplaces.
6. General terms of participation
For participation in the Section I participants shall correspond to the following criteria: be citizens of the Republic of Moldova;
be the physical persons wishing to develop own business in rural regions including in rural settlements of municipiums.
For participation in the Section II participants shall correspond to the following criteria:
be engaged in business activity of any form of business, having 100 percent private equity;
founders and/or unitholders of physical persons and legal entities – applicants shall be citizens of the Republic of Moldova aged from 18 up to 35 years;
correspond to the criteria established by the Law No. 179 of July 21, 2016 on small and medium scale enterprises.
Participation in the project as the beneficiary of the accompanying grant is possible only once.
7. Coordinating and control of the Program
Activities of the Program are coordinated and controlled by Coordinating committee which staff affirms the order of the Government.
The coordinating committee is convoked on the regular meetings at least once a quarter.
In the activities the Coordinating committee approves resolutions which are obligatory for all subjects of the Section I of the Program.
The coordinating committee approves application forms, registration forms and forms for the Section I of the Program, and also other documents necessary for program implementation, occasionally.
Results of coordinating and control of the Program are considered at meetings of Coordinating committee.
Description of components of the Program
Training and consultations in business activity provide:
a) Holding information and propaganda campaign
The purpose of campaign for informing and promotion of the Program is informing the public, including target group, about start and program implementation, about conditions of participation and about the organizations responsible for its implementation.
For effective realization of this campaign information prospectuses will be published and extend by means of higher educational institutions, the youth organizations, the central and local public organizations, to be developed the press communique and announcements for publication in mass media.
b) Selection of partners
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