of August 21, 2007 No. 955
About streamlining of import to the Republic of Moldova of the goods made in the territory of member countries of the Central European free-trade agreement (CEFTA)
For the purpose of the implementation of the Central European free-trade agreement (CEFTA) signed in Bucharest on December 19, 2006, ratified by the Law No. 120-XVI of May 4, 2007. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007 No. 70-73, of the Art. 330), and also regulations of import in prefential treatment of some goods made in the territory of CEFTA member countries, the Government DECIDES:
1. Approve Regulations on import to the Republic of Moldova of the goods made in the territory of member countries of the Central European free-trade agreement (CEFTA) it (is applied).
2. Equip the Agency of the state services by management functions by the tariff quotas on commodity import made in CEFTA member countries namely: To the republic Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Interim administration mission of the United Nations in Kosovo, from Kosovo, according to the Resolution 1244 Security Councils of the United Nations.
3. Resolve Customs Service import in prefential treatment of the goods which are subject to quoting based on the authorization for import issued by the Agency of the state services.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Agency of the state services and Customs Service.
5. This resolution becomes effective from the date of representation of ratification tools by five member countries of CEFTA.
6. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 484 of May 30, 2005. "About streamlining of import to the Republic of Moldova of the goods made in the territory of member countries of the Pact of stability for Southeast Europe" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2005, Art. No. 80-82, 542).
Prime Minister |
Vasile Tarlev |
Countersigns: Minister of Economy and Trade |
Igor Dodon |
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 21, 2007 No. 955
1. For agricultural import, CEFTA coming from member countries, applies the customs duties established in appendix No. 4 to this provision.
2. The preferential quotas provided by the Republic of Moldova for agricultural import from CEFTA member countries are established in appendix No. 5 to this provision. Agricultural import, CEFTA made in the territory of member countries, within the preferential quotas specified in appendix No. 5, is allowed only on condition of representation of authorization to customs authorities for import. Management of the tariff quotas for import specified in appendix No. 5, is guaranteed and performed by the Agency of the state services.
3. Concerning trade between member countries of CEFTA the new customs duties on import, the charges equivalent to customs duties, and other charges of tax nature are not introduced. In case of application of customs duties on commodity import from CEFTA member countries customs authorities of the Republic of Moldova apply provisions of appendix No. 1 to the Law on customs tariff No. 1380-XIII of November 20, 1997, with the changes made before entry into force of the agreement of CEFTA.
4. For the purposes of the Agreement of CEFTA and this provision the following concepts mean: agricultural products - the goods specified in groups 1-24 of the Combined commodity nomenclature reviewed according to the harmonized system of coding and the description of goods approved by the Order of the Government No. 54 of January 26, 2004 and also the manufactured goods specified in appendix No. 6 to this provision;
manufactured goods - the goods specified in groups 25-97 of the Combined commodity nomenclature developed according to the harmonized system of coding and the description of goods approved by the Order of the Government No. 54 of January 26, 2004 except the goods specified in appendix No. 6 to this provision which are considered as agricultural products;
the main duty - the customs duties applied by Moldova according to the Law No. 1380-XIII of November 20, 1997 on customs tariff at the time of entry into force of the agreement of CEFTA.
5. The admission to import within the tariff quotas is provided on the basis of the following documents:
declaration of the importer (appendix No. 1 to this provision);
the copy of the preferential certificate of origin for export of EUR.1, of CEFTA issued by customs authorities of member countries;
copy of the sale and purchase agreement or delivery agreement;
copy of the invoice (invoice).
The documents specified in this Item shall be transferred or sent to the address of the Agency of the state services.
6. In case of production of documents, specified in Item 6, the applicant shall satisfy the following conditions:
represent one company as his worker (availability of the certificate or power of attorney);
provide and request one authorization for import of the same group of goods.
7. The declaration of the importer shall be completed by the applicant all necessary data. Authorization for import is filled with the Agency of the state services based on information provided by the importer.
8. Responsibility for accuracy of the information, provided in the documents specified in Item 6, the importer bears only.
9. The documents completed incorrectly, short or with corrections, will not be considered by provision of import quotas.
10. The permitted documents are serviced on first come and within amounts, free for the corresponding date.
11. The maximum amount provided to importers on demand shall not exceed the interest rate provided in appendix No. 5 to this provision for each tariff quota separately applied at the initial level of the corresponding quota.
12. If importers have the signed agreements on deliveries with several foreign partners concerning goods to which the same quota extends, several authorizations for import (appendix No. 2 to this provision) can be issued provided that the size of required quota will not exceed the maximum interest rate permitted for provision of quota.
13. Economic agents to whom authorization for import was issued shall confirm import implementation, having submitted within 15-day term from the moment of collection of customs duty the copy of the customs declaration for import together with the copy of authorization for import. These documents are submitted to the Agency of the state services.
14. The economic agents who confirmed use of the quotas provided earlier can use new quotas within the available amounts.
15. The new quota cannot be provided to economic agents who on condition of normal agreement performance on deliveries cannot confirm the realization fact at least 95% of amount of the allocated quota provided by authorization for import.
16. Authorizations for import are issued within 5 working days from the date of filing of application and are valid within two months from the moment of issue, at the same time the term of their action shall not exceed the effective period established for quota. Authorization for import is issued free of charge.
17. Authorization for import can be received in the Agency of the state services only by persons authorized on it by management of the importing company.
18. In exceptional cases, at reasonable request of economic agents, the authorization validity for import can be extended only once maximum for 30 days. In this case the importing company submits the written application with application of documents, confirming need of prolongation of effective period of authorization.
19. In the presence of the reasonable statement of economic agents accompanied with supporting documents, authorization can be replaced with import.
20. The issued authorizations for import cannot be transferred or sold to other persons and are used only by their owners.
21. If in the presence of the objective reasons, authorization for import cannot be used during the term of its action, it shall be returned no later than 10 days from expiry date.
22. Untimely return by economic agents of unused authorizations to import automatically leads to the right to use termination by the prefential treatment provided according to this provision.
23. The remained quota size provided by authorizations for import which were cancelled or partially used is provided to the interested economic agents according to the operating procedures.
24. The agency of the state services stores the documents connected with issue of authorizations for import within two years.
25. From the effective date agreements of CEFTA concerning trade in the manufactured goods imported from CEFTA member countries are not entered the additional customs duties on import, the charges equivalent to customs duties, and other charges of tax nature.
26. Import to the Republic of Moldova of manufactured goods from member countries of CEFTA is made without application of the tariff quotas and within the tariff preferences provided based on the agreement of CEFTA.
27. For import of manufactured goods from CEFTA member countries the Republic of Moldova does not apply customs duties if the agreement does not provide other.
28. For import of manufactured goods from the Republic of Macedonia the customs duties on import are not applied except for the goods specified in appendix No. 3.
29. Specimen signatures of persons from the Agency of the state services, authorized to sign authorizations for import, and also the sample of seal is given to Customs Service for the purpose of their transfer to customs posts on places.
30. In case of disagreements on application of this provision of the requirement of the agreement of CEFTA signed on December 19, 2006 in Bucharest prevail.
to Regulations on import to the Republic of Moldova of the goods made in the territory of member countries of the Central European agreement on free trade (CEFTA)
Registration code of the ________________ company
Declaration of the importer
1. I declare under the personal liability that import of food products is object of activity of the company for which I request authorization for import.
2. I promise from the date of use of authorization for import (application of customs duty) to submit within 10-day term within office of the Agency of the state services the copy of the customs declaration for import for confirmation of use of allocated quota.
3. If I do not use authorization for import to the period of its action, I promise to return to 10-day time it in office of the Agency of the state services for the purpose of avoidance of freezing of quota.
(name of the company, seal, name and signature of the importer)
to Regulations on import to the Republic of Moldova of the goods made in the territory of member countries of the Central European agreement on free trade (CEFTA)
Model of authorization for import
Model of authorization for import
| ||
1. Importer (name, address) |
2. No. |
3. Year/quota |
4. Country of goods' origin
| |
5. Exporter (name, address, country)
| |
6. Vehicle
| ||
Measurement unit / net weight |
Cost it agrees to the delivery agreement
8. Visa of authorized bodies.
Quantity/unit of measure ______
The document is valid to ______________________________
9. Declaration of the importer
I declare that the goods specified in this authorization meet the established requirements about goods origin for establishment of required prefential treatment | |
(date, seal, witnessed signature) |
(date, seal, signature) |
to Regulations on import to the Republic of Moldova of the goods made in the territory of member countries of the Central European agreement on free trade (CEFTA)
The manufactured goods which are not liberalized at the time of entry into force of the Agreement of CEFTA, imported to the Republic of Moldova
The customs duties on import applied by the Republic of Moldova to the manufactured goods made in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, given below will be lowered according to the following scheme:
for 2007 – 50% of the customs duty established by the Law No. 1380-XIII of November 20, 1997 on customs tariff (SNB);
since January 1, 2008 - 40% of duties SNB;
since January, 2009 - the remained customs duties will be cancelled:
252010 |
610130 |
620432 |
721310 |
854459 |
252020 |
610342 |
620433 |
730890 |
854810 |
252100 |
610343 |
620439 |
730900 |
860400 |
271290 |
610433 |
620443 |
731029 |
860610 |
300590 |
610443 |
620451 |
731100 |
860620 |
330129 |
610462 |
620452 |
731816 |
860691 |
330190 |
610463 |
620453 |
732690 |
860692 |
330210 |
610510 |
620459 |
740400 |
860699 |
330590 |
610520 |
620461 |
760120 |
870120 |
330720 |
610610 |
620462 |
760200 |
870130 |
380810 |
610711 |
620463 |
761010 |
870323 |
380830 |
610811 |
620469 |
831110 |
870324 |
392310 |
610831 |
620520 |
841112 |
870422 |
392330 |
610891 |
620630 |
841191 |
870840 |
392340 |
610910 |
620640 |
841370 |
870899 |
392350 |
610990 |
620690 |
841960 |
871639 |
392390 |
611020 |
620891 |
842230 |
880212 |
392690 |
611030 |
621010 |
842240 |
880230 |
410110 |
611120 |
621132 |
843230 |
880240 |
410121 |
611130 |
621133 |
843351 |
880330 |
410210 |
611241 |
621142 |
843390 |
901420 |
410422 |
611420 |
621143 |
843860 |
901580 |
410431 |
620111 |
630399 |
845012 |
901890 |
410439 |
620112 |
630790 |
845019 |
903090 |
420212 |
620113 |
640399 |
847150 |
903180 |
420219 |
620191 |
640419 |
847160 |
903190 |
420239 |
620192 |
640510 |
847330 |
940430 |
440920 |
620193 |
640520 |
848071 |
940560 |
441520 |
620291 |
640610 |
850710 |
940600 |
470710 |
620293 |
640699 |
851690 |
960310 |
470790 |
620311 |
650590 |
851790 |
481099 |
620312 |
680422 |
852520 |
481840 |
620331 |
680919 |
852691 |
490199 |
620332 |
681019 |
852910 |
540773 |
620333 |
700420 |
852990 |
551219 |
620342 |
701091 |
853120 |
570241 |
620343 |
701092 |
853690 |
570249 |
620413 |
701093 |
853810 |
581099 |
620429 |
701400 |
854389 |
600293 |
620431 |
720431 |
854411 |
to Regulations on import to the Republic of Moldova of the goods made in the territory of member countries of the Central European agreement on free trade (CEFTA)
Import to the Republic of Moldova of the agricultural products made in the territory of CEFTA member countries
Import to the Republic of Moldova of the agricultural products made in the territory of CEFTA member countries | |||||||||
The customs duties on import stipulated by the parties (%) | |||||||||
Tariff line item |
Albania |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Croatia |
Macedonia |
Montenegro |
Serbia |
BAMOOH/of Kosovo | ||
6 figures |
Except for: | ||||||||
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2008 |
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The document ceased to be valid since November 15, 2019 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 12, 2019 No. 539