Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of October 26, 2011 No. 509

About some questions in connection with system of special permission (license) and the permission required for occupation by certain types of business activity

(as amended on 19-07-2023)

Sustainable economic development of business activity in the Azerbaijan Republic is important component of the state economic policy. In recent years the state undertakes package of measures in the direction of enhancement of the legislation for this industry, ministerial procedures and state and entrepreneurial relations. At the same time researches show that for occupation business activity in the country numerous permissions from different state bodies are required. And it, in turn, negatively influences development of entrepreneurship, growth of employment and process of investment into economy. Improvement of the current situation requires enhancement of system of special permission (license) and the permission required for occupation by business activity. Being guided by Item 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, for the purpose of creation of single system of special permission (license) and permission for forming of the optimum business environment for development of entrepreneurship in the country I decide:

1. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to prepare and provide to three-months time to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic the bill of the Azerbaijan Republic "About licenses and permissions".

2. In the bill, 1 this Decree drafted according to part to determine types of activity on which the license and permission, taking into account the following criteria are required:

2.1. the type of activity influences safety of the state;

2.2. the type of activity provides limited use of natural resources;

2.3. the type of activity can exert negative impact on ecological state of environment;

2.4. the type of activity creates danger to unrestricted number of persons who are not participating in implementation of these activities;

2.5. the type of activity covers unrestricted number of persons, including their property;

2.6. the type of activity creates opportunities for extraction of excessive income and requires additional control.

3. To the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic:

3.1. in three-months time to create the Internet portal for reflection of information on the permissions (the name of type of permission, legal ground, the list of required documents, the name of the body issuing permission, legal address and so forth) issued central and local executive bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic;

3.2. create on this portal simple search engine in use on license types or permissions which are required for occupation business activity (legal ground, the list of the documents required for receipt of the license or permission, the name of the body granting the license or permission, legal address and so forth);

3.3. provide creation on the portal of customer service "drafts of legal acts on entrepreneurial industry", placement on this portal developed central and local executive bodies of drafts of legal acts on entrepreneurial industry and storage of the specified texts of projects on the portal within one month;

3.4. provide distribution of information on the created portal by mass media.

4. Central and to local executive bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic:

4.1. in a month to provide in the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic information on the granted licenses or permissions which are required for occupation business activity (the name of license type or permission, legal ground, the list of required documents, the name of the body granting the license or permission, legal address and so forth);

4.2. provide to the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic drafts of legal acts on entrepreneurial industry on electronic media for placement them on the portal;

4.3. to provide to the body which developed the project consideration of offers on the projects placed on the portal and in case of refusal in adoption of the offer the direction made the proposal of the motivated answer in a month.

5. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to resolve the issues following from this Decree.

President of the Azerbaijan Republic

Ilham Aliyev

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