Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The decision on the Declaration concerning safety on transport in the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States

of September 18, 2003

The Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States solved:

1. Adopt the Declaration concerning safety on transport in the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States it (is applied).

2. Charge to the Coordination transport meeting of Ministers of Transport of the State Parties of the CIS together with the Anti-terrorist center of the State Parties of the CIS, Executive committee of the CIS and competent departments of the states of the Commonwealth to develop the list of actions for complex safety on transport in the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

It is made in the city of Yalta on September 18, 2003 in one authentic copy in Russian. The authentic copy is stored in Executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States which will send to each state which signed this Decision, its verified copy.


For the Government

Azerbaijan Republic

For the Government

Republic of Tajikistan

For the Government

Republic of Moldova

For the Government


For the Government

Republic of Armenia

For the Government

Republic of Uzbekistan

For the Government

Russian Federation

For the Government

Republic of Kazakhstan

For the Government

Republic of Belarus

For the Government


For the Government

Kyrgyz Republic




The agreement is signed by the Azerbaijan Republic with special opinion.

The agreement is not signed by Turkmenistan.

The declaration concerning safety on transport in the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States

The governments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States, in view of that recently in the State Parties of the CIS, as well as in many other states of the world community, the terrorism problem sharply became aggravated, acquired transnational nature and creates direct threat for international peace and safety,

being guided by the conventional principles and rules of international law, and also regulating documents accepted within the UN, the CIS and other acts of the international nature concerning safety problems on transport, terrorism and fight against it

recognizing that transport is the most important component of international trade and production, and questions of safety on transport are directly connected with functioning of economy of the State Parties of the CIS,

considering that problems of the prevention, identifications, suppression and investigation of the criminal actions and acts of terrorism menacing to safety of transport are vital for gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS and require close attention both state bodies, and business and public community,

considering that for effective fight against terrorism and safety on transport it is necessary to perform package of measures at the national and international levels including the conclusion of international treaties and expansion of the sphere of their action on cooperation of competent authorities and non-governmental organizations of the State Parties of the CIS

understanding safety on transport as the condition of security of life and health of citizens, and also their property during transportation, the transport infrastructure equipped for movement of vehicles and cargo transfer, structures and controling mechanisms by different types of transport provided with holding the approved organizational and technical actions on the basis of rapprochement of national legal systems of the states of the Commonwealth in the field

supporting the activities of the State Parties of the CIS and the international organizations directed to assistance to safety on transport

consider necessary to take measures both at the national level, and within the Commonwealth of Independent States for safety on transport, prevention of acts of terrorism and use of transport in the criminal and illegal objectives.

For this purpose:

1. To the governments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States:

- take necessary measures for forming of the legal base of cooperation in the field of fight against terrorism and smuggling on transport;

- strengthen measures for ensuring protection of frontiers for the purpose of suppression of the arms trafficking, ammunition, explosives, drugs, dangerous goods performed with use of different types of transport;

- provide when designing national budgets financing of the expenses connected with implementation of actions on fight against terrorism and smuggling on transport.

2. To competent authorities of public administration of gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS:

- continue agreement performance about cooperation of gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS in fight against terrorism (The solution of SGP of the CIS of 04:06. 99);

- give work of the personnel servicing vehicles of foreign following, technical condition of the specified vehicles and procedure for their loading in compliance with international standards;

- hold the approved organizational and technical events for safety on transport in the Commonwealth of Independent States, providing at the same time observance of basic rights and human freedoms;

- perform exchange of information about safety hazards of transport infrastructure;

- provide realization of provisions of the Agreement on cooperation on ensuring protection of civil aviation against acts of illegal intervention (The solution of SGP of the CIS from 26.05.95);

- perform in the territory of the CIS practice of certification and licensing of aviation safety according to national legal systems;

- resolve issues of the organization of maintenance of separate international flights by the staff of transport militia;

- perform support of national programs of equipment of the airports and companies of civil aviation, objects of rail and road transport, sea and river ports modern technical means of safety and prevention of acts of terrorism;

- provide effective functioning of the international warranty system of road transportation of goods of MDP (TIR) and protection of this system against fraud and abuses together with associations of the international carriers of the State Parties of the CIS and International union of road transport (IRU), promoting, in particular, more widespread introduction of the Seyftir system;

- study and extend experience of training in the field of anti-terrorist activities on transport objects;


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