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of September 20, 2011 No. 3739-VI

About counteraction to human trafficking

(as amended on 10-11-2015)

This Law determines the organization-legal principles of counteraction to human trafficking, guaranteeing gender equality, the main directions of state policy and the principles of international cooperation in this sphere, powers of executive bodies, procedure for establishment of the status of persons which were affected by human trafficking and procedure for assistance to such persons.

Section I General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. For the purposes of this Law terms are used in such value:

fight against human trafficking - system of actions which are performed within counteraction to human trafficking directed to identification of crime of human trafficking, including incomplete, persons who suffered from it, establishment of physical/legal entities - dealers in people and attraction them to responsibility;

identification of person which was affected by human trafficking (the victim of human trafficking), clarification of information giving the grounds to consider that certain physical person suffered from human trafficking;

the child - any physical person aged up to eighteen years;

institutions of the help to persons who were affected by human trafficking - the centers of social services for family, children and youth, the territorial centers of social servicing (provision of social services), the centers of social psychological recovery of children and shelters for children;

protection of persons which were affected by human trafficking - system of actions for renewal of the rights of persons which were affected by human trafficking;

country of source - the country which citizen is the physical person, or the country of the place of residence or stay for the stateless person;

person which was affected by human trafficking - any physical person which became object of human trafficking and recognized as that according to provisions of this Law;

return or leaving of the child who suffered from trade in children and is foreigner or the stateless person, - the complex of the actions aimed at providing according to needs of such child of return to country of source or leaving in the territory of Ukraine of the child which suffered from trade in children in the territory of Ukraine and is foreigner or the stateless person;

return to Ukraine of the citizens of Ukraine who were affected by human trafficking, complex of the actions directed to the organization of return of the citizens of Ukraine who were affected by human trafficking in the territory of other state on the territory of Ukraine;

the prevention of human trafficking - system of the actions directed to identification and elimination of the reasons and conditions leading to human trafficking;

counteraction to human trafficking - system of the actions directed to overcoming human trafficking by its prevention and fight against it both assistance and protection to persons which were affected by human trafficking;

the procedure of establishment of the status of person which was affected by human trafficking - complex of actions during which the authorized person based on the acquired information and its analysis compares elements of the face of act made relatively to human trafficking determination estimates probability of making concerning person of such act and draws conclusion that such person is person which was affected by human trafficking;

rehabilitation of person which was affected by human trafficking - complex of the medical, psychological, social, legal and other actions directed to renewal of physical and psychological state and social functions of person which was affected by human trafficking;

human trafficking - implementation of the illegal agreement which object is the person, and also recruitment, movement, concealment, transfer or the receipt of the person made for the purpose of operation, including sexual with use of deception, fraud, blackmail, vulnerable condition of the person, or using or threat of use of violence, with use of official position or material or other dependence on other person that according to the Criminal code of Ukraine are recognized crime.


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