of October 12, 2011 No. ZRU-303
About names of geographical objects
Accepted by Legislative house on March 4, 2011
Approved by the Senate on August 26, 2011
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of names of geographical objects.
Operation of this Law extends also to names of the geographical objects which are outside the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding their use in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The legislation on names of geographical objects consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about names of geographical objects then are applied rules of the international treaty.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
geographical objects - complete and rather steady formations of Earth of natural or artificial origin which exist or existed in the past and are characterized by certain location. Treat them: administrative and territorial units (areas, areas, cities, settlements, kishlaks, auls); settlements and their components (waved, avenues, streets, squares, parks, squares); objects of transport and technical infrastructure (railway stations, bus stations, stations of the subway, stations, airports, ports, piers, bridges, traveling, roads, canals, water storage basins, dikes, dams); natural objects (the rivers, lakes, glaciers, plains, mountains, ridges, caves, deserts, valleys, gorges, the protected natural territories, natural boundaries, mineral deposits) and other similar it objects;
names of geographical objects - own names of geographical objects which are used for their difference and recognition;
establishment of the name of geographical object - detection of the name of geographical object for the purpose of its further normalization;
normalization of the name of geographical object - the choice of the most used and acceptable name of geographical object, determination and approval of form of writing of this name;
renaming of geographical object - change of the existing name of geographical object in the cases and procedure established by this Law;
specially authorized state body in the field of names of geographical objects - the Agency according to the inventory under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Agency according to the inventory);
state examination of offers on assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects - complex of the toponymic, ethnographic, linguistic, cartographical and other researches conducted by the Agency according to the inventory and directed to establishment of compliance of offers on assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects to requirements of the legislation.
The name appropriated to geographical object shall:
reflect the most characteristic signs of geographical object;
fit into the existing system of names of geographical objects of the same area on which this geographical object is located;
consider opinion of local population;
consist, as a rule, no more than of three words;
conform to requirements of part two of article 6 of this Law.
Assignment to areas, areas, the cities, settlements, kishlaks, auls, settlements of names of people, and also assignment of names by it in honor of historical events, as a rule, is not allowed.
Assignment to components of settlements (waved, avenues, streets, squares, parks, squares) names of certain people, social and political figures, as a rule, is not allowed, except for the persons who scarred in the history of Uzbekistan or the world
.Names are appropriated to geographical objects which are created by competent authorities of the government and management by the relevant acts of their education according to requirements of this Law.
Names of administrative and territorial units, as a rule, shall be derivative of the name of their administrative centers, the geographical or historical name of that part of the territory where they are located.
Names of objects of transport and technical infrastructure, including the airports, stations, ports, piers, traveling, railway stations and other objects, as a rule, shall be derivative of names of settlements or their components, other geographical objects near which they are located.
Assignment of the same name is not allowed:
to areas, areas, the cities within the Republic of Uzbekistan;
to settlements, kishlaks, auls within the Republic of Karakalpakstan, area;
to several uniform geographical objects within one area, the city, the city having areas in structure or the settlement
.In the course of preparation of offers on assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects the opinion of local population is considered.
In case of assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects by bodies of the public and economic board, relevant organs of executive power at the local level consider opinion of local population.
Bodies of the public and economic board, relevant organs of executive power at the local level publish offers on assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects for discussion in the official publications, on official websites, and also in mass media no later than five working days from the date of their receipt.
The term of carrying out discussion of offers on assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects shall be at least fifteen days from the date of publication.
The local population concerning offers on assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects can express the opinion individually or collectively in oral, written or electronic form. At the same time surname, the name, middle name of person, and also data on its residence are entered.
Bodies of the public and economic board, relevant organ of executive power at the local level generalize the opinions which arrived from local population concerning offers on assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects and bring them in the relevant commission on questions of assignment of names and renaming of geographical objects which considers them by preparation of the conclusion.
Renaming of geographical objects is allowed in cases:
essential change of purpose of geographical object;
need of recovery of historical names of separate geographical objects;
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