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of July 1, 2011 No. 69

About approval of the Instruction for conducting financial accounting of transactions with the pension assets, target assets and target accumulatings performed by the single accumulation pension fund and the Voluntary accumulation pension funds

(as amended on 27-11-2023)

According to the subitem 63) "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the subitem 1) of Item 6 of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About financial accounting and the financial reporting" the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES: parts two of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction for conducting financial accounting of transactions with the pension assets, target assets and target accumulatings performed by the single accumulation pension fund and the Voluntary accumulation pension funds.

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Chairman of National Bank

G. Marchenko

Approved by the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 1, 2011 No. 69

The instruction for conducting financial accounting of transactions with the pension assets, target assets and target accumulatings performed performed by the single accumulation pension fund and the Voluntary accumulation pension funds

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Instruction is developed according to the subitem 63) of part two of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the subitem 1) of Item 6 of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About financial accounting and the financial reporting", the Accounting standard "Accounting and disclosure of information on transactions on the pension assets" approved by the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 26, 2013 No. 195 "About approval of the Accounting standard "Accounting and disclosure of information on transactions on pension assets" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 8765) (further – the Standard), international accounting standards and disaggregates conducting financial accounting of the transactions with pension assets performed by the single accumulation pension fund and the Voluntary accumulation pension funds (further – Fund).

2. Making of the additional accounting entries which are not contradicting this Instruction and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on financial accounting and the financial reporting is allowed.

2-1. For the purposes of this Instruction fair value of asset is determined according to the resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan by regulation and development of the financial market of June 26, 2023 No. 58 "About approval of Rules of implementation of accounting and assessment of pension assets" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 32997).

Chapter 2. The basic concepts used in this Instruction

4. For the purposes of this Instruction also following concepts are used:

1) debt securities - the securities certifying the right of its owner to obtaining from the issuer of the amount of principal debt in the amount of and in the terms established by release conditions;

2) discount (discount) - the amount of negative difference arising between acquisition value of the debt security (without the added remuneration) and its nominal value, forming deferred revenues for the investor (buyer);

3) book value - the cost at which asset or liability are reflected in the balance sheet less remuneration;

4) No. 171 is excluded according to the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 14.10.2019.

5) costs according to the transaction are the additional expenses which are directly connected with acquisition, release or disposal of financial asset or the financial liability which are the compulsory provision for their acquisition, release or realization;

6) award - the amount of positive difference arising between acquisition value of the debt security (without the added remuneration), and its nominal value, forming deferred expenses for the investor (buyer);

7) depreciation of award or discount (discount) is gradual reference of the amount of registered award or discount (discount) for the income or expenses of the organization;

8) equity securities - the securities certifying the right to share in net assets (assets less obligations) the organizations. For the purpose of this Instruction shares, depositary receipts on the shares, shares of mutual investment funds and other securities falling under determination of equity securities according to international accounting standards belong to equity securities.

Chapter 3. Financial accounting of transactions on receipt of pension contributions and payment of pension accruals

5. The single accumulation pension fund based on payment documents and lists of physical persons in whose advantage compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions and the penalty fee received from non-commercial joint-stock company "The Government for Citizens state corporation are listed for the previous working day performs the following accounting entry:


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)


3390 65

Pension accruals on individual retirement accounts.

5-1. On the amount of voluntary pension contributions, receipts of the unclaimed amount of warranty compensation from the organization performing obligatory guaranteeing deposits the following accounting entry is performed:


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)


3390 65

Pension accruals on individual retirement accounts.


5-2. On the amount of compulsory pension contributions of the employer the following accounting entry is performed:

Dt 1060 61 Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)

Kt 3390 70 Means considered on the conditional retirement accounts created at the expense of compulsory pension contributions of the employer.

6. On the amount of mistakenly enlisted pension contributions and other receipts the following accounting entry is performed:


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)


3390 64

Obligations on return of mistakenly credited amount of pension contributions.

7. In case of return to the sender of money, mistakenly enlisted pension contributions and other receipts the following accounting entry is performed:


3390 64

Obligations on return of mistakenly credited amount of pension contributions


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account).

8. In case of payments and transfers of pension savings in other Funds, and (or) in insurance companies, and in case of transfer of pension savings in trust management the following accounting entries are performed:

1) on transfer amount from the investment account into the account of payments:

Dt 1060 62 Money (pension assets) on the current account (the accounts of payments)

Kt 1060 61 Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account);

2) on the amount of obligations to the investor (receiver):

Dt 3390 65 Pension accruals on individual retirement accounts

Kt 3390 61 Obligations on payment of pension accruals

3390 62 Obligations on transfer of pension savings in other accumulation pension funds

3390 63 Obligations on transfer of pension savings in insurance companies

3390 69 Obligations on transfer of pension savings in trust management;

3) in case of the actual payment:

Dt 3390 61 Obligations on payment of pension accruals

3390 62 Obligations on transfer of pension savings in other accumulation pension funds

3390 63 Obligations on transfer of pension savings in insurance companies

Kt 1060 62 Money (pension assets) on the current account (the accounts of payments)

3120 Individual income tax;

4) on the amount of requirements for the pension accruals delivered in trust management:

Dt 1280 11 Requirements for the pension accruals delivered in trust management

Kt 3390 65 Pension accruals on Individual retirement accounts;

5) in case of transfer of pension savings between custodians:

Dt 3390 69 Obligations on transfer of pension savings in trust management

Kt 1060 61 Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account),

at the same time:

Dt 1060 61 Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)

Kt 1280 11 Requirements for the pension accruals delivered in trust management.

8-1. In case of transfer of funds for accounts of reserve funds from conditional retirement accounts of physical persons the following accounting entry is performed:

Dt 3390 70 Means considered on the conditional retirement accounts created at the expense of compulsory pension contributions of the employer

Kt 3390 68 Reserve fund on contingent pension liabilities

3390 72 Reserve funds of the single accumulation pension fund, on compulsory pension contributions of the employer.

In case of write-off of funds from accounts of reserve funds on conditional retirement accounts of physical persons the following accounting entry is performed:

Dt 3390 68 Reserve fund on contingent pension liabilities

3390 72 Reserve funds of the single accumulation pension fund, on compulsory pension contributions of the employer

Kt 3390 70 Means considered on the conditional retirement accounts created at the expense of compulsory pension contributions of the employer.

8-2. When implementing delivery of pensions and pension accruals of workers (members of the family) of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, the following accounting entries are performed:

1) on the amount of the received pension amounts and pension accruals of workers (members of the family) of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, for subsequent delivery in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan the following accounting entry is performed:

Dt 1030 00 Money on current accounts

Kt 3390 71 Obligations on delivery of pensions and pension accruals to working (members of the family) of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) in case of the actual payment of the received pension amounts and pension accruals to working (members of the family) of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Dt 3390 71 Obligations on delivery of pensions and pension accruals to working (members of the family) of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kt 1030 00 Money on current accounts.

Chapter 4. Financial accounting of transactions on placement of pension assets in securities

Paragraph 1. Accounting of the acquired debt securities estimated at fair value

9. Upon purchase of the debt securities classified in category "estimated at fair value" the following accounting entries are performed:

1) in case of advance transfer to the broker:


1610 02

Settlings with brokers


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account);

2) on commission amount of expenses:


7470 81

Commission expenses for services of stock exchange

7470 82

Commission expenses for services in broker and dealer activities


3380 81

The added commission expenses for services of stock exchange

3380 82

The added commission expenses for services in broker and dealer activities;

3) in case of payment of earlier added commission expenses:


3380 81

The added commission expenses for services of stock exchange

3380 82

The added commission expenses for services in broker and dealer activities


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)

1610 02

Settlings with brokers;

4) in day of the conclusion of the transaction on purchase of debt securities on the amount of contingent obligations and conditional requirements the following accounting entry is performed:


8300 01

Conditional requirements for purchase of financial assets


8600 13

Contingent obligations on purchase of financial assets;

5) on the amount of positive revaluation of the fair value of debt securities arising during the period between date of the conclusion of the transaction and date of calculations the following accounting entry is performed:


1140 64

Positive fair value adjustment of the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 64

Positive fair value adjustment of the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value


6150 01

Income from change in value of the securities carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss;

6) on the amount of negative revaluation of the fair value of debt securities arising during the period between date of the conclusion of the transaction and date of calculations the following accounting entry is performed:


7470 03

Expenses from change in value of the securities carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss


1140 65

Negative fair value adjustment of the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 65

Negative fair value adjustment of the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value;

7) for date of calculations of the acquired debt security (on the amount which is not exceeding it nominal value):


1140 61

The current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 61

The non-current financial assets estimated at fair value


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)

1610 02

Settlings with brokers;

8) on the award amount:


1140 63

Award on the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 63

Award on the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)

1610 02

Settlings with brokers;

9) on the amount of discount (discount):


1140 61

The current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 61

The non-current financial assets estimated at fair value


1140 62

Discount on the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 62

Discount on the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value;

10) on the amount of remuneration, added by the previous holder:


1270 04

The remuneration added by the previous holders on securities

2170 03

The remuneration added by the previous holders on securities


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account)

1610 02

Settlings with brokers;

11) in the cases provided by the Standard when the price of transaction does not represent fair value of asset based on information obtained from the managing director of investment portfolio or the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan exercising trust management according to the agreement on investment (confidential) management signed between Fund and managing investment portfolio or National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the initial recognition of financial assets is performed at fair value:

in case of excess of the amount of transaction on purchase of debt securities over their fair value:


7470 10

Expenses from purchase - security sale


1140 62

Discount on the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 62

Discount on the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value

1140 63

Award on the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 63

Award on the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value;

in case of excess of fair value of debt securities over the amount of transaction on their purchase:


1140 63

Award on the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 63

Award on the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value

1140 62

Discount on the current financial assets estimated at fair value

2030 62

Discount on the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value


6280 09

Income from purchase - security sale;

12) for date of calculations of the transaction on the amount of contingent obligations and requirements for purchase of debt securities the following accounting entry is performed:


8600 13

Contingent obligations on purchase of financial assets


8300 01

Conditional requirements for purchase of financial assets;

13) if date of calculations is other than value date (the actual money transfer for acquired asset) for value date on all-in cost of the acquired debt securities estimated at fair value:



Other short-term obligations


1060 61

Money (pension assets) on the current account (the investment account).

10. When charging remuneration according to the acquired debt securities estimated at fair value on the amount of the added remuneration the following accounting entry is performed:


1270 01

Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the acquired securities


2170 01

Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the acquired securities


6110 01

The income connected with receipt of remuneration on the acquired securities.

11. In case of depreciation of premium or discount (discount) to the acquired debt securities estimated at fair value the following accounting entries are performed:

1) on award depreciation amount:


7310 02

The expenses connected with depreciation of premium to the acquired securities


1140 63

Award on the current financial assets estimated at fair value


2030 63

Award on the non-current financial assets estimated at fair value;


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