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of September 8, 2011 No. 3715-VI

About the priority directions of innovative activities in Ukraine

(as amended on 21-12-2023)

This Law determines the legal, economic and organizational principles of forming of complete system of the priority directions of innovative activities and their realization in Ukraine.

The purpose of the law is providing innovative model of development of economy by concentration of resources of the state on the priority directions of nauchnotekhnichesky updating of production, increase in competitiveness of domestic production in the internal and external markets.

Article 1. The legislation of Ukraine concerning forming and realization of the priority directions of innovative activities

1. The legal basis of forming and realization of the priority directions of innovative activities is the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "About the state forecasting and development of programs of economic and social development of Ukraine", "About scientific and scientific and technical activities", "About innovative activities", "About the priority directions of development of science and technology" and other regulatory legal acts governing the relations in this sphere.

Article 2. The priority directions of innovative activities in Ukraine

1. The priority directions of innovative activities in Ukraine (further - the priority directions) - scientifically both economically reasonable and determined according to this law directions of implementation of innovative activities aimed at providing homeland security and defense, economic safety of the state, creation of high-technology competitive environmentally friendly products, provision of high-quality services and increase in the export potential of the state with effective use of domestic and world scientific and technical achievements.

2. The priority directions of innovative activities are subdivided into the strategic and medium-term priority directions.

The strategic priority directions affirm the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the period up to 10 years.

The medium-term priority directions are determined for the period up to 5 years and are directed to accomplishment of the strategic priority directions.

Article 3. Forming of the strategic priority directions

1. Offers of rather strategic priority directions and their forecast and analytical reasons prepare the central executive body realizing state policy in the field of scientific and technical and innovative activities and submit them for consideration of the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the field of innovations which in accordance with the established procedure submits them for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Preparation of offers of rather strategic priority directions and their forecast and analytical reasons are performed within the state target programs of forecasting of scientific and technical and innovative development of Ukraine which are developed according to the laws of Ukraine "About the priority directions of development of science and technology" and "About the state target programs". Preparation of the specified offers is performed with involvement of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine, national industry academies of Sciences of Ukraine, higher educational institutions and research institutions.

2. Served the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the field of innovations of the offer of the strategic priority directions and their reasons are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and move in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the form of drafts of the laws till March 1 of penultimate year of action of the previous strategic priority directions.

3. The procedure for preparation of offers of rather strategic priority directions affirms the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 4. Strategic priority directions of innovative activities

1. The strategic priority directions to the termination or cancellation of the warlike situation in Ukraine imposed by the Presidential decree of Ukraine "About introduction of martial law in Ukraine" of February 24, 2022 No. 64/2022, the approved Law of Ukraine "About approval of the Presidential decree of Ukraine "About introduction of warlike situation in Ukraine" of February 24, 2022 No. 2102-IX and till December 31 of the year following after the termination or cancellation of warlike situation are:

1) technological updating and development of spheres of homeland security and defense;

2) development of new technologies of transportation of energy, implementation of energy efficient, resource-saving technologies, development of alternative energy sources;

3) development of new technologies of high-technology development of transport system, space-rocket industry, avia-and shipbuilding, arms and military equipment;

4) development of new production technologies of materials, their processing and connection, creation of the industry of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies;

5) technological updating and development of agro-industrial complex;

6) implementation of new technologies and equipment for high-quality medical attendance, treatment, pharmaceutics;

7) broad use of technologies of more net production and environment protection;

8) development of modern information, communication technologies, robotics.

Article 5. Forming of the medium-term priority directions

1. The medium-term priority directions are created on the basis of the strategic priority directions determined by this Law for the purpose of step-by-step ensuring their realization at the nation-wide, industry and regional levels.

2. The medium-term priority directions can be nation-wide, industry and regional levels.

3. The medium-term priority directions of nation-wide level and their reasons are created by the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the field of innovations according to offers of the central executive body realizing state policy in the field of scientific and technical and innovative activities with involvement of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine and national industry academies of Sciences of Ukraine, higher educational institutions and research institutions by results of prognoznoanalitichesky researches in the field of science and technology and innovative activities, forecasts of economic and social development of Ukraine and are aimed at providing innovative development of cross-industry and interregional nature.


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