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of March 31, 1997 No. 19

About price approval on the services of notary offices rendered at the request of physical persons and legal entities for which collection of the state fee is not established

The price list approved by this resolution is cancelled since 01.04.98 according to the order of the Ministry of Justice of 16.03.98 No. 188

State the committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the price and antimonopoly policy decides:

1. Approve the price list "Service Fee of Offices of Notary Public, Rendered at the request of Physical Persons and Legal Entities for Which Collection of the State Fee Is Not Established".

2. Charge to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide in a month to the Antimonopoly Committee all materials provided by Methodical instructions for reasons for the prices.


First deputy chairman

The reference to the draft of the price list "Service Fee of Offices of Notary Public for Which Collection of the State Fee Is Not Established"

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided materials for review of the price list of service prices of notary offices.

Current prices on services of notary offices are approved by the resolution of the State committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the price and antimonopoly policy of March 28, 1996 N 3/67.

The Ministry of Justice submitted the project of new prices which are reduced in comparison with acting from 27 to 95 percent for consideration.

However, the provided materials do not correspond to Methodical instructions about procedure for representation, consideration and approval of projects of the prices and rates for paid services, in particular there are no calculations and disaggregations of cost items.

To the draft of the price list Management makes the following changes:

unreasonable price differentiation for creation of agreements on alienation of real estate on the basis of the related relations is excluded and uniform price for all agreement types in the amount of 700 tenges since costs for rendering these services do not depend on signs of the related relations is provided;

it is lowered rates for creation of the draft agreement about alienation of automotor-vehicles from 1100 tenges to 700 tenges, so creation of these agreements is not more labor-consuming, than agreements on alienation of real estate;

the cost of the form is excluded from rate for creation of the power of attorney for management and the order of automotor-transport at the expense of what it decreased from 200 to 50 tenges.

In rates all expenses necessary for rendering service, including the cost of forms are considered. The exception constitutes the form of the power of attorney on management and the order of automotor-transport. This form is made using, printing methods of protection, is the document of the strict reporting and under the joint order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Justice is subject to registration in bodies of GAI.

The form will be paid by clients of notary offices in addition.

The Antimonopoly Committee will shall consider in addition question of the cost of this form. This price cannot be included in this price list as all services provided in it have voluntary nature, and the cost of the form of the power of attorney shall be paid without fail.

Because the existing price list voids since April 1 of this year. The head department of regulation of the state and natural monopolies suggests to agree with offered Ministry of Justice on reduction of prices.

At the same time management suggests to charge to Ministry of Justice to provide to the Antimonopoly Committee all materials provided by Methodical instructions for reasons for the prices in a month.


Chief of Head department

regulations state and

natural monopolies

E. Popandopulo

The comparative table of the paid services rendered by notary offices

   N   |     Наименование услуг            | Единица   | Цена в тенге с
   п/п |                                   | измерения | НДС
    1  |             2                     |     3     |       4
   I.   За устные (советы) консультации
        по правовым вопросам без выдачи
        нотариально удостоверенного
   1.1. По подготовке документов для
        - доверенности, свидетельствованию
        подлинности подписи на
        документах, передаче заявления,
        удостоверения фактов, выдаче
        свидетельств о праве собственности
        и т.д.                              1 консультация      30
        - завещаний                         1 консультация      30
        - договоров об отчуждении
        недвижимого имущества               1 консультация      80
        - прочих договоров                  1 консультация      55
   1.2. По наследственному праву            1 консультация     150
   1.3. По другим нотариальным действиям    1 консультация      80
   II.  За составление проектов сделок и
        других документов:
   2.1. Договоров об отчуждении недвижимого
        имущества (купли-продажи, дарения,
        мены, залога)                       1 документ         700
   2.2. Договора об отчуждении автомото-
        транспортных средств                1 документ         700
   2.3. Прочих договоров: (займа, аренды,
        поручительства и др.)               1 документ          50
   2.4. Доверенности и завещания            1 документ          50
   2.5. Доверенности на управление и
        распоряжение автомототранспортом
        (без стоимости бланка)              1 документ          50
   2.6. Составление заявлений, в которых
        удостоверяется подлинность подписи


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