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of November 18, 2010 No. HK18-32/13862

Tax departments

on areas, Astana, Almaty

The Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan reports the following.

"About modification and amendments in some resolutions of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Item 28 of the resolution of Board of National Bank of Kazakhstan of April 25, 2000 No. 179 "About approval of Rules of execution of payment documents and implementation of cashless payments and money transfers in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (further - Rules) is stated to No. 85 by the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 24, 2009 in the following edition:

"28. In case of payment by the legal entity of taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget, and also pension contributions and social assignments for the structural divisions in the column "purpose of payment" at the beginning RNN of structural division of the legal entity for which the payment, then its name is made is specified".

In this regard we report that in IS INIS RK in case of tax payment and other obligatory payments in the budget, OPV and SO by the legal entity for the structural divisions realizes possibility of automatic delivery of paid amounts of the tax liabilities, OPV and SO in personal accounts of taxpayers on RNN specified at the beginning of the column "purpose of payment" of the payment order.

For the purpose of correct delivery of paid amounts on personal accounts of structural divisions legal entities need to fill in correctly payment orders, namely in the column "purpose of payment" at the beginning to specify RNN of structural division of the legal entity for which the payment, then its name is made. For example, 302000001150 Barys LLP, where 302000001150 - RNN of structural division whereas in the field "sender" is specified to other RNN, i.e. RNN of the most legal entity.

With respect thereto, to territorial tax authorities we charge to carry out explanatory work with the legal entities having structural divisions for which tax payment and other obligatory payments in the budget, OPV and SO, for the correct filling of payment documents according to requirements of Item 28 of Rules is made.

Updating in the INIS RK system will be established 18.11.2010 by the 22nd packet.


Vice-chairman A. Dzhumadildayev


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