of May 6, 2011 ZR-135
About National academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on April 14, 2011
This Law establishes the legal basis of the organization and activities of National academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, their guarantee; the basic principles of its relations with state bodies, subjects and participants of scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities it is also directed to preserving scientific capacity of the Republic of Armenia, development of fundamental and applied sciences as bases of scientific and technical progress, economic, social and cultural development of the republic.
1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) National academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (further - Academy) - the self-governed highest scientific organization founded by the Republic of Armenia having special status;
2) titles of the academician and corresponding member of Academy - the highest scientific ranks of Academy which are given only by Academy;
3) the honorary member of Academy - the famous scientific, public figure of Armenia or the famous foreign scientific, public figure promoting activities of Academy;
4) the foreign member of Academy - the world famous scientist having outstanding scientific achievements who by the nature of activities is connected with Armenia;
5) General meeting of Academy - the supreme body of management of Academy;
6) Presidium of Academy - the body exercising the current control of Academy;
7) the President of Academy - the body exercising control of Academy;
8) department of Academy - consolidation of the academicians, corresponding members and foreign members, scientists and the scientific organizations of Academy acting in the same scientific area;
9) the office of Academy - performs the functions caused by decisions of governing bodies of Academy;
10) honourable remuneration - the remuneration provided to academicians and corresponding members of Academy which amount is determined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia;
11) the scientific and scientific and technological organization of Academy - the organization performing scientific and scientific and technical research and system of Academy.
1. The academy is special status, the self-governed highest scientific organization founded by the Republic of Armenia, having which will organize, implements and coordinates the basic and applied researches necessary for the economic, social and cultural development based on knowledge.
2. The academy is being the legal entity non-profit organization, features of form of business and which status are established by this Law.
3. The academy acts on the basis of this Law, legislation, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia, and also the charter.
4. Full name of Academy - "National academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia".
5. For the purpose of the solution of the tasks assigned to it the Academy can perform separate functions of authorized body of public administration: implementation of the common directorship by the scientific organizations, legal entities and organizations of the system, with ensuring their normal activities.
6. The academy has the property belonging to it on the property right and can acquire and exercise on its own behalf the property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibility, appear in court as the claimant or the defendant.
7. The amount of basic financing of Academy and its system when forming the government budget of the Republic of Armenia - is specified separately, and financing of Academy from the government budget in forms of contract (thematic) and program and target scientific and scientific and technical activities is performed according to the procedure, approved by the Government.
8. The academy has separate balance.
9. The academy has round stamp with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Armenia and the name in the Armenian, Russian and English languages, can have forms with own name, emblem and other means of identification.
1. Features of the status of Academy:
1) the Academy is under direct supervision of the Government;
2) Ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia of 30.03.2018 No. ZR-255
3) the Academy is the official adviser of the Government for scientific activities whose proposals are considered by the Government and relevant organs of public administration.
2. The academy in the procedure established by the legislation performs examination of regulatory legal acts in the field of science.
1. The academy bears responsibility according to the obligations the property belonging to it on the property right.
2. The academy does not bear responsibility according to obligations of the founder.
1. The founder of Academy - the Republic of Armenia on behalf of its Government.
2. The types of business activity performed by Academy, structure and cost of the property transferred to it on the property right and (or) assigned to it, and also other provisions which are not contradicting the law are established by the decision of the Government.
3. The academy is subject to state registration according to the procedure, established by the law.
1. Special powers of the founder of Academy:
1) approval of the charter, structure of Academy and introduction of changes in them and amendments, and also approval of the charter in the new edition;
2) establishment of management system by Academy;
3) reorganization and abolition of Academy.
1. The constituent document of Academy is the charter which affirms and changes the Government of the Republic of Armenia according to the offer of General meeting of Academy. Changes and additions are made to the charter of Academy in the same order.
2. The charter of Academy includes:
1) name of Academy;
2) location of Presidium of Academy;
3) subject and the purposes of activities of Academy, including types of the business activity performed by it;
4) governing bodies of Academy, their structure and powers;
5) procedure for forming of property of Academy, ownership, use and to the order it;
6) the procedure for use arrived also Academies.
1. Tasks of Academy:
1) scientific ensuring development economic, social, state and system of law, rational use and protection of culture, nature of Armenia;
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